Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.
A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.
😍 A beautiful, fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.
A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
An Android app which provides design news & inspiration as well as being an example of implementing material design.
The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Now brand new with material 2 design.
An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
A curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff Inspired by awesome-java.
RxJava binding APIs for Android's UI widgets.
Demos the new Android Design library.
The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
AboutLibraries automatically collects all dependencies and licenses of any gradle project (Kotlin MultiPlatform), and provides easy to integrate UI components for Android and Compose-jb environments
Adds touch functionality to Android ImageView.
Library containing common animations needed for transforming ViewPager scrolling for Android v13+.
Sketch is an image loading library designed for Compose Multiplatform and Android View. It is powerful and rich in functions. In addition to basic functions, it also supports GIF, SVG, video thumbn…
Create circular ImageView in Android in the simplest way possible
A showcase music app for Android entirely written using Kotlin language
A light Sina Weibo client for Android
Example of Android project showing integration with Kotlin and Dagger 2
Utility Android app for generating color palettes of images using the Palette library. Written in Kotlin.