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Some utensils that help a bit with the development of dependency-cruiser.

schema and generate-schemas.utl.mjs

The schema folder contains the sources for both json schemas (configuration and cruise-result. They're split up for ease of maintenance).

To generate the schemas from their sources run:

node tools/generate-schemas.utl.mjs

The build and version lifecycle scripts take care of this automatically, so there's no need to run this manually each PR or push unless you're modifying the json schema


fixture regeneration scripts

Maintaining fixtures/ mocks is fairly labor intensive. If you're doing a change in one of dependency cruiser's schemas (e.g. make something mandatory, add an attribute), you can run the scripts below to do the necessary updates. Please be sure to inspect the results with a git status and a git diff to see whether your changes had the desired outcome.

# Regenerate fixtures/ mocks associated with the main dependency-cruiser api
node tools/regenerate-main-fixtures.utl.mjs

# Regenerate fixtures/ mocks associated with the reporters
node tools/regenrate-report-fixtures.utl.mjs