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Starred repositories
Firebase Realtime DB version of flutter_firebase_chat_core
sunarya-thito / flutter_js
Forked from abner/flutter_jsA Javascript engine to use with flutter. It uses quickjs on Android and JavascriptCore on IOS
Prompt, run, edit, and deploy full-stack web applications
stackblitz-labs /
Forked from stackblitz/bolt.newPrompt, run, edit, and deploy full-stack web applications using any LLM you want!
BobFactory / flutter_plus
Forked from gbmiranda/flutter_plusDevelop applications in Flutter more quickly and easily. Customize Containers, Buttons, Texts and TextFields in a few lines. Navigate between Screens and open BottomSheets, Dialogs and Snackbars wi…
alnitak / wiredash-sdk
Forked from wiredashio/wiredash-sdkInteractive user feedback tool for Flutter 🎉
Flutter Design Challenges
ravi84184 / flutter_furniture_app_ui_challenge
Forked from Dinesh-Sowndar/flutter_furniture_app_ui_challengeFlutter furniture app UI challenge
ravi84184 / Paisa
Forked from Basudev1/paisaExpense manager for Android with Material Design
kusman28 / Quran-Flutter
Forked from SadaqaWorks/Quran-FlutterQuran made with Flutter for All platforms (Initial Development Phase).
binSaed / dio_smart_retry
Forked from rodion-m/dio_smart_retryFlexible retry library for Dio. A next generation of an abandoned dio_retry package.
ismailelmogy / tajmeeaton
Forked from mobadarah/tajmeeatonتجميعة من المشاريع، وخصوصا مفتوحة المصدر، للنهوض باللغة العربية والأمة. 👨💻 👨🔬👨🏫🧕
netglade / oauth2
Forked from dart-archive/oauth2An OAuth2 client library for Dart.
loqmanali / deliverzler
Forked from AhmedLSayed9/deliverzlerDelivery App for Restaurants built on Flutter Framework with Firebase as backend, Multi-Module MVVM Architecture, Riverpod with Freezed as State-Management, Google Maps, Local Notifications and FCM…
Flutter plugin that wraps the native Braintree SDKs. Enables payments with credit cards, PayPal, Google Pay and more.
A collection of Screens and attractive UIs built with Flutter ready to be used in your applications. No external libraries are used. Just download, add to your project and use.
orestesgaolin / flow_builder
Forked from felangel/flow_builderFlutter Flows made easy! A Flutter package which simplifies navigation flows with a flexible, declarative API.
Flutter Plugin for sharing contents to social media. You can use it share to Facebook , WhatsApp , Twitter ، Instagram , Telegram , Snapchat , Whatsapp And System Share UI. Support Url and Text.
loqmanali / dio_file
Forked from hatemragab/dio_filethis file part of my youtube chanel
This is a cheatsheet of common git commands with simple explanation for every command. I hope it's useful.
A flutter package which enhances conditional rendering, supports if-else and switch conditions.
binSaed / flutter_toggle_tab
Forked from Lzyct/flutter_toggle_tabLibrary to create custom Toggle / Tab on your apps
GAM3RG33K / Flutter-UI-Kit
Forked from iampawan/Flutter-UI-KitFlutter app for collection of UI in a UIKit
hatemragab / chat_app
Forked from gabryelferreira/chat_appA chat app made with Flutter, Node.js,, MongoDB, SQLite and Firebase Messaging.
loqmanali / firebase_auth_ui
Forked from sam0829/firebase_auth_uiFlutter plugin for Firebase Auth UI. Supports popular auth providers by using native SDK for Android and iOS.
📱 List of open source Flutter applications
completely free for everyone. Its build-in Flutter Dart.
Flutter Widget for creating different types of chat Bubble
Location picker for Flutter.