Parametric Digital Asset Risk Management
DeFi risk management, dApp, IPFS
A dApp which provides parametric stablecoin lending protection on Aave (other DeFi platforms TBD), using IPFS+Chainlink+TUSD+Aave.
For additional information about our project please see our Devpost project page where we discuss the following:
- About the project
- Inspiration
- The Problem
- What it does
- How we built it
- Challenges we ran into
- Accomplishments that we're proud of
- What we learned
- What's next for Parametric Digital Asset Risk Management
- How we integrated with sponsors
We used IPFS to deploy and host our project’s application, website, store and display images on the website, and to display smart contract analytical data on user dashboards.
Under development
- 5 Minute Pitch and Demo video
- Please check out our 7 minute slowed down and extended demo video!
- IPFS Live Demo
The current audience is Non-DeFi users who seek to interact with DeFi lending protocols in a manner that has circuit breakers and guard rails, and DeFi natives who seek risk-adjusted yields.
[1, inf) users
Devpost Submission:
We are a team of four blockchain enthusiasts and builders seeking to expand on an ambitious concept using IPFS as one of our core pillars.
- Seth Andrus: System Architecture
- Luis Ramírez: Smart Contract & Frontend Development
- Mike Robinson: Product Manager & Market Researcher
- Lukas Sexton: UI/UX design and research
- GitHub discussion:
- Email: [email protected]
We welcome any new ideas from you in the form of pull requests to our repo. You can also reach out to any of us through our Devpost submission or on our GitHub discussion board.