Argo Events is an event-based dependency manager for Kubernetes which helps you define multiple dependencies from a variety of event sources like webhook, s3, schedules, streams etc. and trigger Kubernetes objects after successful event dependencies resolution.
- Manage dependencies from a variety of event sources.
- Ability to customize business-level constraint logic for event dependencies resolution.
- Manage everything from simple, linear, real-time dependencies to complex, multi-source, batch job dependencies.
- Ability to extends framework to add your own event source listener.
- Define arbitrary boolean logic to resolve event dependencies.
- CloudEvents compliant.
- Ability to manage event sources at runtime.
The framework is made up of two components:
which is implemented as a Kubernetes-native Custom Resource Definition processes events from event source. -
which is implemented as a Kubernetes-native Custom Resource Definition defines a set of event dependencies and triggers K8s resources.
- Kubernetes cluster >v1.9
- Installed the kubectl command-line tool >v1.9.0
Make sure you have helm client installed and Tiller server is running. To install helm, follow
- Add
helm repo add argo
- Install
helm install argo/argo-events
- Add
Deploy Argo Events SA, Roles, ConfigMap, Sensor Controller and Gateway Controller
kubectl create namespace argo-events kubectl apply -n argo-events -f kubectl apply -n argo-events -f kubectl apply -n argo-events -f kubectl apply -n argo-events -f kubectl apply -n argo-events -f kubectl apply -n argo-events -f kubectl apply -n argo-events -f kubectl apply -n argo-events -f
Note: If you have already deployed the argo workflow controller in another namespace
and the controller is namespace scoped, make sure to deploy a new controller in argo-events
Lets deploy a webhook gateway and sensor,
First, we need to setup event sources for gateway to listen. The event sources for any gateway are managed using K8s configmap.
kubectl apply -n argo-events -f
Create webhook gateway,
kubectl apply -n argo-events -f
After running above command, gateway controller will create corresponding gateway pod and a LoadBalancing service.
Create webhook sensor,
kubectl apply -n argo-events -f
Once sensor resource is created, sensor controller will create corresponding sensor pod and a ClusterIP service.
Once the gateway and sensor pods are running, trigger the webhook via a http POST request to
endpoint. Note: theWEBHOOK_SERVICE_URL
will differ based on the Kubernetes cluster.export WEBHOOK_SERVICE_URL=$(minikube service -n argo-events --url <gateway_service_name>) echo $WEBHOOK_SERVICE_URL curl -d '{"message":"this is my first webhook"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST $WEBHOOK_SERVICE_URL/foo
- If you are facing an issue getting service url by running
minikube service -n argo-events --url <gateway_service_name>
, you can usekubectl port-forward
- Open another terminal window and enter
kubectl port-forward -n argo-events <name_of_the_webhook_gateway_pod> 9003:<port_on_which_gateway_server_is_running>
- You can now use
to query webhook gateway
Verify that the Argo workflow was run when the trigger was executed.
argo list -n argo-events
- If you are facing an issue getting service url by running
More examples can be found at examples
Read and abide by the Argo Events Code of Conduct
Contributions are more than welcome, if you are interested please take a look at our Contributing Guidelines.
Apache License Version 2.0, see LICENSE