A collection of useful utilities.
$ npm install utility --save
var utils = require('utility');
// md5 hash
utils.md5('@Python发烧友'); // '1369e7668bc600f0d90c06f5e395d7a9'
utils.md5(new Buffer('')); // 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
// md5 hase output base64
utils.md5('苏千', 'base64'); // 'X3M8R8WKB31hJXECstREgQ=='
// Object md5 hash
utils.md5({foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo'}).should.equal(utils.md5({bar: 'foo', foo: 'bar'}));
// sha1 hash
utils.sha1('@Python发烧友'); // 'ed6a2381ad20f2cf7875fc04d52257380015b574'
utils.sha1(new Buffer('')); // 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709'
// sha1 hase output base64
utils.sha1('苏千', 'base64'); // 'Ckr/a6tjS5wvmbcfJel2kh/N5aU='
// sha256 hash
utils.sha256('@Python发烧友'); // '80ddd84d1453c994af764bf558c4b96adaced9dd8d7d2194705fe58e1b3162df'
// Object sha1 hash
utils.sha1({foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo'}).should.equal(utils.sha1({bar: 'foo', foo: 'bar'}));
// hmac
// hmac-sha1 with base64 output encoding
utils.hmac('sha1', 'I am a key', 'hello world'); // 'pO6J0LKDxRRkvSECSEdxwKx84L0='
// base64 encode
utils.base64encode('你好¥'); // '5L2g5aW977+l'
utils.base64decode('5L2g5aW977+l') // '你好¥'
// urlsafe base64 encode
utils.base64encode('你好¥', true); // '5L2g5aW977-l'
utils.base64decode('5L2g5aW977-l', true); // '你好¥'
// empty function
function foo(callback) {
callback = callback || utils.noop;
// html escape
utils.escape('<script/>"& &'); // '<script/>"& &'
// Safe encodeURIComponent and decodeURIComponent
utils.decodeURIComponent(utils.encodeURIComponent('你好, nodejs')).should.equal('你好, nodejs');
// get first ip
[WARNNING] getIP() remove, PLEASE use `https://github.com/node-modules/address` module instead
// get a function parameter's names
utils.getParamNames(function (key1, key2) {}); // ['key1', 'key2']
// get a random string, default length is 16
utils.randomString(32, '1234567890'); //18774480824014856763726145106142
// check if object has this property
utils.has({hello: 'world'}, 'hello'); //true
// accessLogDate
utils.accessLogDate(); // '16/Apr/2013:16:40:09 +0800'
// logDate,
// 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS' format date string
utils.logDate(); // '2013-04-17 14:43:02.674'
utils.YYYYMMDDHHmmssSSS(); // '2013-04-17 14:43:02.674'
utils.YYYYMMDDHHmmssSSS(','); // '2013-04-17 14:43:02,674'
// 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' format date string
utils.YYYYMMDDHHmmss(); // '2013-04-17 14:43:02'
utils.YYYYMMDDHHmmss(new Date(), {dateSep: '.'}); // '2013.04.17 14:43:02'
// 'YYYY-MM-DD' format date string
utils.YYYYMMDD(); // '2013-04-17'
utils.YYYYMMDD(''); // '20130417'
utils.YYYYMMDD(','); // '2013,04,17'
// datestruct
utils.datestruct(); // { YYYYMMDD: 20130416, H: 8 }
// Unix's timestamp
utils.timestamp(); // 1378153226
// Parse timestamp
// seconds
utils.timestamp(1385091596); // Fri Nov 22 2013 11:39:56 GMT+0800 (CST)
// millseconds
utils.timestamp(1385091596000); // Fri Nov 22 2013 11:39:56 GMT+0800 (CST)
// Detect a number string can safe convert to Javascript Number.: `-9007199254740991 ~ 9007199254740991`
utils.isSafeNumberString('9007199254740991'); // true
utils.isSafeNumberString('9007199254740993'); // false
// Convert string to number safe:
utils.toSafeNumber('9007199254740991'); // 9007199254740991
utils.toSafeNumber('9007199254740993'); // '9007199254740993'
utils.setImmediate(function () {
Create a real
map in javascript.
var map = utils.map({a: 1});
// should.not.exist(map.constractor);
// should.not.exist(map.__proto__);
// should.not.exist(map.toString);
// should not exist any property
console.log(map); // {a: 1}
// split string by sep
utils.split('foo,bar,,,'); // ['foo', 'bar']
// replace string work with special chars which `String.prototype.replace` can't handle
utils.replace('<body> hi', '<body>', '$& body'); // '$& body hi'
var res = utils.try(function () {
return JSON.parse(str);
// {error: undefined, value: {foo: 'bar'}}
// {error: Error, value: undefined}
$ node benchmark/date_format.js
moment().format("DD/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss ZZ"): "16/Apr/2013:21:12:32 +0800"
utils.accessLogDate(): "16/Apr/2013:21:12:32 +0800"
fasterAccessDate(): "16/Apr/2013:21:12:32 +0800"
fasterAccessDate2(): "16/Apr/2013:21:12:32 +0800"
new Date().toString(): "Tue Apr 16 2013 21:12:32 GMT+0800 (CST)"
Date(): "Tue Apr 16 2013 21:12:32 GMT+0800 (CST)"
Date.now(): 1366117952162
moment().format('DD/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss ZZ') x 68,300 ops/sec ±5.05% (91 runs sampled)
utils.accessLogDate() x 1,341,341 ops/sec ±2.72% (90 runs sampled)
fasterAccessDate() x 357,833 ops/sec ±1.32% (98 runs sampled)
fasterAccessDate2() x 301,607 ops/sec ±5.03% (83 runs sampled)
new Date().toString() x 738,499 ops/sec ±3.54% (86 runs sampled)
Date() x 794,724 ops/sec ±2.77% (95 runs sampled)
Date.now() x 8,327,685 ops/sec ±1.85% (94 runs sampled)
Fastest is Date.now()
$ node benchmark/date_YYYYMMDD.js
parseInt(moment().format("YYYYMMDD"), 10): 20130416
utils.datestruct().YYYYMMDD: 20130416
new Date().toString(): "Tue Apr 16 2013 21:12:02 GMT+0800 (CST)"
parseInt(moment().format('YYYYMMDD'), 10) x 129,604 ops/sec ±0.46% (101 runs sampled)
utils.datestruct().YYYYMMDD x 2,317,461 ops/sec ±1.38% (95 runs sampled)
new Date().toString() x 816,731 ops/sec ±3.46% (93 runs sampled)
Fastest is utils.datestruct().YYYYMMDD