- Pali-Marwar, Rajasthan India
- g.dev/mangalarora
- @mangalarora
Lists (32)
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Algorithm Concept Documentation and Their Implementation with different programming languagesAndroid
Best Practices Code SamplesAndroid Software Libs
Libs for best practices and performance and fast developmentAndroid UX Libs
Android UX LibsArtificial Intelligence
Tutorials, Best Practices, Codes SamplesBuild Tools
Build Tools Code SamplesC/C++
Tutorials, Code Samples, Best PracticesClean Code Architecture
For Android & WebCloud AWS/GOOGLE
Cloud Practices and Code SamplesCode Bundling Tools
Webpack, Parcel, BrowserifyData Structures
Data Structure Courses Complete in Detail, Concept and all the different branches with different programming language with best practices.Desktop Games
Desktop GamesDevOps
Best PracticeseCommerce Projects
eCommerce ProjectsERPs Projects
Best Open Source ERPsFirebase
Firebase Tutorial and Best Practices and OptimizationsJava
Best Practices Codes SamplesJavascript
Tutorial, Best Practices, Code SamplesKotlin
Kotlin Best Practices Codes ListMachine Learning
Machine Learning Tutorials and Codes Samples, Best PracticesMobile Games
Android Mobile Games, Samples, Best PracticesOpen Source EnterpriseLevel Proj
Enterprise Open Source ProjectsOpen Source Libs/Projects
Open Source LibsProgramming Courses
Programming Language CoursesProgramming Practices
Programming Language Practices and Problems with SolutionsPython
Tutorials, Code Samples, Best PracticesVersion Control System
github, gitWeb Development Java
Java Web DevsWeb Development JavaScript
JavaScript Web DevsWeb Development Kotlin
Kotlin Web DevsWeb Development PHP
Php Web DevsWeb Development Python
Python Web DevsStarred repositories
🌈 Type-safe navigation library for Jetpack Compose
mangalarora / JavaScript30
Forked from wesbos/JavaScript3030 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
mangalarora / awesome-python
Forked from vinta/awesome-pythonA curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
mangalarora / public-apis
Forked from public-apis/public-apisA collective list of free APIs
📱 A chat demo app built with Jetpack Compose and Stream Chat SDK following clean architecture principles.
itext / PdfiumAndroid
Forked from barteksc/PdfiumAndroidpdfium for android( >= API 14 ) binding
Android Texture VideoView having a variety of scale types like the scale types of ImageView such as fitCenter, centerCrop, centerTopCrop and more
mangalarora / cropiwa
Forked from steelkiwi/cropiwa📐 Configurable Custom Crop widget for Android
Sensify App will let you see plots of various sensors available inside your phone like accelerometer, magnetic field sensor, light sensor, etc.
mangalarora / compose-samples
Forked from android/compose-samplesOfficial Jetpack Compose samples.
👓 A curated list of awesome android kotlin apps by open-source contributors.
JakeWharton / kotlin
Forked from JetBrains/kotlinThe Kotlin Programming Language
vermakhushboo / realworld
Forked from gothinkster/realworld"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack Medium.com clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more 🏅
Samples for Google Play In-app Billing
codingjeremy / material-components-android-examples
Forked from material-components/material-components-android-examplesCompanion example apps and code for MDC-Android.
codingjeremy / muzei
Forked from muzei/muzeiMuzei Live Wallpaper for Android
An open source library for face detection in images. The face detection speed can reach 1500FPS.
JoseAlcerreca / nowinandroid
Forked from android/nowinandroidA fully functional Android app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
A collection of samples demonstrating different frameworks and techniques for automated testing
JoseAlcerreca / advent-of-code-kotlin-template
Forked from kotlin-hands-on/advent-of-code-kotlin-templateThe Advent of Code template project for Kotlin
tikurahul / OpenYOLO-Web
Forked from openid/OpenYOLO-WebWeb protocol for credential exchange and update - "You Only Login Once"
tikurahul / iosched
Forked from google/ioschedThe Google I/O Android App
tikurahul / timber
Forked from JakeWharton/timberA logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.
Multiple samples showing the best practices in performance on Android.