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vHive Quickstart

This guide describes how to set up an N-node vHive serverless cluster with Firecracker MicroVMs. See here to learn where to find table of contents.

To see how to setup a single node cluster with stock-only or gVisor, see Developer's guide.

Table of Contents

  1. Host platform requirements
    1. Hardware
    2. Software
    3. CloudLab Deployment Notes
      1. CloudLab Profile
      2. Nodes to Rent
  2. Setup a Serverless (Knative) Cluster
    1. Setup All Nodes
    2. Setup Worker Nodes
    3. Configure Master Node
    4. Configure Worker Nodes
    5. Finalise Master Node
  3. Setup a Single-Node Cluster
    1. Manual
    2. Clean Up
    3. Using a Script
  4. Deploying and Invoking Functions in vHive
    1. Deploy Functions
    2. Invoke Functions
    3. Delete Deployed Functions
  5. Deploying eStargz-based Functions
    1. Deploy and Invoke Functions
    2. Delete Deployed Function

I. Host platform requirements

1. Hardware

  1. Two x64 servers in the same network.
    • We have not tried vHive with Arm but it may not be hard to port because Firecracker supports Arm64 ISA.
  2. Hardware support for virtualization and KVM.
    • Nested virtualization is supported provided that KVM is available.
  3. The root partition of the host filesystem should be mounted on an SSD. That is critical for snapshot-based cold-starts.
    • We expect vHive to work on machines that use HDDs but there could be timeout-related issues with large Docker images (>1GB).

2. Software

  1. Ubuntu/Debian with sudo access and apt package manager on the host (tested on Ubuntu 20.04).
    • Other OS-es require changes in our setup scripts, but should work in principle.
  2. Passwordless SSH. Copy the SSH keys that you use to authenticate on GitHub to all the nodes and type eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" && ssh-add to allow ssh authentication in the background.

3. CloudLab Deployment Notes

We suggest renting nodes on CloudLab as their service is available to researchers world-wide.

Please make sure that you are using a "bash" shell whenever you connect via ssh to your cluster nodes, otherwise running some of the following commands will prompt a "Missing name for redirect" error. If you chose to use CloudLab, this can be done by selecting the current user's profile (upper left corner on any CloudLab page once logged in) --> Manage account --> Default Shell --> select "bash" from the drop down menu --> Save. Sometimes the default shell preference gets overwritten therefore, once you connect to a cluster node, check what type of shell you have opened by running the following command:

echo $SHELL

The expected output should be:


If the opened shell is not a "bash" one, you can just type "bash" in the terminal and it will change the current shell to "bash".

A. CloudLab Profile

You can use our CloudLab profile faas-sched/vhive-ubuntu20.

It is recommended to use a base Ubuntu 20.04 image for each node and connect the nodes in a LAN.

B. Nodes to Rent

We tested the following instructions by setting up a 2-node cluster on Cloudlab, using all of the following SSD-equipped machines: xl170 on Utah, rs440 on Mass, m400 on OneLab. xl170 are normally less occupied than the other two, and users can consider other SSD-based machines too.

SSD-equipped nodes are highly recommended. Full list of CloudLab nodes can be found here.

II. Setup a Serverless (Knative) Cluster

1. Setup All Nodes

On each node (both master and workers), execute the following instructions below as a non-root user with sudo rights using bash:

  1. Clone the vHive repository

    git clone --depth=1
  2. Change your working directory to the root of the repository:

    cd vhive
  3. Create a directory for vHive logs:

    mkdir -p /tmp/vhive-logs
  4. Run the node setup script:

    Note - stargz deployments:

    eStargz is a lazily-pullable image format developed to improve the performance of container boot-ups by making better usage of the layering structure of container images. The image format is compatible to OCI/Docker images, therefore it allows pushing images to standard container registries. To enable runs with stargz images, setup kubelet by adding the stock-only and use-stargz flags as follows:

    ./scripts/cloudlab/ stock-only use-stargz > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/setup_node.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/setup_node.stderr >&2)

    IMPORTANT Currently stargz is only supported in native kubelet contexts without firecracker. Therefore, the following steps from this guide must not be executed:

    • 2.3 - Start firecracker-containerd in a background terminal named firecracker,
    • 2.4 - Build vHive host orchestrator,
    • 2.5 - Start vHive in a background terminal named vhive.

    For the standard setup, run the following script:

    ./scripts/cloudlab/ > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/setup_node.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/setup_node.stderr >&2)


    This script can print Command failed when creating the devmapper at the end. This can be safely ignored.

