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Ensure the correct version of gulp is installed globally:

npm install -g gulpjs/gulp-cli#4.0

To check your version, run gulp -v:

[12:39:16] Requiring external module babel-core/register
[12:39:16] CLI version 0.4.0
[12:39:16] Local version 4.0.0-alpha.2


The main gulpfile.babel.js defines the task names and groupings. Tasks are saved in different files in the /gulp folder.
A task is a function that when complete either:

  • calls a callback
  • returns a Promise
  • returns a stream

Print a list of available tasks by running gulp --tasks.
To run a task, run gulp <taskname>.

[23:49:42] Tasks for ~/88dots/cleancoco/cleancoco/gulpfile.babel.js
[23:49:42] ├── autowatch
[23:49:42] ├─┬ build
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├── clean:all
[23:49:42] │   ├─┬ source
[23:49:42] │   │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   │   ├─┬ <parallel>
[23:49:42] │   │   │ ├── vendor
[23:49:42] │   │   │ ├── css
[23:49:42] │   │   │ └── html
[23:49:42] │   │   ├── rsx:packages
[23:49:42] │   │   └── js
[23:49:42] │   ├── rsx:copy
[23:49:42] │   ├── rsx:copy:cdn
[23:49:42] │   └── autowatch
[23:49:42] ├─┬ build:release
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├── validateConfig
[23:49:42] │   ├── clean:all
[23:49:42] │   ├─┬ source
[23:49:42] │   │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   │   ├─┬ <parallel>
[23:49:42] │   │   │ ├── vendor
[23:49:42] │   │   │ ├── css
[23:49:42] │   │   │ └── html
[23:49:42] │   │   ├── rsx:packages
[23:49:42] │   │   └── js
[23:49:42] │   ├── rsx:build_urls
[23:49:42] │   ├── revision:generate
[23:49:42] │   ├── revision:replace
[23:49:42] │   └── rsx:source_urls
[23:49:42] ├── bump:major
[23:49:42] ├── bump:minor
[23:49:42] ├── bump:patch
[23:49:42] ├── changelog
[23:49:42] ├── clean:all
[23:49:42] ├── clean:desktop
[23:49:42] ├── clean:git
[23:49:42] ├── css
[23:49:42] ├─┬ default
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   └─┬ build
[23:49:42] │     └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │       ├── clean:all
[23:49:42] │       ├─┬ source
[23:49:42] │       │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │       │   ├─┬ <parallel>
[23:49:42] │       │   │ ├── vendor
[23:49:42] │       │   │ ├── css
[23:49:42] │       │   │ └── html
[23:49:42] │       │   ├── rsx:packages
[23:49:42] │       │   └── js
[23:49:42] │       ├── rsx:copy
[23:49:42] │       ├── rsx:copy:cdn
[23:49:42] │       └── autowatch
[23:49:42] ├─┬ desktop:build
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├── validateConfigForDesktop
[23:49:42] │   ├── clean:all
[23:49:42] │   ├── overideCdnUrl
[23:49:42] │   ├─┬ source
[23:49:42] │   │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   │   ├─┬ <parallel>
[23:49:42] │   │   │ ├── vendor
[23:49:42] │   │   │ ├── css
[23:49:42] │   │   │ └── html
[23:49:42] │   │   ├── rsx:packages
[23:49:42] │   │   └── js
[23:49:42] │   ├── restoreCdnUrl
[23:49:42] │   ├── rsx:codex_urls
[23:49:42] │   ├── rsx:copy
[23:49:42] │   ├── desktop:setup
[23:49:42] │   ├── desktop:npm
[23:49:42] │   ├── desktop:copy
[23:49:42] │   ├── desktop:build:darwin
[23:49:42] │   └── desktop:build:win32
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:build:darwin
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:build:win32
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:copy
[23:49:42] ├─┬ desktop:git
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├── clean:git
[23:49:42] │   ├── desktop:git:clone
[23:49:42] │   ├── desktop:git:sync
[23:49:42] │   ├── desktop:git:commit
[23:49:42] │   ├── desktop:git:push
[23:49:42] │   └── desktop:git:diff
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:git:clone
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:git:commit
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:git:diff
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:git:publish
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:git:push
