diff --git a/BTPanel/__init__.py b/BTPanel/__init__.py
index a62221b0..92fb661a 100644
--- a/BTPanel/__init__.py
+++ b/BTPanel/__init__.py
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ def config(pdata = None):
if public.is_local(): data['is_local'] = 'checked'
return render_template( 'config.html',data=data)
import config
- defs = ('get_cert_source','set_local','set_debug','get_panel_error_logs','clean_panel_error_logs','get_basic_auth_stat','set_basic_auth','get_cli_php_version','get_tmp_token','set_cli_php_version','DelOldSession', 'GetSessionCount', 'SetSessionConf', 'GetSessionConf','get_ipv6_listen','set_ipv6_status','GetApacheValue','SetApacheValue','GetNginxValue','SetNginxValue','get_token','set_token','set_admin_path','is_pro','get_php_config','get_config','SavePanelSSL','GetPanelSSL','GetPHPConf','SetPHPConf','GetPanelList','AddPanelInfo','SetPanelInfo','DelPanelInfo','ClickPanelInfo','SetPanelSSL','SetTemplates','Set502','setPassword','setUsername','setPanel','setPathInfo','setPHPMaxSize','getFpmConfig','setFpmConfig','setPHPMaxTime','syncDate','setPHPDisable','SetControl','ClosePanel','AutoUpdatePanel','SetPanelLock')
+ defs = ('get_php_session_path','set_php_session_path','get_cert_source','set_local','set_debug','get_panel_error_logs','clean_panel_error_logs','get_basic_auth_stat','set_basic_auth','get_cli_php_version','get_tmp_token','set_cli_php_version','DelOldSession', 'GetSessionCount', 'SetSessionConf', 'GetSessionConf','get_ipv6_listen','set_ipv6_status','GetApacheValue','SetApacheValue','GetNginxValue','SetNginxValue','get_token','set_token','set_admin_path','is_pro','get_php_config','get_config','SavePanelSSL','GetPanelSSL','GetPHPConf','SetPHPConf','GetPanelList','AddPanelInfo','SetPanelInfo','DelPanelInfo','ClickPanelInfo','SetPanelSSL','SetTemplates','Set502','setPassword','setUsername','setPanel','setPathInfo','setPHPMaxSize','getFpmConfig','setFpmConfig','setPHPMaxTime','syncDate','setPHPDisable','SetControl','ClosePanel','AutoUpdatePanel','SetPanelLock')
return publicObject(config.config(),defs,None,pdata);
@@ -1103,9 +1103,16 @@ def get_input():
exludes = ['blob']
for key in request.args.keys():
data[key] = str(request.args.get(key,''))
- for key in request.form.keys():
- if key in exludes: continue
- data[key] = str(request.form.get(key,''))
+ try:
+ for key in request.form.keys():
+ if key in exludes: continue
+ data[key] = str(request.form.get(key,''))
+ except:
+ post = request.form.to_dict()
+ for key in post.keys():
+ if key in exludes: continue
+ data[key] = str(post[key])
if not hasattr(data,'data'): data.data = []
return data
diff --git a/BTPanel/static/js/public.js b/BTPanel/static/js/public.js
index b38304f1..155403a1 100644
--- a/BTPanel/static/js/public.js
+++ b/BTPanel/static/js/public.js
@@ -2644,13 +2644,13 @@ function web_shell() {
}, 500);
- /*
if (socket) {
socket.emit('connect_event', '');
interval = setInterval(function () {
socket.emit('connect_event', '');
}, 1000);
- }*/
+ }
term.on('data', function (data) {
pdata_socket['data'] = data;
diff --git a/BTPanel/static/js/site.js b/BTPanel/static/js/site.js
index 60a26736..c214c655 100644
--- a/BTPanel/static/js/site.js
+++ b/BTPanel/static/js/site.js
@@ -1831,6 +1831,25 @@ var site = {
_html.append(bt.render_help(['请根据您的程序需求选择版本', '若非必要,请尽量不要使用PHP5.2,这会降低您的服务器安全性;', 'PHP7不支持mysql扩展,默认安装mysqli以及mysql-pdo。']));
+ $('#webedit-con').append('
+ + bt.render_help(['开启后将会把session文件存放到独立文件夹独立文件夹,不与其他站点公用存储位置','若您在PHP配置中将session保存到memcache/redis等缓存器时,请不要开启此选项']));
+ function get_session_status(){
