Folders and files
Name | Name | Last commit date | ||
parent directory.. | ||||
This file contains notes tracking the licenses included in binary files. This is not intended to be shipped with the product but is for the use of other poor souls who will have to figure out whether the Hive binary distribution includes all of the necessary licenses or not. In naming the licenses I have used the maven group id. When there was only one jar and it was different than the group id, I put that in the name as well. When there were multiple jars from the same group (e.g. org.ruby has both joni and jcoding, com.sun.jersey has a number of jars) or the jar name was the same as the group id, I named the license just for the group id. slf4j-LICENSE covers jul-to-slf4j jar All of the following jars have Apache licenses and thus do not have separate license files: RoaringBitmap accumulo* airline ant* apache-curator avatica* avro bonecp calcite* classmate commons* compress-lzf config-magic curator* datanucleus* derby disruptor dropwizard-metrics-hadoop-metrics2-reporter druid* eigenbase-properties emitter extendedset findbugs-annotations geronimo* groovy-all gson guava guice* hbase* hibernate-validator Hikaricp htrace-core http-client httpclient httpcore ivy jackson* jasper* java-util javax.jdo jboss-logging jcommander jdbi jdo-api jetty* joda-time jpam jsr305 libfb303 libthrift log4j* lz4 mapdb maven* metrics* netty* opencsv* parquet-hadoop-bundle pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm plexus-utils regexp server-metrics snappy* stax-api super-csv tempus-fugit validation-api velocity zookeeper No license could be found for the following so I am optimistically assuming they are public domain: jettison