A Video Surveillance OS For Single-board Computers
A latent text-to-image diffusion model
A presentation with beamer about why academia should care about best software engineering practices
A presentation about what I think are the best practices for scientific computing
Set app volumes with real sliders! deej is an Arduino & Go project to let you build your own hardware mixer for Windows and Linux
😎 Awesome photogrammetry projects
Drivers for receiving LiDAR data and more, support Lidar Mid-40, Mid-70, Tele-15, Horizon, Avia.
A python package for processing KH-9 and historical aerial imagery using MicMac
some example plots that are maybe useful?
Local documentation for Community Terrestrial Systems Model
A simple implementation of the boardgame Machi Koro
This is the community version of CryoGrid, a numerical model to investigate land surface processes in permafrost environments.
Tutorial demonstrating DEM co-registration
Fan-made "Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game" simulator