This folder contains the drivers needed for the PicoMEM
ne2000 TCP Driver for DOS, to be used with Mtcp
command line : ne2000 0x60 0x3 0x300
The IRQ can be changed in the BIOS Menu (Default is IRQ 3)
Same driver as NE2000 for the PicoMEM : IRQ and Port are Auto detected. Does not start if the PicoMEM is not detected
09/04/2024 : Not loaded in the ne2000 emulation is not enabled. Parameters were displayed 2 times. 03/03/2024 : Removed part of the Copyright text to reduce the display length
PicoMEM Mouse driver is a modified CTMouse driver. It can detect the PicoMEM and does not need any parameter (IRQ is Auto detected)
EMS Driver derivated LTEMM. You need to add it in CONFIG.SYS, like this :
The Driver is able to detect the PicoMEM, the EMS Port and Address. Then, /p and /i parameters are not needed.