+ var loading = bt.load('正在获取session状态请稍后');
+ bt.send('get_php_session_path','config/get_php_session_path',{id:web.id},function(tdata){
+ loading.close();
+ $('#session_switch').prop("checked",tdata);
+ })
+ };
+ get_session_status()
+ $('#session_switch').click(function() {
+ var val = $(this).prop('checked');
+ bt.send('set_php_session_path','config/set_php_session_path',{id:web.id,act:val? 1:0},function(rdata){
+ bt.msg(rdata)
+ })
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ get_session_status();
+ }, 500)
+ })
diff --git a/BTPanel/static/js/soft.js b/BTPanel/static/js/soft.js
index edc3a5c3..82e62062 100644
--- a/BTPanel/static/js/soft.js
+++ b/BTPanel/static/js/soft.js
@@ -1767,6 +1767,7 @@ var soft = {
(version != '52'?'':'') +
(version != '73'?'':'')+
+ ''+
@@ -1830,6 +1831,10 @@ var soft = {
+ case 'memcached':
+ $('[name="ip"]').val('');
+ $('[name="port"]').val('11211');
+ break;
@@ -1863,6 +1868,11 @@ var soft = {
+ case 'memcached':
+ $('[name="ip"]').attr('disabled',false);
+ $('[name="port"]').attr('disabled',false);
+ $('[name="passwd"]').attr('disabled','disabled').val('');
+ break;
diff --git a/class/ajax.py b/class/ajax.py
index b4ace89f..040d10f1 100644
--- a/class/ajax.py
+++ b/class/ajax.py
@@ -23,47 +23,55 @@ def GetProcessCpuPercent(self,i,process_cpu):
def GetNginxStatus(self,get):
- process_cpu = {}
- worker = int(public.ExecShell("ps aux|grep nginx|grep 'worker process'|wc -l")[0])-1
- workermen = int(public.ExecShell("ps aux|grep nginx|grep 'worker process'|awk '{memsum+=$6};END {print memsum}'")[0]) / 1024
- for proc in psutil.process_iter():
- if proc.name() == "nginx":
- self.GetProcessCpuPercent(proc.pid,process_cpu)
- time.sleep(0.5)
- #取Nginx负载状态
- self.CheckStatusConf()
- result = public.HttpGet('')
- tmp = result.split()
- data = {}
- if "request_time" in tmp:
- data['accepts'] = tmp[8]
- data['handled'] = tmp[9]
- data['requests'] = tmp[10]
- data['Reading'] = tmp[13]
- data['Writing'] = tmp[15]
- data['Waiting'] = tmp[17]
- else:
- data['accepts'] = tmp[9]
- data['handled'] = tmp[7]
- data['requests'] = tmp[8]
- data['Reading'] = tmp[11]
- data['Writing'] = tmp[13]
- data['Waiting'] = tmp[15]
- data['active'] = tmp[2]
- data['worker'] = worker
- data['workercpu'] = round(float(process_cpu["nginx"]),2)
- data['workermen'] = "%s%s" % (int(workermen), "MB")
- return data
+ try:
+ process_cpu = {}
+ worker = int(public.ExecShell("ps aux|grep nginx|grep 'worker process'|wc -l")[0])-1
+ workermen = int(public.ExecShell("ps aux|grep nginx|grep 'worker process'|awk '{memsum+=$6};END {print memsum}'")[0]) / 1024
+ for proc in psutil.process_iter():
+ if proc.name() == "nginx":
+ self.GetProcessCpuPercent(proc.pid,process_cpu)
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ #取Nginx负载状态
+ self.CheckStatusConf()
+ result = public.HttpGet('')
+ tmp = result.split()
+ data = {}
+ if "request_time" in tmp:
+ data['accepts'] = tmp[8]
+ data['handled'] = tmp[9]
+ data['requests'] = tmp[10]
+ data['Reading'] = tmp[13]
+ data['Writing'] = tmp[15]
+ data['Waiting'] = tmp[17]
+ else:
+ data['accepts'] = tmp[9]
+ data['handled'] = tmp[7]
+ data['requests'] = tmp[8]
+ data['Reading'] = tmp[11]
+ data['Writing'] = tmp[13]
+ data['Waiting'] = tmp[15]
+ data['active'] = tmp[2]
+ data['worker'] = worker
+ data['workercpu'] = round(float(process_cpu["nginx"]),2)
+ data['workermen'] = "%s%s" % (int(workermen), "MB")
+ return data
+ except Exception as ex:
+ public.WriteLog('信息获取',"Nginx负载状态获取失败: %s" % ex)
+ return public.returnMsg(False,'数据获取失败!')
