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Gridcoin is an open source cryptocurrency (Ticker: GRC) which securely rewards
volunteer computing performed on the BOINC platform. BOINC is an open source
volunteer computing grid which combines the processing power of individual users
for the purposes of scientific research.

QT5, qrencode and miniupnpc are optional (available on SBo) to build GUI, QR
and UPnP support. QT5 will be detected automatically, for the others, run
script as

QRENC=yes ./Gridcoin-Research.SlackBuild
UPNP=yes ./Gridcoin-Research.SlackBuild

You will need to edit the configuration file gridcoinresearch.conf in
/etc/Gridcoin-Research/ and place it in your home directory ~/.GridcoinResearch/
to provide the location of your boinc data and any other configurations that you
require. For details, see