- Install ruby
- Ubuntu comes with ruby 2.5.1 preinstalled correctly
- Centos - run lines 73-80 https://github.com/logicalclocks/karamel-chef/blob/master/recipes/test.rb#L73
- Ensure correct PATH:
- Ubuntu - export variables - lines 150-152 - https://github.com/logicalclocks/karamel-chef/blob/master/recipes/test.rb#L150
- Centos - export variables - lines 213-216 - https://github.com/logicalclocks/karamel-chef/blob/master/recipes/test.rb#L213
- Clone hopsworks-ee repository
git clone https://${GIT_TOKEN}@github.com/${GIT_USER}/hopsworks-ee hopsworks
- Setup ruby env:
cd hopsworks/hopsworks-IT/src/test/ruby
cp .env.example .env
- .env setup - PROJECT_DIR=/home/vagrant/hopsworks
- .env setup - OS=centos or ubuntu as necessary
- Setup as root
sudo su
apt install ruby-dev libmysqlclient-dev
bundle install
- If step above fails
- ubuntu -
apt-get install bundler
- centos -
gem install bundler
- ubuntu -
- Rerun step above
- To run a single test
rspec ./spec/some_spec.rb:60
- If test uses hdfs and it fails on copy files
chmod 705 /home/vagrant
The following steps must be taken to run Hopsworks integration tests:
-Warning: This test will clean hdfs and drop Hopsworks database. So it should only be used on a test machine.
First create a .env file by copying the .env.example file. Then edit the .env file by providing your specific configuration.
cd hopsworks/hopsworks-IT/src/test/ruby/
cp .env.example .env
Then export environments to match the server you are deploying to:
Change the server login credentials in hopsworks-IT/pom.xml
Export environments for Selenium integration test:
To compile, deploy and run the integration test:
cd hopsworks/
mvn clean install -Pjruby-tests
If you have already deployed hopsworks-ear and just want to run the integration test:
cd hopsworks/hopsworks-IT/src/test/ruby/
bundle install
rspec --format html --out ../target/test-report.html
To run a single test
cd hopsworks/hopsworks-IT/src/test/ruby/
rspec ./spec/session_spec.rb:60
To skip tests that need to run inside a vm
cd hopsworks/hopsworks-IT/src/test/ruby/
rspec --format html --out ../target/test-report.html --tag ~vm:true
When the test is done if LAUNCH_BROWSER
is set to true in .env
, it will open the test report in a browser.