def GetPHPStatus(self,get):
- self.CheckStatusConf();
- version = get.version
- result = public.HttpGet(''+version+'_status?json')
- tmp = json.loads(result)
- fTime = time.localtime(int(tmp['start time']))
- tmp['start time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',fTime)
- return tmp
+ try:
+ self.CheckStatusConf();
+ version = get.version
+ result = public.HttpGet(''+version+'_status?json')
+ tmp = json.loads(result)
+ fTime = time.localtime(int(tmp['start time']))
+ tmp['start time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',fTime)
+ return tmp
+ except Exception as ex:
+ public.WriteLog('信息获取',"PHP负载状态获取失败: %s" % ex)
+ return public.returnMsg(False,'负载状态获取失败!')
def CheckStatusConf(self):
if public.get_webserver() != 'nginx': return;
diff --git a/class/common.py b/class/common.py
index 77cd588b..3f1aefd3 100644
--- a/class/common.py
+++ b/class/common.py
@@ -20,14 +20,13 @@ def __delattr__(self, key): delattr(self,key)
def get_items(self): return self
class panelSetup:
def init(self):
ua = request.headers.get('User-Agent')
if ua:
ua = ua.lower();
if ua.find('spider') != -1 or ua.find('bot') != -1: return redirect('https://www.baidu.com');
- g.version = '6.9.8'
+ g.version = '6.9.9'
g.title = public.GetConfigValue('title')
g.uri = request.path
session['version'] = g.version;
diff --git a/class/config.py b/class/config.py
index 80dbfdc7..7c00b0d5 100644
--- a/class/config.py
+++ b/class/config.py
@@ -617,7 +617,10 @@ def GetSessionConf(self,get):
reppath = '\nsession.save_path\s*=\s*"tcp\:\/\/([\d\.]+):(\d+).*\r?\n'
passrep = '\nsession.save_path\s*=\s*"tcp://[\w\.\?\:]+=(.*)"\r?\n'
+ memcached = '\nsession.save_path\s*=\s*"([\d\.]+):(\d+)"'
save_path = re.search(reppath, phpini)
+ if not save_path:
+ save_path = re.search(memcached, phpini)
passwd = re.search(passrep, phpini)
port = ""
if passwd:
@@ -656,6 +659,15 @@ def SetSessionConf(self, get):
rep = 'session.save_handler\s*=\s*(.+)\r?\n'
val = 'session.save_handler = ' + g + '\n'
phpini = re.sub(rep, val, phpini)
+ if g == "memcached":
+ if not re.search("memcached.so", phpini):
+ return public.returnMsg(False, '请先安装%s扩展' % g)
+ rep = '\nsession.save_path\s*=\s*(.+)\r?\n'
+ val = '\nsession.save_path = "%s:%s" \n' % (ip,port)
+ if re.search(rep, phpini):
+ phpini = re.sub(rep, val, phpini)
+ else:
+ phpini = re.sub('\n;session.save_path = "/tmp"', '\n;session.save_path = "/tmp"' + val, phpini)
if g == "memcache":
if not re.search("memcache.so",phpini):
return public.returnMsg(False, '请先安装%s扩展' % g)
@@ -692,24 +704,39 @@ def SetSessionConf(self, get):
# 获取Session文件数量
def GetSessionCount(self, get):
- d="/tmp"
+ d=["/tmp","/www/php_session"]
count = 0
- list = os.listdir(d)
- for l in list:
- if "sess_" in l:
- count += 1
+ for i in d:
+ if not os.path.exists(i): os.makedirs(i)
+ list = os.listdir(i)
+ for l in list:
+ if os.path.isdir(i+"/"+l):
+ l1 = os.listdir(i+"/"+l)
+ for ll in l1:
+ if "sess_" in ll:
+ count += 1
+ continue
+ if "sess_" in l:
+ count += 1
s = "find /tmp -mtime +1 |grep 'sess_'|wc -l"
- old_file_conf = int(public.ExecShell(s)[0].split("\n")[0])
+ old_file = int(public.ExecShell(s)[0].split("\n")[0])
+ s = "find /www/php_session -mtime +1 |grep 'sess_'|wc -l"
