Defines the specification for the first version of the REST Catalog API. Implementations should ideally support both Iceberg table specs v1 and v2, with priority given to v2.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.0.1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Generator version: 7.8.0-SNAPSHOT
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import polaris.catalog
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import polaris.catalog
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import polaris.catalog
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://localhost
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = polaris.catalog.Configuration(
host = "https://localhost"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
configuration.access_token = os.environ["ACCESS_TOKEN"]
# Configure Bearer authorization: BearerAuth
configuration = polaris.catalog.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with polaris.catalog.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = polaris.catalog.IcebergCatalogAPI(api_client)
prefix = 'prefix_example' # str | An optional prefix in the path
commit_transaction_request = polaris.catalog.CommitTransactionRequest() # CommitTransactionRequest | Commit updates to multiple tables in an atomic operation A commit for a single table consists of a table identifier with requirements and updates. Requirements are assertions that will be validated before attempting to make and commit changes. For example, `assert-ref-snapshot-id` will check that a named ref's snapshot ID has a certain value. Updates are changes to make to table metadata. For example, after asserting that the current main ref is at the expected snapshot, a commit may add a new child snapshot and set the ref to the new snapshot id.
# Commit updates to multiple tables in an atomic operation
api_instance.commit_transaction(prefix, commit_transaction_request)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling IcebergCatalogAPI->commit_transaction: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to https://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
IcebergCatalogAPI | commit_transaction | POST /v1/{prefix}/transactions/commit | Commit updates to multiple tables in an atomic operation |
IcebergCatalogAPI | create_namespace | POST /v1/{prefix}/namespaces | Create a namespace |
IcebergCatalogAPI | create_table | POST /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/tables | Create a table in the given namespace |
IcebergCatalogAPI | create_view | POST /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/views | Create a view in the given namespace |
IcebergCatalogAPI | drop_namespace | DELETE /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace} | Drop a namespace from the catalog. Namespace must be empty. |
IcebergCatalogAPI | drop_table | DELETE /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/tables/{table} | Drop a table from the catalog |
IcebergCatalogAPI | drop_view | DELETE /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/views/{view} | Drop a view from the catalog |
IcebergCatalogAPI | list_namespaces | GET /v1/{prefix}/namespaces | List namespaces, optionally providing a parent namespace to list underneath |
IcebergCatalogAPI | list_tables | GET /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/tables | List all table identifiers underneath a given namespace |
IcebergCatalogAPI | list_views | GET /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/views | List all view identifiers underneath a given namespace |
IcebergCatalogAPI | load_namespace_metadata | GET /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace} | Load the metadata properties for a namespace |
IcebergCatalogAPI | load_table | GET /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/tables/{table} | Load a table from the catalog |
IcebergCatalogAPI | load_view | GET /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/views/{view} | Load a view from the catalog |
IcebergCatalogAPI | namespace_exists | HEAD /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace} | Check if a namespace exists |
IcebergCatalogAPI | register_table | POST /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/register | Register a table in the given namespace using given metadata file location |
IcebergCatalogAPI | rename_table | POST /v1/{prefix}/tables/rename | Rename a table from its current name to a new name |
IcebergCatalogAPI | rename_view | POST /v1/{prefix}/views/rename | Rename a view from its current name to a new name |
IcebergCatalogAPI | replace_view | POST /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/views/{view} | Replace a view |
IcebergCatalogAPI | report_metrics | POST /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/tables/{table}/metrics | Send a metrics report to this endpoint to be processed by the backend |
IcebergCatalogAPI | send_notification | POST /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/tables/{table}/notifications | Sends a notification to the table |
IcebergCatalogAPI | table_exists | HEAD /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/tables/{table} | Check if a table exists |
IcebergCatalogAPI | update_properties | POST /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/properties | Set or remove properties on a namespace |
IcebergCatalogAPI | update_table | POST /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/tables/{table} | Commit updates to a table |
IcebergCatalogAPI | view_exists | HEAD /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}/views/{view} | Check if a view exists |
IcebergConfigurationAPI | get_config | GET /v1/config | List all catalog configuration settings |
IcebergOAuth2API | get_token | POST /v1/oauth/tokens | Get a token using an OAuth2 flow |
- AddPartitionSpecUpdate
- AddSchemaUpdate
- AddSnapshotUpdate
- AddSortOrderUpdate
- AddViewVersionUpdate
- AndOrExpression
- AssertCreate
- AssertCurrentSchemaId
- AssertDefaultSortOrderId
- AssertDefaultSpecId
- AssertLastAssignedFieldId
- AssertLastAssignedPartitionId
- AssertRefSnapshotId
- AssertTableUUID
- AssertViewUUID
- AssignUUIDUpdate
- BaseUpdate
- BlobMetadata
- CatalogConfig
- CommitReport
- CommitTableRequest
- CommitTableResponse
- CommitTransactionRequest
- CommitViewRequest
- ContentFile
- CountMap
- CounterResult
- CreateNamespaceRequest
- CreateNamespaceResponse
- CreateTableRequest
- CreateViewRequest
- DataFile
- EqualityDeleteFile
- ErrorModel
- Expression
- FileFormat
- GetNamespaceResponse
- IcebergErrorResponse
- ListNamespacesResponse
- ListTablesResponse
- ListType
- LiteralExpression
- LoadTableResult
- LoadViewResult
- MapType
- MetadataLogInner
- MetricResult
- ModelSchema
- NotExpression
- NotificationRequest
- NotificationType
- NullOrder
- OAuthError
- OAuthTokenResponse
- PartitionField
- PartitionSpec
- PartitionStatisticsFile
- PositionDeleteFile
- PrimitiveTypeValue
- RegisterTableRequest
- RemovePartitionStatisticsUpdate
- RemovePropertiesUpdate
- RemoveSnapshotRefUpdate
- RemoveSnapshotsUpdate
- RemoveStatisticsUpdate
- RenameTableRequest
- ReportMetricsRequest
- SQLViewRepresentation
- ScanReport
- SetCurrentSchemaUpdate
- SetCurrentViewVersionUpdate
- SetDefaultSortOrderUpdate
- SetDefaultSpecUpdate
- SetExpression
- SetLocationUpdate
- SetPartitionStatisticsUpdate
- SetPropertiesUpdate
- SetSnapshotRefUpdate
- SetStatisticsUpdate
- Snapshot
- SnapshotLogInner
- SnapshotReference
- SnapshotSummary
- SortDirection
- SortField
- SortOrder
- StatisticsFile
- StructField
- StructType
- TableIdentifier
- TableMetadata
- TableRequirement
- TableUpdate
- TableUpdateNotification
- Term
- TimerResult
- TokenType
- TransformTerm
- Type
- UnaryExpression
- UpdateNamespacePropertiesRequest
- UpdateNamespacePropertiesResponse
- UpgradeFormatVersionUpdate
- ValueMap
- ViewHistoryEntry
- ViewMetadata
- ViewRepresentation
- ViewRequirement
- ViewUpdate
- ViewVersion
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: application
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- catalog: Allows interacting with the Config and Catalog APIs
- Type: Bearer authentication