2. Setup Worker Nodes

On each worker node, execute the following instructions below as a non-root user with sudo rights using bash:

  1. Run the script that setups kubelet:

    IMPORTANT: If step 1.4 - Run the node setup script was executed with the stock-only flag, execute the following instead:

    ./scripts/cluster/ stock-only > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/setup_worker_kubelet.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/setup_worker_kubelet.stderr >&2)

    For the standard kubelet setup, run the following script:

    ./scripts/cluster/ > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/setup_worker_kubelet.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/setup_worker_kubelet.stderr >&2)
  2. Start containerd in a background terminal named containerd:

    sudo screen -dmS containerd bash -c "containerd > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/containerd.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/containerd.stderr >&2)"


    screen is a terminal multiplexer similar to tmux but widely available by default.

    Starting long-running daemons in the background using screen allows you to use a single terminal (an SSH session most likely) by keeping it unoccupied and ensures that daemons will not be terminated when you logout (voluntarily, or because of connection issues).

    • To (re-)attach a background terminal:
      sudo screen -rd <name>
    • To detach (from an attached terminal):
      Ctrl+A then D
    • To kill a background terminal:
      sudo screen -XS <name> quit
    • To list all the sessions:
      sudo screen -ls
  3. Start firecracker-containerd in a background terminal named firecracker:

    sudo PATH=$PATH screen -dmS firecracker bash -c "/usr/local/bin/firecracker-containerd --config /etc/firecracker-containerd/config.toml > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/firecracker.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/firecracker.stderr >&2)"
  4. Build vHive host orchestrator:

    source /etc/profile && go build
  5. Start vHive in a background terminal named vhive:

    # EITHER
    sudo screen -dmS vhive bash -c "./vhive > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/vhive.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/vhive.stderr >&2)"
    # OR
    sudo screen -dmS vhive bash -c "./vhive -snapshots > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/vhive.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/vhive.stderr >&2)"
    # OR
    sudo screen -dmS vhive bash -c "./vhive -snapshots -upf > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/vhive.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/vhive.stderr >&2)"


    By default, the microVMs are booted, -snapshots enables snapshots after the 2nd invocation of each function.

    If -snapshots and -upf are specified, the snapshots are accelerated with the Record-and-Prefetch (REAP) technique that we described in our ASPLOS'21 paper (extended abstract, full paper).

3. Configure Master Node

On the master node, execute the following instructions below as a non-root user with sudo rights using bash:

  1. Start containerd in a background terminal named containerd:

    sudo screen -dmS containerd bash -c "containerd > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/containerd.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/containerd.stderr >&2)"
  2. Run the script that creates the multinode cluster (without stargz):

    ./scripts/cluster/ > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/create_multinode_cluster.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/create_multinode_cluster.stderr >&2)


    The script will ask you the following:

    All nodes need to be joined in the cluster. Have you joined all nodes? (y/n)

    Leave this hanging in the terminal as we will go back to this later.

    However, in the same terminal you will see a command in following format:

    kubeadm join --token <token> \
        --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:<hash>

    Please copy the both lines of this command.

    IMPORTANT: If you built the cluster using the stock-only flag, execute the following script instead:

    ./scripts/cluster/ stock-only > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/create_multinode_cluster.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/create_multinode_cluster.stderr >&2)

4. Configure Worker Nodes

On each worker node, execute the following instructions below as a non-root user with sudo rights using bash:

  1. Add the current worker to the Kubernetes cluster, by executing the command you have copied in step (3.2) using sudo:
    sudo kubeadm join IP:PORT --token <token> --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:<hash> > >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/kubeadm_join.stdout) 2> >(tee -a /tmp/vhive-logs/kubeadm_join.stderr >&2)


    On success, you should see the following message:

    This node has joined the cluster:
    * Certificate signing request was sent to apiserver and a response was received.
    * The Kubelet was informed of the new secure connection details.

5. Finalise Master Node

On the master node, execute the following instructions below as a non-root user with sudo rights using bash:

  1. As all worker nodes have been joined, and answer with y to the prompt we have left hanging in the terminal.
  2. As the cluster is setting up now, wait until all pods show as Running or Completed:
    watch kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Congrats, your Knative cluster is ready!

III. Setup a Single-Node Cluster

1. Manual

In essence, you will execute the same commands for master and worker setups but on a single node.

5 seconds delay has been added between the commands to ensure that components have enough time to initialize.

Execute the following below as a non-root user with sudo rights using bash:

  1. Run the node setup script:

    Note: To enable runs with stargz images, setup kubelet by adding the stock-only and use-stargz flags as follows:

    ./scripts/cloudlab/ stock-only use-stargz

    IMPORTANT Currently stargz is only supported in native kubelet contexts without firecracker. Therefore, the following steps from this guide must not be executed:

    • 1.3 - Start firecracker-containerd in a background terminal named firecracker,
    • 1.5 - Start vHive in a background terminal named vhive.
  2. Start containerd in a background terminal named containerd:
    sudo screen -dmS containerd containerd; sleep 5;


    Regarding screen and starting daemons in background terminals, see the note in step 2 of subsection II.2 Setup Worker Nodes.