+ old_file += int(public.ExecShell(s)[0].split("\n")[0])
- return {"total":count,"oldfile":old_file_conf}
+ return {"total":count,"oldfile":old_file}
# 删除老文件
def DelOldSession(self,get):
s = "find /tmp -mtime +1 |grep 'sess_'|xargs rm -f"
- s = "find /tmp -mtime +1 |grep 'sess_'|wc -l"
- old_file_conf = int(public.ExecShell(s)[0].split("\n")[0])
+ s = "find /www/php_session -mtime +1 |grep 'sess_'|xargs rm -f"
+ os.system(s)
+ # s = "find /tmp -mtime +1 |grep 'sess_'|wc -l"
+ # old_file_conf = int(public.ExecShell(s)[0].split("\n")[0])
+ old_file_conf = self.GetSessionCount(get)
if old_file_conf == 0:
return public.returnMsg(True, '清理成功')
@@ -963,4 +990,59 @@ def set_local(self,get):
t_str = '开启'
public.WriteLog('面板配置','%s离线模式' % t_str)
- return public.returnMsg(True,'设置成功!')
\ No newline at end of file
+ return public.returnMsg(True,'设置成功!')
+ # 修改.user.ini文件
+ def _edit_user_ini(self,file,s_conf,act,session_path):
+ os.system("chattr -i {}".format(file))
+ conf = public.readFile(file)
+ if act == "1":
+ if "session.save_path" in conf:
+ return False
+ conf = conf + ":{}/".format(session_path)
+ conf = conf + "\n" + s_conf
+ else:
+ rep = "\n*session.save_path(.|\n)*files"
+ rep1 = ":{}".format(session_path)
+ conf = re.sub(rep,"",conf)
+ conf = re.sub(rep1,"",conf)
+ public.writeFile(file, conf)
+ os.system("chattr +i {}".format(file))
+ # 设置php_session存放到独立文件夹
+ def set_php_session_path(self,get):
+ '''
+ get.id site id
+ get.act 0/1
+ :param get:
+ :return:
+ '''
+ import panelSite
+ site_info = public.M('sites').where('id=?', (get.id,)).field('name,path').find()
+ session_path = "/www/php_session/{}".format(site_info["name"])
+ if os.path.exists(session_path):
+ os.makedirs(session_path)
+ run_path = panelSite.panelSite().GetSiteRunPath(get)["runPath"]
+ user_ini_file = "{site_path}{run_path}/.user.ini".format(site_path=site_info["path"], run_path=run_path)
+ conf = "session.save_path={}/\nsession.save_handler = files".format(session_path)
+ if get.act == "1":
+ if not os.path.exists(user_ini_file):
+ public.writeFile(user_ini_file,conf)
+ os.system("chattr +i {}".format(user_ini_file))
+ return public.returnMsg(True,"设置成功")
+ self._edit_user_ini(user_ini_file,conf,get.act,session_path)
+ return public.returnMsg(True, "设置成功")
+ else:
+ self._edit_user_ini(user_ini_file,conf,get.act,session_path)
+ return public.returnMsg(True, "设置成功")
+ # 获取php_session是否存放到独立文件夹
+ def get_php_session_path(self,get):
+ import panelSite
+ site_info = public.M('sites').where('id=?', (get.id,)).field('name,path').find()
+ run_path = panelSite.panelSite().GetSiteRunPath(get)["runPath"]
+ user_ini_file = "{site_path}{run_path}/.user.ini".format(site_path=site_info["path"], run_path=run_path)
+ conf = public.readFile(user_ini_file)
+ if conf and "session.save_path" in conf:
+ return True
+ return False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/class/datatool.py b/class/datatool.py
index 477e7ab6..a7734c25 100644
--- a/class/datatool.py
+++ b/class/datatool.py
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ def GetdataInfo(self,get):
ret3 = []
for i in tables:
if i == 1049: return public.returnMsg(False,'指定数据库不存在!')
