Speech recognition module for Python, supporting several engines and APIs, online and offline.
Speech-to-Text-WaveNet : End-to-end sentence level English speech recognition based on DeepMind's WaveNet and tensorflow
Efficient 3D human pose estimation in video using 2D keypoint trajectories
🎙Speech recognition using the tensorflow deep learning framework, sequence-to-sequence neural networks
👀 Eye Tracking library easily implementable to your projects
Computer Vision library for human-computer interaction. It implements Head Pose and Gaze Direction Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Skin Detection through Backprojection, Motion Dete…
A skeleton-based real-time online action recognition project, classifying and recognizing base on framewise joints, which can be used for safety surveilence.
[IJCAI18] SSR-Net: A Compact Soft Stagewise Regression Network for Age Estimation
Face age and gender estimate using TensorFlow
A Python port of Google TensorFlow.js PoseNet (Real-time Human Pose Estimation)
libfaceid is a research framework for prototyping of face recognition solutions. It seamlessly integrates multiple detection, recognition and liveness models w/ speech synthesis and speech recognit…
Real-time pose estimation and action recognition
Atchitectures of deep neural network for gait recognition and human pose estimation with pre-trained models
A collection of scripts from my totorials
Speech Recognition with Python examples
A Tensorflow implementation of Facial Recognition in Python
Deep Learning Project.
A simple example for use speech recognition baidu api with python.
This is a mxnet version implementation of SSR-Net for age and gender Estimation
A combination between people tracking and age and gender detection
Joint Pose and Expression Modeling for Facial Expression Recognition
Automatic Recognition of Student Engagement using Deep Learning and Facial Expression