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:git:sync
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:npm
[23:49:42] ├─┬ desktop:package
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├── desktop:zip:darwin
[23:49:42] │   ├── desktop:zip:win32
[23:49:42] │   ├─┬ desktop:git
[23:49:42] │   │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   │   ├── clean:git
[23:49:42] │   │   ├── desktop:git:clone
[23:49:42] │   │   ├── desktop:git:sync
[23:49:42] │   │   ├── desktop:git:commit
[23:49:42] │   │   ├── desktop:git:push
[23:49:42] │   │   └── desktop:git:diff
[23:49:42] │   ├── desktop:shasums
[23:49:42] │   ├── desktop:git:publish
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:setup
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:shasums
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:zip:darwin
[23:49:42] ├── desktop:zip:win32
[23:49:42] ├── docker:build
[23:49:42] ├── docker:push
[23:49:42] ├── docker:tag
[23:49:42] ├── git:checkout:master
[23:49:42] ├── git:checkout:production
[23:49:42] ├── git:checkout:staging
[23:49:42] ├── git:commit:master
[23:49:42] ├── git:commit:production
[23:49:42] ├── git:commit:staging
[23:49:42] ├─┬ git:master:major
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:checkout:master
[23:49:42] │   ├── bump:major
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:commit:master
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:push:master
[23:49:42] │   └── git:tag:master
[23:49:42] ├─┬ git:master:minor
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:checkout:master
[23:49:42] │   ├── bump:minor
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:commit:master
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:push:master
[23:49:42] │   └── git:tag:master
[23:49:42] ├─┬ git:master:patch
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:checkout:master
[23:49:42] │   ├── bump:patch
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:commit:master
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:push:master
[23:49:42] │   └── git:tag:master
[23:49:42] ├── git:merge:production
[23:49:42] ├── git:merge:staging
[23:49:42] ├─┬ git:production
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:merge:production
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:commit:production
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:push:production
[23:49:42] │   └── git:tag:production
[23:49:42] ├── git:push:master
[23:49:42] ├── git:push:production
[23:49:42] ├── git:push:staging
[23:49:42] ├─┬ git:staging
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:merge:staging
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:commit:staging
[23:49:42] │   ├── git:push:staging
[23:49:42] │   └── git:tag:staging
[23:49:42] ├── git:tag:master
[23:49:42] ├── git:tag:production
[23:49:42] ├── git:tag:staging
[23:49:42] ├── html
[23:49:42] ├── js
[23:49:42] ├── revision:generate
[23:49:42] ├── revision:replace
[23:49:42] ├── rsx:build_urls
[23:49:42] ├── rsx:codex_urls
[23:49:42] ├── rsx:copy
[23:49:42] ├── rsx:copy:all
[23:49:42] ├── rsx:copy:cdn
[23:49:42] ├── rsx:imagemin
[23:49:42] ├── rsx:imagemin:lossy
[23:49:42] ├── rsx:packages
[23:49:42] ├── rsx:source_urls
[23:49:42] ├─┬ source
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├─┬ <parallel>
[23:49:42] │   │ ├── vendor
[23:49:42] │   │ ├── css
[23:49:42] │   │ └── html
[23:49:42] │   ├── rsx:packages
[23:49:42] │   └── js
[23:49:42] ├── upload:audio
[23:49:42] ├── upload:audio:versioned
[23:49:42] ├── upload:main
[23:49:42] ├── upload:main:versioned
[23:49:42] ├─┬ upload:release
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├── rsx:copy
[23:49:42] │   ├── rsx:copy:cdn
[23:49:42] │   ├── upload:main
[23:49:42] │   └── upload:audio
[23:49:42] ├─┬ upload:release:versioned
[23:49:42] │ └─┬ <series>
[23:49:42] │   ├── rsx:copy
[23:49:42] │   ├── rsx:copy:cdn
[23:49:42] │   ├── upload:main:versioned
[23:49:42] │   └── upload:audio:versioned
[23:49:42] └── vendor

