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GPU-AV Bindless Validation

To validate the bindless use of descriptors, we will need to to use GPU-AV as the information is not known until execution time.

The trickest part becomes "what is bindless", and there is no concrete answer as things may "seem bindless" but underneath it might not be. From the VVL point of view, we can define this and need to in order to know when and how to validate various scenarios.

Array of Descriptors vs Descriptor Array

When talking about "arrays" and "descriptors" it is important to first no mix up the following

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer A {
    uint data[]; // All packed in a single VkBuffer

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer B {
    uint x;
} Data[]; // An array of VkBuffer

The uint data[]; is actually a known size at runtime, if you use OpArrayLength you can get the size of this runtime array while running your shader. This length is determined by the size at vkUpdateDescriptorSets.

OOB vs Bindless

It is very easy to mix up what is invalid because it is out-of-bounds or invalid binding.

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer StorageBuffer {
    uint x;
} Data[2];

void main() {
    uint index = ubo.runtime_value;
    Data[index].x = 0;

In the above example, index could be 4, in that case, it is out-of-bounds. This can happen in Vulkan 1.0 (as long as index is a uniform value).

If index is 1 in Vulkan 1.0 it will always be valid because all elements of the descriptor are required to be bound at vkCmdDraw/vkCmdDispatch time.

If using VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing and PARTIALLY_BOUND then it is possible that only Data[0] has a VkBuffer bound, but Data[1] is VK_NULL_HANDLE. For this case, we now need to do an additional check if Data[index] reference a bound descriptor or not

This occurs without arrays

If we make our shader even simpler

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer StorageBuffer {
    uint x;
    uint y;
} Data;

void main() {
    Data.y = 0;

It is very possible that vkUpdateDescriptorSets only bound the first 4 bytes of the VkBuffer, therefor this is also now out-of-bounds even when dealing with Vulkan 1.0.

With VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing there is a possiblity that PARTIALLY_BOUND is set Data is actually a VK_NULL_HANDLE.

What this shows is the fact the descriptor is an array or not, does not matter, we have the same logic for both out-of-bounds and invalid binding we need to do

Runtime Descriptors

Going the other side of the spectrum, we might have a runtime array

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer StorageBuffer {
    uint x;
} Data[];

void main() {
    uint index = ubo.runtime_value;
    Data[index].x = 0;

This is not valid in Vulkan 1.0 and if all the accesses to Data[] are constants, GLSL/HLSL/etc will just adjust the Data[] array to be the length of the highest accessed element.

With VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing you can enable runtimeDescriptorArray which will allow you actually have a runtime array.

The size of the array is only known by VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding::descriptorCount which can be set up to vkQueueSumit and therefor the driver's compiler doesn't know the size. This means we will need to load in the size and can't use something like OpArrayLength (which won't work anyways because it will be invalid SPIR-V).

Texel Buffers and Storage Images

The above examples are all dealing with Uniform/Storage buffers.

Texel Buffer (and Storage Image via OpImageFetch) work the same way as buffers, you can have out-of-bounds for both array and non-array descriptors

layout(set = 0, binding = 0, Rg32ui) uniform uimageBuffer tb_non_array;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1, Rg32ui) uniform uimageBuffer tb_array[2]; // could be runtime array as well

// coordinate could be OOB
imageStore(tb_non_array, coordinate, data);

// index into array could be OOB or not bound
imageStore(tb_array[1], coordinate, data);

Sampled Images

Images are different as they can't have an out-of-bounds when sampled because the sampler will use VkSamplerAddressMode to determine what to get if the UV coordinate is OOB

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D tex_non_array;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform sampler2D tex_array[6]; // could be runtime array as well

// When using `PARTIALLY_BOUND` these might not be bound and need to validate
texture(tex_non_array, uv);
texture(tex_array[3], uv);

OOB never happens at front of buffer

When you bind a buffer you set the range (size) and offset into that VkBuffer. This means when validating for out-of-bounds, you never need to check the starting range in the descriptor.

// NOT possible
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer StorageBuffer {
    uint a; // not-bound
    uint b; // bind 12 bytes from here
    uint c;
    uint d;

When we validate

The following is a break down of "when" we can validate descriptors:


All 3 spots should run the same "validate descriptor" logic

The big thing to take from here is that UPDATE_AFTER_BIND doesn't mean we need to validate on the GPU, but can be done on the CPU if desired, but not until vkQueueSubmit is called.

The core reason we do not validate for UPDATE_AFTER_BIND on the CPU is some application (most notably Doom Eternal) will have 1 million descriptors (and not use PARTIALLY_BOUND). The time to check all of these on the CPU is a huge bottle neck and is better to just validate the accessed descriptors detected on the GPU.

Static vs Dynamically used

The ugly part of the spec starts when you get to when things are "statically used" or not

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer StorageBuffer {
    uint x;
} Data[2];

void main() {
    // will for sure run
    Data[1].x = 0;

    if (some_condition) {
        // might not get here
        Data[3].x = 0;

In the above shader, in theory, this could be valid if the user never enters if (some_condition) where an invalid access will occur.

Instead of dealing with some theoretical edge cases or trying to validate some things on the CPU vs GPU, the following is used to make things simpler for everyone:

  • If PARTIALLY_BOUND or UPDATE_AFTER_BIND are used, move all work to GPU
  • If PARTIALLY_BOUND and UPDATE_AFTER_BIND are not used, Data is accessed with a constant, validate that element is bound on the CPU.
  • If PARTIALLY_BOUND and UPDATE_AFTER_BIND are not used, Data is accessed with a non-constant, we check all elements are bound on the CPU.
    • Even if user "knows" what the non-constant will be, it is invalid, they need to use descriptor indexing!

accessed means there is a load/store/atomic on it in any function, even if that function is never called by the main function. If the spirv-opt wasn't used there might be a ghost binding declared, but never used, this is a case of not being an access.

There is a GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier/SPV_EXT_descriptor_indexing that allows to use NonUniform to access things, this interaction is taken care with spirv-val as it will requires various features found in VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeaturesEXT

2 kinds of dynamic array

There are descriptor arrays and access arrays, best described with

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer StorageBuffer {
    uint x;
} Data[2]; // descriptor array

void main() {
    // access array
    Data[index].x = 0;

This is imporant to distinguish when dealing with code as it will be referencing both and can be easy to mix up.


Details about robustness itself can be found at

We will be using Robustness to let GPU-AV make optimizations because we know things won't suddenly crash on us.

One of the main reason to break-up changes between bindless vs non-bindless is because of what robustness in Vulkan covers

From Vulkan 1.0 we can use robustBufferAccess to check for out-of-bounds for non-bindless checks

When dealing with bindless and invalid descriptors we will need to use robustBufferAccess2/robustImageAccess2