下载并安装Virtual Box 4.2: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
下载并安装Vagrant: http://vagrantup.com/
vagrant box add base http://files.vagrantup.com/lucid32.box
vagrant up
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
进入工作主目录 - 这个虚拟机上的主目录是你宿主机执行vagrant命令的目录
cd /vagrant/trunk/tpms
mvn compile exec:java
顺利的话,你应该可以看到BUILD SUCCESS的字样,如有任何问题,欢迎到下面的链接上报BUG: http://bugzilla.12306ng.org/
在宿主机(例如Windows系统上),使用浏览器访问以下地址并能看到一堆json输出的话,恭喜你,环境同步好了: http://localhost:12306/ticket/id/1
要访问票池原型的话,请在宿主机上(例如Windows系统上),使用浏览器打开 <12306ngpm根目录>\trunk\web\index.htm。你应该可以试验简单的按车次查询和买票。
cd /vagrant/trunk/tpms
mvn test
Download and install latest virtual box: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
Download and install vagrant: http://vagrantup.com/
If you are run this project for the first time, change you cmd(Windows) or shell(Linux/Mac) to the root directory of this project, and run (this will create a virtual machine and setup the dev environment for you automatically):
vagrant box add base http://files.vagrantup.com/lucid32.box
vagrant up
next time, you just cd to the root directory of this project, and run:
vagrant up
For Windows platform, please login to the virtual machine by putty, below are putty settings: Host name - User name/Password - vagrant/vagrant
For Non Windows platform, run:
vagrant ssh
Now you should log on the virtual machine shell, build the project source on the virtual machine by run following:
cd /vagrant
cd server-core/cpp