Ranks passages against queries using various models and techniques.
The program can be initialised by running start.py, which accepts parameters in the format of:
start.py <dataset> <model> [-s <smoothing>] [-p]
- The
parameter is required and is the path of the dataset to be parsed. - Expects a TSV file in the format , where qid is the query ID, pid is the ID of the passage retrieved, query is the query text, and passage is the passage text,
- Each column must be tab separated.
- The
parameter is required and is the name of the model to be used for ranking passages. - Expects either 'bm25' for the BM25 model, 'vs' for the Vector Space model, or 'lm' for the query likelihood model.
- Any other input will be deemed invalid, and an exception will be raised.
- The
-s <smoothing>
parameter is required only when using the Query Likelihood model, and is the name of the smoothing technique which will be applied. - Expects either 'laplace' for Laplace smoothing, 'lidstone' for Lidstone smoothing, or 'dirichlet' for Dirichlet smoothing.
- This parameter can only ever be used if the Query Likelihood model was selected for the
parameter, and an exception will be raised if any other model is used.
- The
parameter is optional and generates a PNG file which displays term frequencies in graph format. - By default, this file will be saved to the local directory as term-frequencies.png.
start.py dataset/candidate_passages_top1000.tsv bm25
start.py dataset/candidate_passages_top1000.tsv vs
start.py dataset/candidate_passages_top1000.tsv lm -s laplace
start.py dataset/candidate_passages_top1000.tsv lm -s lidstone
start.py dataset/candidate_passages_top1000.tsv lm -s dirichlet
- numpy
- matplotlib
- nltk
- num2words
- punkt (nltk module)
- stopwords (nltk module)
NLTK modules are downloaded automatically at runtime