The gdxtools package converts data (parameter or variables) from a GDX file (produced by the GAMS software) into a data.frame. It also provides a function to get information on a GDX file. This package is based on the R interface provided by GAMS software gdxrrw
Download the latest release zip here []
or install the development version
# define a gdx
> mygdx <- gdx('results.gdx')
# get information on a gdx
> print(mygdx)
<results.gdx, 8 symbols>
> print(mygdx$parameters$name)
[1] param1 param2
# get information on all items in the gdx
> all_items(mygdx)
# create a data.frame from a parameter
> travel_cost <- mygdx["travel_cost"]
# create a data.frame from the lower bound of a variable
> lo_travel_time <- mygdx["travel_time", field="lo"]
# create a data.frame from the marginal value of an equation
> m_time_constraint <- mygdx["time_constraint", field="m"]
# Extract a list of items from many GDX
> myfiles = c("test1.gdx","test2.gdx")
> allparam = batch_extract("myparam",files=myfiles)
# write gdx
> param1 = data.frame(x=c('1','2'),value=1:10)
> attributes(param1) = c(attributes(param1), gams="definition of parameter 1")
> param2 = data.frame(a=c('london','paris','tahiti'),value=c(50,0.2,1e-2))
> write.gdx("test.gdx",list(param1=param1,param2=param2))