Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed:
xcode-select --install
For fastlane installation instructions, see Installing fastlane
[bundle exec] fastlane ios beta
Push a new beta build to TestFlight
[bundle exec] fastlane ios register_new_devices
Register new devices to Apple portal
[bundle exec] fastlane ios build_ipa_ad_hoc
Ad-Hoc Distribution IPA generation
[bundle exec] fastlane ios screenshots
Generate the screenshots for the AppStore
[bundle exec] fastlane ios prepare_metadata
Create Metadata Release Notes, Screenshots and push to git
[bundle exec] fastlane ios release_on_appstore
Create Release Notes, Screenshots, Build, Upload of regular iOS App and EMM App
[bundle exec] fastlane ios owncloud_regular_build
[bundle exec] fastlane ios owncloud_emm_build
[bundle exec] fastlane ios owncloud_online_build
[bundle exec] fastlane ios owncloud_branding_adhoc_build
[bundle exec] fastlane ios owncloud_branding_appstore_build
[bundle exec] fastlane ios owncloud_ownbrander_build
[bundle exec] fastlane ios owncloud_enterprise_build
[bundle exec] fastlane ios generate_appicon
[bundle exec] fastlane ios build_ipa_in_house
In-House Enterprise IPA generation
This is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time fastlane is run.
More information about fastlane can be found on
The documentation of fastlane can be found on