GET /convert
Returns converted dates based on entered value of type
(required) all parameters
- year — a year in number format
- month — a month in number format
- day — a day in number format
- type — type of other params that is entered, accepted values [
"jalali": {
"numeral": date in numeral format yyyy-mm-dd,
"text": a string of date
"gregorian": {
"numeral": date in numeral format yyyy-mm-dd,
"text": a string of date
"hijri": {
"numeral": date in numeral format yyyy-mm-dd,
"text": a string of date
- 400 Bad Request — Request did not contain one of the required parameters or invalid parameter is entered
- 500 Internal Server Error — there is a problem with
GET /convert?year=1397&month=7&day=19&type=jalali
"jalali": {
"numeral": "1397-07-19",
"text": "پنج شنبه، 19 مهر 1397"
"gregorian": {
"numeral": "2018-10-11",
"text": "Thursday, October 11, 2018"
"hijri": {
"numeral": "1440-02-01",
"text": "الخمیس، 1 صفر 1440"