pentraining Public
Forked from anquanquantao/pentraining一个网络安全基础知识的教程。内容比较杂,好在都是实验视频和工具提供,可以自行动手完成实验。
HTML UpdatedMay 21, 2018 -
GoogleHacking-Page Public
Forked from K0rz3n/GoogleHacking-PageThis is a summary of my study and use of Google hacking. I hope I can share it with you. If you like, please give me a star or fork it, thank you.
UpdatedMay 19, 2018 -
GPON Public
Forked from ExiaHan/GPONExploit for Remote Code Execution on GPON home routers (CVE-2018-10562) written in Python. Initially disclosed by VPNMentor (https://www.vpnmentor.com/blog/critical-vulnerability-gpon-router/), kud…
Python UpdatedMay 10, 2018 -
windows10_ntfs_crash_dos Public
Forked from mtivadar/windows10_ntfs_crash_dosPoC for a NTFS crash that I discovered, in various Windows versions
UpdatedApr 27, 2018 -
USBStealer Public
Forked from mtps3/USBStealerA USBStealer program that works in every windows OS, this program extracts all windows passwords
The Unlicense UpdatedApr 5, 2018 -
List-RDP-Connections-History Public
Forked from 3gstudent/List-RDP-Connections-HistoryUse powershell to list the RDP Connections History of logged-in users or all users
PowerShell BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 16, 2018 -
Dr0p1t-Framework Public
Forked from D4Vinci/Dr0p1t-FrameworkA framework that create an advanced stealthy dropper that bypass most AVs and have a lot of tricks
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 7, 2018 -
Memcrashed-DDoS-Exploit Public
Forked from 649/Memcrashed-DDoS-ExploitDDoS attack tool for sending forged UDP packets to vulnerable Memcached servers obtained using Shodan API
Python UpdatedMar 2, 2018 -
MemcacheDos Public
Forked from Srar/MemcacheDosMemcache 反射攻击脚本 经供学习参考使用
TypeScript UpdatedMar 2, 2018 -
linuxprivchecker Public
Forked from sleventyeleven/linuxprivcheckerlinuxprivchecker.py -- a Linux Privilege Escalation Check Script
Python UpdatedFeb 25, 2018 -
OSCP Public
Forked from frizb/OSCPCollection of things made during my OSCP journey
Python UpdatedFeb 22, 2018 -
dostoevsky-pentest-notes Public
Forked from dostoevskylabs/dostoevsky-pentest-notesNotes for taking the OSCP in 2097. Read in book form on GitBook
UpdatedFeb 18, 2018 -
Web-Security-Learning Public
Forked from CHYbeta/Web-Security-LearningWeb-Security-Learning
HTML UpdatedJan 29, 2018 -
dlink_shell_poc Public
Forked from Cr0n1c/dlink_shell_pocDlink 615/815 shell PoC
Python UpdatedJan 10, 2018 -
Awesome-Fuzzing Public
Forked from secfigo/Awesome-FuzzingA curated list of fuzzing resources ( Books, courses - free and paid, videos, tools, tutorials and vulnerable applications to practice on ) for learning Fuzzing and initial phases of Exploit Develo…
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedJan 8, 2018 -
OSCP-Prep Public
Forked from burntmybagel/OSCP-PrepA list of the resources I use as I get ready for the exam
UpdatedJan 7, 2018 -
poc-exp Public
Forked from 0Chencc/poc-exppoc or exp of android vulnerability
C++ UpdatedDec 30, 2017 -
pydictor Public
Forked from LandGrey/pydictorA powerful and useful hacker dictionary builder for a brute-force attack
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 23, 2017 -
pentest-wiki Public
Forked from nixawk/pentest-wikiPENTEST-WIKI is a free online security knowledge library for pentesters / researchers. If you have a good idea, please share it with others.
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 15, 2017 -
struts-scan Public
Forked from Lucifer1993/struts-scanPython2编写的struts2漏洞全版本检测和利用工具
Python UpdatedDec 15, 2017 -
Androl4b Public
Forked from sh4hin/Androl4bA Virtual Machine For Assessing Android applications, Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis
UpdatedNov 21, 2017 -
SIET Public
Forked from frostbits-security/SIETSmart Install Exploitation Tool
Python UpdatedSep 19, 2017 -
XXEinjector Public
Forked from enjoiz/XXEinjectorTool for automatic exploitation of XXE vulnerability using direct and different out of band methods.
Ruby UpdatedJan 26, 2017 -
CVE-2016-6366 Public
Forked from RiskSense-Ops/CVE-2016-6366Public repository for improvements to the EXTRABACON exploit
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 2, 2016 -
conky-config Public
Forked from cgoldberg/conky-configcgoldberg's Conky Configuration
UpdatedDec 10, 2015