+ if type(i) == int: continue
table = self.map_to_list(self.DB_MySQL.query("show table status from `%s` where name = '%s'" % (db_name, i[0])))
if not table: continue
diff --git a/class/firewalls.py b/class/firewalls.py
index 3df4aedc..c836d70b 100644
--- a/class/firewalls.py
+++ b/class/firewalls.py
@@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ def SetPing(self,get):
def SetSshPort(self,get):
- #return public.returnMsg(False,'演示服务器,禁止此操作!');
port = get.port
if int(port) < 22 or int(port) > 65535: return public.returnMsg(False,'FIREWALL_SSH_PORT_ERR');
ports = ['21','25','80','443','8080','888','8888'];
@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ def SetSshPort(self,get):
if self.__isFirewalld:
- self.__Obj.AddAcceptPort(port);
+ public.ExecShell('firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port='+port+'/tcp')
public.ExecShell('setenforce 0');
public.ExecShell('sed -i "s#SELINUX=enforcing#SELINUX=disabled#" /etc/selinux/config');
public.ExecShell("systemctl restart sshd.service")
@@ -236,7 +235,8 @@ def SetSshPort(self,get):
public.ExecShell("/etc/init.d/sshd restart")
- public.M('firewall').where("ps=?",('SSH远程管理服务',)).setField('port',port)
+ public.M('firewall').where("ps=? or ps=? or port=?",('SSH远程管理服务','SSH远程服务',port)).delete()
+ public.M('firewall').add('port,ps,addtime',(port,'SSH远程服务',time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X',time.localtime())))
public.WriteLog("TYPE_FIREWALL", "FIREWALL_SSH_PORT",(port,))
return public.returnMsg(True,'EDIT_SUCCESS')
diff --git a/class/panelSite.py b/class/panelSite.py
index ce656dd6..d21f3f07 100644
--- a/class/panelSite.py
+++ b/class/panelSite.py
@@ -2050,7 +2050,9 @@ def GetDirUserINI(self,get):
data = {}
data['logs'] = self.GetLogsStatus(get);
data['userini'] = False;
- if os.path.exists(path+'/.user.ini'):
+ user_ini_file = path+'/.user.ini'
+ user_ini_conf = public.readFile(user_ini_file)
+ if user_ini_conf and "open_basedir" in user_ini_conf:
data['userini'] = True;
data['runPath'] = self.GetSiteRunPath(get);
data['pass'] = self.GetHasPwd(get);
@@ -2061,7 +2063,9 @@ def DelUserInI(self,path,up = 0):
useriniPath = path + '/.user.ini'
if os.path.exists(useriniPath):
public.ExecShell('chattr -i ' + useriniPath);
- os.remove(useriniPath)
+ try:
+ os.remove(useriniPath)
+ except:pass
for p1 in os.listdir(path):
@@ -2081,21 +2085,36 @@ def SetDirUserINI(self,get):
path = get.path
runPath = self.GetRunPath(get)
filename = path+runPath+'/.user.ini';
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- public.ExecShell("chattr -i "+filename);
- os.remove(filename)
- return public.returnMsg(True, 'SITE_BASEDIR_CLOSE_SUCCESS');
- if len(runPath) > 1:
- self.DelUserInI(path + runPath);
- else:
- self.DelUserInI(path);
- public.writeFile(filename, 'open_basedir='+path+'/:/tmp/:/proc/');
- public.ExecShell("chattr +i "+filename);
- return public.returnMsg(True,'SITE_BASEDIR_OPEN_SUCCESS');
+ conf = public.readFile(filename)
+ try:
+ public.ExecShell("chattr -i " + filename)
+ # if "open_basedir" not in conf:
+ # return public.returnMsg(True, 'SITE_BASEDIR_CLOSE_SUCCESS');
