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Weex is a solution for developers to build a world-class projects on multiple platforms (include both native and web platforms) based on html-css-javascript liked domain specific language. Weex is focused on lightweight, extendable and high performance, and the finally destination -- write once, run anywhere.

The dot we code transformed to weex bundle can currently run on android, ios and web platform. Weex HTML5 is a renderer for weex bundle to run in a webview or a browser environment.

Get Weex HTML5

Use npm to install the latest version of Weex HTML5, require it from your code in the commonJS way and use it as a npm package. You can import Weex HTML5 from the javascript file as in the node modules' path node_modules/weex-html5/dist/weex.js, as in this way you don't need to require weex-jsframework manually since it is already embeded.

Install from npm

Make sure you get the latest version by npm install or npm update. Want more info about npm cmd? Please checkout the npm official site.

npm install weex-html5

use weex-html5

require weex-html5.


or you can import script from dist/weex.js

This weex.js includes both weex-jsframework and weex-html5.

 <script src="./node_modules/weex-html5/dist/weex"></script>

Then you can use window.weex in the page.


In the root path of node_modules/weex-html5, the index page can show a simple demo whos source code is in the path node_modules/weex-html5/demo/index.we.


Once you have imported the weex-html5 into your page, you can use window.weex to initialize weex through the API init. This method takes a config object as argument to confirm the runtime infomation and environment. Following parameters can be set by this config object:

  • appId: app instance id, can be either a string or a number
  • source: the requested url of weex bundle, or the transformed code it self.
  • loader: loader to load the request weex bundle, whose value is from 'xhr' or 'jsonp' or 'source'.
    • xhr: load the source (weex bundle url) by XHR
    • source: the source parameter above should be a weex bundle content (transformed bundle).
  • rootId: id of the root element. Default value is 'weex'.

Here is a example to do the initialzation:

(function () {
  function getUrlParam (key) {
    var reg = new RegExp('[?|&]' + key + '=([^&]+)')
    var match =
    return match && match[1]

  var loader = getUrlParam('loader') || 'xhr'
  var page = getUrlParam('page') || 'demo/build/index.js'

    appId: location.href,
    loader: loader,
    source: page,
    rootId: 'weex'

Initialize with multiple instances

var weexConfig = [{
  appId: 'weexCt1',
  source: '//your-source-provider/bundle1.js',
  loader: 'xhr',
  width: document.querySelector('#weexCt1').getBoundingClientRect().width,
  rootId: 'weexCt1'
}, {
  appId: 'weexCt2',
  source: '//your-source-provider/bundle2.js',
  loader: 'xhr',
  width: document.querySelector('#weexCt2').getBoundingClientRect().width,
  rootId: 'weexCt2'

function weexInit() { 
  // Init with multiple config objects for multiple instances.



Weex is a extendable framework. You can extend the components and APIs by using the methods like Weex.install. Here are the ways to extend your components and APIs.

Extend the component

Let's say, you want to extend a component MyComponent from the base class Weex.Componnet. You can firstly create a installer with a init method to register your component, then require this module and install it by using Weex.install.

// MyComponent.js
module.exports = {
  init: function (Weex) {
    function MyComponent(data) {
      // ..., data)
    Weex.Component.prototype = Object.create(MyComponent)
    Weex.Component.prototype.myMethod = function () {
      // ...
    Weex.registerComponent('MyComponent', MyComponent)

var weex = require('weex-html5')

Extend the API

// myAPIModule.js
var myAPIModule = {
  hello: function() {
    nativeLog('hello world!')
myAPIModule._meta = {
  myAPIModule: [{
    name: 'hello',
    args: []
module.exports = {
  init: function (Weex) {
    Weex.registerApiModule('myAPIModule', myAPIModule, myAPIModule._meta)

var weex = require('weex-html5')