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Spider 'Aragog' gbXML Viewer is a collection of free, open source modular JavaScript / WebGL / Three.js experiments hosted on GitHub for viewing, validating and editing gbXML files in 3D in your browser. gbXML is an industry supported file format for sharing building information between numerous building design software tools.
<iframe class=iframeReadMe src= width=100% height=400px >Iframes are not displayed on</iframe>gbXML Viewer Core ~ the basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript used by all add-on scripts
Latest stable release R12:
Development pre-release R13:
Both of the above links are shortcuts that link to the appropriate address. You should bookmark these links in order to stay up to date.
Even later Development pre-release R14:
Link to invitation:
We will be holding a Green Building XML (gbXML) webinar on May 8, 2018 from 1 to 2 pm EDT. This webinar is targeted toward energy modelers, engineers, architects, software vendors, and generally anyone who is interested in viewing the latest in Ladybug Tool workflows with an emphasis on integration with Green Building XML.
- Michal's must watch video ~ updated 2018-03-11
- Tania Becker commented: 'Fascinating video. It's well explained and easy to understand even for a lay person. It sparkles!'
Knowledge embedded in gbXML files is viewable, analyzable and editable in real-time interactive 3D with free, open-source web apps
Green Building XML (gbXML) as described by its authors:
gbXML allows disparate 3D building information models (BIM) and architectural/engineering analysis software to share information with each other
The current set of BIM authoring and CAD software tools for gbXML include various proprietary, closed-source applications that you must download and install.
GbXML being open source, it would also be nice to be able to view gbXML files in 3D in your browser with no fees and with open source code.
The Ladybug Tools/Spider gbXML Viewer scripts are first steps toward making gbXML viewers readily available.
gbXML Viewer is a collection of modular experiments for viewing, examining and validating gbXML files in 3D in your browser.
- Loads almost instantly
- Non-modal interface
- Fast effective workflow: get things done faster
- Full interactive 3D
- Files are no more than a few hundred lines
- Code is simple, plain-vanilla JavaScript
- Every JavaScript file has its own name space so you can quickly identify the location of variables and functions
- Every module has a descriptive read me file
- Every JavaScript file has an accompanying standalone HTML file for testing purposes
- All revisions are always available and runnable via GitHub pages with a click of a button
- Helping students, clients and non-AEC peeps gain access BIM data easily, quickly and freely
- Facilitating the transfer of data between design programs and analysis programs
- Spider gbXML Viewer Previous Releases
- Load and run every release of the gbXML Viewer since the first commit
- Load and Run some of the special editions of the gbX<L viewer
- Use one/two/three fingers to rotate/zoom/pan the display in 3D
- Or left/scroll/right with your pointing device
- Click the three bars( 'hamburger menu icon' ) to slide the menu in and out
- Click the Stats box in the footer to toggle FPS / MS / MB views
- Press Control-U/Command-Option-U to view the source code
- Press Control-Shift-J/Command-Option-J to see if the JavaScript console reports any errors