+ if conf and "open_basedir" in conf:
+ rep = "\n*open_basedir.*"
+ conf = re.sub(rep,"",conf)
+ if not conf:
+ os.remove(filename)
+ else:
+ public.writeFile(filename,conf)
+ public.ExecShell("chattr +i " + filename)
+ return public.returnMsg(True, 'SITE_BASEDIR_CLOSE_SUCCESS')
+ #
+ # if len(runPath) > 1:
+ # self.DelUserInI(path + runPath);
+ # else:
+ # self.DelUserInI(path);
+ if conf and "session.save_path" in conf:
+ rep = "session.save_path\s*=\s*(.*)"
+ s_path = re.search(rep,conf).groups(1)[0]
+ public.writeFile(filename, conf + '\nopen_basedir={}/:/tmp/:/proc/:{}'.format(path,s_path))
+ else:
+ public.writeFile(filename,'open_basedir={}/:/tmp/:/proc/'.format(path))
+ public.ExecShell("chattr +i " + filename)
+ return public.returnMsg(True,'SITE_BASEDIR_OPEN_SUCCESS');
+ except Exception as e:
+ public.ExecShell("chattr +i " + filename)
+ return e
# 读配置
@@ -2993,6 +3012,7 @@ def logsOpen(self,get):
def GetLogsStatus(self,get):
filename = public.GetConfigValue('setup_path') + '/panel/vhost/'+public.get_webserver()+'/' + get.name + '.conf';
conf = public.readFile(filename);
+ if not conf: return True
if conf.find('#ErrorLog') != -1: return False;
if conf.find("access_log /dev/null") != -1: return False;
return True;
@@ -3238,7 +3258,7 @@ def GetSiteRunPath(self,get):
def SetSiteRunPath(self,get):
siteName = public.M('sites').where('id=?',(get.id,)).getField('name');
sitePath = public.M('sites').where('id=?',(get.id,)).getField('path');
+ old_run_path = self.GetRunPath(get)
filename = self.setupPath + '/panel/vhost/nginx/' + siteName + '.conf'
if os.path.exists(filename):
@@ -3257,10 +3277,16 @@ def SetSiteRunPath(self,get):
conf = conf.replace(path,sitePath + get.runPath);
- self.DelUserInI(sitePath);
- get.path = sitePath;
- self.SetDirUserINI(get);
+ # self.DelUserInI(sitePath);
+ # get.path = sitePath;
+ # self.SetDirUserINI(get);
+ s_path = sitePath+old_run_path+"/.user.ini"
+ d_path = sitePath + get.runPath+"/.user.ini"
+ if s_path != d_path:
+ os.system("chattr -i {}".format(s_path))
+ os.system("mv {} {}".format(s_path,d_path))
+ os.system("chattr +i {}".format(d_path))
return public.returnMsg(True,'SET_SUCCESS');
diff --git a/class/public.py b/class/public.py
index 45677908..7678b8cf 100644
--- a/class/public.py
+++ b/class/public.py
@@ -434,6 +434,8 @@ def serviceReload():
def ExecShell(cmdstring, cwd=None, timeout=None, shell=True):
+ a = ''
+ e = ''
import shlex
@@ -460,7 +462,6 @@ def ExecShell(cmdstring, cwd=None, timeout=None, shell=True):
if not a:
- e = ''
a = os.popen(cmdstring).read()
return a,e
@@ -518,7 +519,8 @@ def GetHost(port = False):
host_tmp = request.headers.get('host')
if not host_tmp:
if request.url_root:
- host_tmp = re.findall("^https?://([\w:\.-]+)",request.url_root)[0]
+ tmp = re.findall("(https|http)://([\w:\.-]+)",request.url_root)
+ if tmp: host_tmp = tmp[0]
if not host_tmp:
host_tmp = GetLocalIp() + ':' + readFile('data/port.pl').strip()
if host_tmp.find(':') == -1: host_tmp += ':80';
diff --git a/data/licenes.pl b/data/licenes.pl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b