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A path planning problem for a car_trailer using the bycicle model

1. compile the file

  a) edit the Makefile and adjust the CUDDPATH to the location where the cudd library is installed.

  b) you should be able to compile the program simply by

  $ make

2. execute 


  which produces


3. simulate the closed loop in Matlab 

  a) you need to compile the mexfile first (see the readme in $(SCOTSROOT)/mfiles/mexfiles )

  b) in Matlab add the path and run the simulation 

   >> addpath(genpath('../../../mfiles'))
   >> car_trailer

4. information on the example are found in

- Reissig, G., Weber, A., & Rungger, M. (2015). Feedback Refinement Relations
  for the Synthesis of Symbolic Controllers. arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.03715.

- Zamani, M., Pola, G., Mazo, M., & Tabuada, P. (2012). Symbolic models for
  nonlinear control systems without stability assumptions. IEEE TAC, 57(7),