A <Link>
component for Gatsby.
It's a wrapper around React Router's Link component that adds enhancements specific to Gatsby. All props are passed through to React Router's Link.
You can set the activeStyle
or activeClassName
prop to add styling attributes to the rendered element when it matches the current URL. If either of these props are set, then React Router's NavLink component will be used instead of Link.
Gatsby does per-route code splitting. This means that when navigating to a new page, the code chunks necessary for that page might not be loaded. This is bad. Any unnecessary latency when changing pages should be avoided. So to avoid that Gatsby preloads code chunks and page data. Preloading is triggered by a link entering the viewport so it only prefetchs code/data chunks for pages the user is likely to navigate to.
npm install --save gatsby-link
In javascript:
import Link from "gatsby-link"
render () {
color: 'red'
Another page
For cases when you can only use event handlers for navigation, you can use navigateTo
import { navigateTo } from "gatsby-link"
render () {
<div onClick={ () => navigateTo('/example')}>