  3. Start firecracker-containerd in a background named firecracker:
    sudo PATH=$PATH screen -dmS firecracker /usr/local/bin/firecracker-containerd --config /etc/firecracker-containerd/config.toml; sleep 5;
  4. Build vHive host orchestrator:
    source /etc/profile && go build;
  5. Start vHive in a background terminal named vhive:
    sudo screen -dmS vhive ./vhive; sleep 5;
  6. Run the single node cluster setup script:

    IMPORTANT: If you setup the node using the stock-only flag, execute the following script instead:

    ./scripts/cluster/ stock-only

2. Clean Up


3. Using a Script

This script stops the existing cluster if any, cleans up and then starts a fresh single-node cluster.

export GITHUB_VHIVE_ARGS="[-dbg] [-snapshots] [-upf]" # specify if to enable debug logs; cold starts: snapshots, REAP snapshots (optional)

IV. Deploying and Invoking Functions in vHive

This section is only for synchronous (i.e., Knative Serving) functions. Please refer to Adding Benchmarks to vHive/Knative and Stock Knative for benchmarking asynchronous (i.e., Knative Eventing) case and more details about both.

1. Deploy Functions

On the master node, execute the following instructions below using bash:

  1. Optionally, configure the types and the number of functions to deploy in examples/deployer/functions.json.

  2. Run the deployer client:

    source /etc/profile && pushd ./examples/deployer && go build && popd && ./examples/deployer/deployer


    Deployer cannot be used for Knative eventing (i.e., asynchronous) workflows. You need to deploy them manually instead.

    Deployer uses YAML files defined in configs/knative-workload that are specific to firecracker. Please refer to the Developer's Guide for deploying functions in the container or gVisor based environment.


    There are runtime arguments that you can specify if necessary.

    The script writes the deployed functions' endpoints in a file (endpoints.json by default).

2. Invoke Functions

On any node, execute the following instructions below using bash:

  1. Run the invoker client:

    pushd ./examples/invoker && go build && popd && ./examples/invoker/invoker


    In order to run the invoker client on another node, copy the endpoints.json file to the target node and run the invoker, specifying the path to the file as -endpointsFile path/to/endpoints.json.

    There are runtime arguments (e.g., RPS or requests-per-second target, experiment duration) that you can specify if necessary.

    After invoking the functions from the input file (endpoints.json by default), the script writes the measured latencies to an output file (rps<RPS>_lat.csv by default, where <RPS> is the observed requests-per-sec value) for further analysis.

3. Delete Deployed Functions

On the master node, execute the following instructions below using bash:

  1. Delete all deployed functions:
    kn service delete --all

V. Deploying eStargz-based Functions

This section provides an example function run using a nodejs base image that has been converted to the stargz format. To create other images supported by stargz, please refer to the creating-estargz-images-using-ctr-remote section of the official stargz repository or follow the instructions below.

1. Convert a native image to stargz format

If all installation steps have been followed accordingly, the ctr-remote CLI tool will be available on your node(s). To start, pull the image by replacing the path in the following command:

ctr-remote image pull <registry/image:tag>

Next, convert the image to the eStargz expected format by replacing the old path and new path in the following:

ctr-remote image optimize --oci <registry/image:tag> <registry/image:new_tag>

Finally, push the image to your repository by replacing the new path in the following:

ctr-remote image push <registry/image:new_tag>


If prompted for authentication, add the following flag to the previous command: -u name:auth_token

Our example deployment configuration can be found in /configs/knative_workloads/stargz-node.yaml and can be run with:

kn service apply stargz-test -f configs/knative_workloads/stargz-node.yaml --concurrency-target 1

To create your own deployment, replace the marked fields as needed:

kind: Pod
  // required
  name: <deployment_name>
        // required
      - name: <container_name>
        // required
        image: <stargz_image_registry_path>
        // optional
        command: [<command>]
        // optional
        args: <args>
        // optional
        - containerPort: <port_number>

2. Deploy Function

On the master node, execute the following using bash:

kn service apply <name> -f <yaml_config_path> --concurrency-target 1

3. Interact with your function

Interact with the deployed function from any node using the exposed interface of the deployed function. Considering our example deployment running exposing port 80 we can run:

curl http://stargz-test.default.<deployment_ip>

4. Delete Deployed Function

On the master node, execute the following using to delete all deployed functions:

kn service delete --all