Test description: Verify if a user will be able to log in with a valid email and password
Type: Functional
Priority: High
Severity: Critical
Behavior: Positive
Automation status: To be automated
Tags: login_page, login_form
- Open a login page in a browser(https://demo.adminjs.co/admin)
- User is not already logged and has got an active account
No. | Steps | Data | Expected results |
1 | Enter a valid email address in the “Email” input element | [email protected] | The field has been completed |
2 | Enter a valid password in the “Password” input element | password | The field has been completed with “*” signs |
3 | Click on the “Login” button | Login should be successful | |
4 | Check the URL address | User should be on the “.../admin” page |
Test description: Verify if a user will be able to create a new element on the list
Type: Functional
Priority: Medium
Severity: Normal
Behavior: Positive
Automation status: To be automated
Tags: mongoose_resources, complicated_category, complicated_form
- User is already logged into the application
No. | Steps | Data | Expected results |
1 | Click on the hamburger menu if the navigation panel is not visible | Navigation panel is visible | |
2 | Click on the “Mongoose Resources” → Complicated link inside the navigation panel | User should be redirected to the “.../admin/resources/Complicated” page | |
3 | Hide the navigation panel if you launch it via hamburger menu | Navigation panel is not visible. Hamburger menu is visible | |
4 | Click on the “Create new” button | The form is visible. User should be on the “.../admin/resources/Complicated/actions/new” page | |
5 | Fill the “Name” input element with a random value | e.g. Alex | The field has been completed |
6 | Click on the “Add New Item” button in the “String Array” section | A text input element and bin icon are shown | |
7 | Click on the bin icon | The text input element was removed | |
8 | Click on the “Add New Item” button again in the “String Array” section | A text input element and bin icon are shown again | |
9 | Fill the text input element with a random value | e.g. String Array | The field has been completed |
10 | Click on the “Add New Item” button in the “Authors” section | A text input element and bin icon are shown | |
11 | Choose one of the elements from the dropdown list | e.g. Books | The field has been completed |
12 | Fill the “Nested Details Age” input element with a random value | e.g. 26 | The field has been completed |
13 | Fill the “Nested Details Height” input element with a random value | e.g. 187 | The field has been completed |
14 | Fill the “Nested Details Place Of Birth” input element with a random value | e.g. Warsaw | The field has been completed |
15 | Fill the “Nested Details Place Of Birth” input element with a random value | e.g. Extremely Nested Text | The field has been completed |
16 | Click on the “Add New Item” button in the “Parents” section | Two text input elements (“Parents Name”, “Parents Surname”) and the bin icon are shown | |
17 | Fill the “Parents Name” input element with a random value | e.g. Harry | The field has been completed |
18 | Fill the “Parents Surname” input element with a random value | e.g. Potter | The field has been completed |
19 | Click on the “Add New Item” button in the “Item” section | The “Item Image Variants” section with a new button “Add New Item” and the bin icon are shown | |
20 | Click on the “Add New Item” button in the “Item Image Variants” section | Two input elements, two checkboxes and a new bin icon are shown | |
21 | Fill the “Item Image Variants Image URL” input element with a random value | e.g. www.google.com | The field has been completed |
22 | Check the checkbox “Item Image Variants Is Approved” | The checkbox is checked | |
23 | Set the random date and time from the picker in “Item Image Variants Date Created” input element | The field has been completed | |
24 | Click on the “Save” button | User is redirected to the “.../admin/resources/Complicated” page. The toast message: “Successfully created a new record” is shown | |
25 | Look at the number of the elements on the list | The number is increased by 1 | |
26 | Look at your new element on the list | Your element should be at the top of the list | |
27 | Look at values in each column in your element | Users should see provided data in each related column. Columns “String Array”, “Authors”, “Parents” and “Item” show information about quantity. In this case “length: 1”. Column “Id” has a random string. Column “Updated At” shows time and date of creating |
Test description: Verify if a user will be able to filter elements on the list
Type: Functional
Priority: Medium
Severity: Normal
Behavior: Positive
Automation status: To be automated
Tags: sequelize_resources, favorite_places_category, favorite_places_filters, filters
- User is already logged into the application
No. | Steps | Data | Expected results |
1 | Click on the hamburger menu if the navigation panel is not visible | Navigation panel is visible | |
2 | Click on the “Sequelize Resources” → Favourite Places link inside the navigation panel | User should be redirected to the “.../admin/resources/FavouritePlaces” page | |
3 | Hide the navigation panel if you launch it via hamburger menu | Navigation panel is not visible. Hamburger menu is visible | |
4 | If there is no any elements on the list, create at least two elements with random data | The elements are visible on the list | |
5 | Click on the “Filter” button | The filters section with form is visible | |
6 | Fill the “Name” input element with the name from e.g. the first element on the list | The field has been completed | |
7 | Click on the “Apply changes” button inside the filters section | On the list should be visible only elements with the name inserted in the filter input | |
8 | Click on the “Reset” button inside the filters section | Inside the list all elements should be visible | |
9 | Fill the “Id” input element with the Id from e.g. the first element on the list | The field has been completed | |
10 | Click on the “Apply changes” button inside the filters section | On the list should be visible only elements with the Id inserted in the filter input | |
11 | Click on the “Reset” button inside the filters section | Inside the list all elements should be visible | |
12 | Choose one of the elements from the “User Id” dropdown element with the User Id from e.g. the first element on the list | The field has been completed | |
13 | Click on the “Apply changes” button inside the filters section | On the list should be visible only elements with the User Id inserted in the filter input | |
14 | Click on the “Reset” button inside the filters section | Inside the list all elements should be visible | |
15 | Choose the dates “From” and “To” that first element’s “published At” field on the list is in the range of them | The fields have been completed | |
16 | Click on the “Apply changes” button inside he filters section | On the list should be visible only elements with “Published At” date and time in the range of the filters | |
17 | Click on the “Reset” button inside the filters section | Inside the list all elements should be visible | |
18 | Fill the “Description” input element with the word from the column “Description” from e.g. the first element on the list | The field has been completed | |
19 | Click on the “Apply changes” button inside the filters section | On the list should be visible only elements with “Description” field which include the word from the filter input element | |
20 | Click on the “Reset” button inside the filters section | Inside the list all elements should be visible |