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13:13 2001-05-11 * [email protected] * Yukon Renewable Resources

		Yukon 30 meter Digital Elevation Model
			Support Scripts

You can have all the AMLs I wrote to make this happen but be forewarned,
I am not a programmer and have no training. Before starting this project 
I had not written any AML scripts. So they are messy, not well thought 
out, of greatly varying quality and stability, and unlikely to be very
portable. If they blow up your computer or nuke your data, it's not my
fault. All the same if they will help you, you are welcome to them.

Read .\resources\Overview.txt for a general idea of how I proceeded,
then .\50kdem\_ReadMe.aml for a more detailed, and out of date, description.
Finally, if your insurance is paid and all your data is backed up, 
.\50kdem\whole_hog.aml is the master do-everything-at-once wrapper script.

This package and it's contents are (c) 1999-2001 by Yukon Renewable
Resources and published under the GNU Public License, v2 or later at
your discretion. You may do whatever you wish with it inclcuding 
modification and redistribution provided you do not attempt to restrict
others from doing the same. See the file LICENSE.TXT for the full text of 
the GPL.

Why go through the bother of copyrighting and licensing this stuff 
rather than just placing it in the public domain? 

Because in the course of the 30m DEM project I ended up corresponding 
with and learning from many people through the newsgroups and mailing 
lists. I could not have done it with out them. One of those I corresponded
with was an ArcInfo oldtimer from wayback who used to write and publish 
all his scripts for anybody to use. He stopped doing that when he 
discovered  some of his scripts, almost completely unaltered, in the 
next release of ArcInfo without even a mention of the original author 
and copyrighted by ESRI. Because his scripts were public domain ESRI 
were completely within their legal rights to do that. Because of this I 
was deprived of the benefit of this oldtimer's experience. This will 
not happen with my works.
