- Start Python unit tests. While tests are still running:
- Confirm text auto-scrolls once it fills the screen.
- Scroll up with a swipe. Text should stop auto-scrolling.
- Scroll to bottom with a swipe. Text should resume auto-scrolling.
- Repeat using the scroll buttons in the toolbar.
- Start Python console, and enter enough text to half fill the screen in portrait.
- Rotate screen back and forth. Bottom line scroll position should be maintained.
- Enter enough text to more than fill the screen in portrait.
- Rotate with scroll position at top, and in middle. Top line scroll position should be maintained.
- Show and hide the keyboard with scroll position at top, middle and bottom. Bottom or top line position should be maintained as described above.
- Start Python console.
- Enter some input, including some empty lines, and some errors.
- Input text should appear in bold black.
- Output text should appear in regular black.
- Error text should appear in red.
- Scroll to top and enter another line. Output should auto-scroll back to bottom.
- Examine the Android log. Lines should be tagged "python.stdin" "python.stdout" or "python.stderr" as appropriate. Empty input lines should be included.
- Start Python console and enter a line. It should appear in bold.
- Select some of the line and rotate the screen. The selection should still be present. (Related issue: #5379)
- Copy the line and paste it into the input box. It should not appear in bold.
Assign to a variable.
Rotate the screen and evaluate the variable. The correct result should appear.
Press back and open the console again. The previous output should still be there.
Evaulate the variable. The correct result should appear.
. The word "Finished" should appear in blue, the keyboard should disappear, and the input box should be disabled. -
Rotate the screen. The previous output should still be there.
Press back and open the console again. The previous output should have gone, and only the initial banner should be displayed.
Evaluate the variable. A
should be displayed. -
Press back and open one of the other activities. Then kill the process using the button in the Logcat window (not the main toolbar). The main menu should reappear.
Open the console again. The previous output should have gone, and only the initial banner should be displayed.
. The result should becom.chaquo.python.demo3
. -
Enter a partial expression with an unclosed parenthesis. The "..." prompt should appear.
Rotate the screen and complete the expression. The correct result should appear.
Use the
function to print a non-ASCII Latin-1 character (e.g. "é"), and a non-Latin-1 character (e.g. "√"). They should be output correctly both on screen and in the Android log. -
Enter the following, and rotate the screen while it runs. No numbers should be missing, and auto-scrolling should not stop.
from time import sleep for i in range(50): print(i); sleep(0.1)