Task [clean.js]

The clean tasks wipe the output build folders. There are 3 variations:

  • gulp clean:all: removes all output files
  • gulp clean:desktop: removes only output files related to desktop build
  • gulp clean:git: removes git remotes used for desktop git mirrors

Task [css.js]

gulp css
The css task compiles our SASS files into plain css. Note here, based on our target build environment (staging, production), we replace URLs found in our css with CDN urls.

.pipe(gif(production || staging,
	rework(reworkUrl(url => {
		if (url.indexOf('resources') >= 0 && config.get('cdn') !== '') {
			return config.get('cdn') + '/' + url
		return url

Task [html.js]

gulp html
The html task compiles the handlebars index.hbs file into plain html. Note here we inject some configuration variables so they are available in the output html.

data: {
	version: version,
	development: development,
	analyticsEnabled: config.get('analyticsEnabled'),
	analyticsId: config.get('analyticsId'),
	bugsnagId: config.get('bugsnag.client_key'),
	bugsnagDesktopId: config.get('bugsnag.desktop_key'),
	gaId: config.get('gaId'),
	cdn: config.get('cdn')

Task [vendor.js]

gulp vendor
The vendor task concats our external javascript files (outside the main bundle) into a single vendor.js file which is included prior to the main bundle. This includes cocos and other external dependencies which are not Browserified. Note that ordering matters and they are concatenated in order specified.

const vendorFiles = [

Task [bundle.js]

gulp js
The bundle task is our main javascript packager using Browserify. Browserify allows us to use node.js require syntax (aka common.js) in the browser. Browserify also allows us to define transforms which are applied to our source code:

bundler.transform(coffeeify) // transforms .coffee to .js
bundler.transform(hbsfy) // transforms client .hbs to .html fragments
bundler.transform(glslify) // transforms shader files into .js
bundler.transform(envify()) // turns specified variables into process.env.*

Browserify also has a built in file watcher called watchify which is enabled during development to allow for faster incremental builds.

Task [rsx.js]

The rsx tasks are used to prepare our resource files for distribution.

  • gulp rsx:packages: generates the client resource packages in app/data
  • gulp rsx:copy: moves files from app/resources into dist/resources
  • gulp rsx:build_urls: modifies the dist/*.js files to use CDN urls
  • gulp rsx:source_urls: modifies the app/resources files to use CDN urls
  • gulp rsx:imagemin: minifies images (.jpg, .png) with lossless compression from app/original_resources into app/resources
  • gulp rsx:imagemin:lossy: minifies images (.jpg, .png) with lossy (pngquant) compression from app/original_resources into app/resources

Task [revision.js]

The revision tasks are used to prepare our source files for distribution. The js and css files get renamed using content-based hashes. This allows each file to be cached on the CDN with a unique name.

  • gulp revision:generate: creates manifest with versioned source files based on their content
  • gulp revision:replace: replaces references in source files using manifest

Task [upload.js]

This task uploads the dist content to S3.

  • gulp upload:main: uploads all source files and assets with GZIP (except audio)
  • gulp upload:audio: uploads audio files (GZIP disabled)
  • gulp upload:main:versioned: same as main but uploads to /${version} subfolder
  • gulp upload:audio:versioned: same as audio but uploads to /${version} subfolder

Task [docker.js]

This task builds, tags, and pushes our Docker container (used by servers/worker). Docker must be available and ready.

  • gulp docker:build: builds the docker container
  • gulp docker:tag: tags the docker container
  • gulp docker:push: push the docker container to the registry (

Task [bump.js]

This task bumps version numbers in our version.json and package.json files. Note that ALL version numbers should be in sync (across are files):

const paths = [
  • gulp bump:patch: patch bump, ie, 0.0.x
  • gulp bump:minor: minor bump, ie 0.x.0
  • gulp bump:major: major bump, ie x.0.0

Task [git.js]

The git tasks are helpers for managing git pushes/commit. Note the git tasks will perform a commit -am so ensure remove unused files or commit before proceeding. To be safe, ensure you are already on latest master branch and that your changes are safe to commit before proceeding.

There are several subtasks here but the relevant tasks to run are:

  • gulp git:master:{patch,minor,major}: these tasks will bump the version numbers, commit the changes, create a git tag, and push. The commit msg will be like [2.1.7][patch] and the tag will be like master-v2.1.14.

  • gulp git:staging: this task will merge master => staging, create a tag, and push. The commit msg will be like [2.1.14]=>[staging] and the tag will be like staging-v2.1.14.

  • gulp git:production: this task will merge staging => production, create a tag, and push. The commit msg will be like [2.1.14]=>[production] and the tag will be like v2.1.14.

Task [desktop.js]

The desktop task operates on the desktop subfolder. The desktop has its own package.json and node_modules used for the Electron client build.

  • desktop:build: builds the source code and the Electron exe and app binaries.
  • desktop:package: zips the binaries, creates a diff against the previous release, and publishes to github

Building win32 client from osx

Works from OSX with Wine.

$ brew install wine
$ brew install winetricks
$ winetricks mfc42

Electron Dev Tools

Toggle Dev Tools.

OS X: Cmd Alt I Windows: Ctrl Shift I Reload

Force reload the window.

OS X: Cmd R Windows: Ctrl R

Directory Structure

The root of the desktop application is the /desktop/app folder. The main entry is desktop.js and the source is copied from /dist/src into /desktop/src.

Setup Source

Copies source from cleancoco parent /dist/src folder into /desktop/src. Run setup:#{environment} to prepare the desktop app's package.json with build metadata.

$ npm run clean && npm run copy
$ npm run setup:#{environment}