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A metagenomic and isolate assembly and analysis pipeline built with AMOS


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- You'll need a local copy of the standalone BLAST+
  software; this can be downloaded for your local
  platform from

  PhymmBL formally supports versions from 2.2.25 up to
  the latest release, but should work with all BLAST+
  installations that share the 2.2.25 syntax.

- A minimum of 120GB of disk space should be available
  for the default installation; 200GB is recommended,
  especially if you're adding your own custom sequence
  data to the local database (see below).

- 4GB of free memory is preferred; 1GB should suffice;
  500MB or less will likely cause problems.

- You'll need to have a relatively modern version
  of Perl installed, including the Net::FTP package.

- Your system will need to have the (free) UNIX utility
  "wget" installed.  This utility is included in
  many Linux/UNIX distributions, but please note that it
  isn't included with Mac OS (even in the developer toolkit);
  the website for the software is


To install, run "" from this directory and follow
the prompts.

The installer will download all the current bacterial &
archaeal genomic data from RefSeq, set up needed metadata,
and build the ICMs that comprise the core of the Phymm component
of PhymmBL.

It'll also build a local BLAST database representing
all the genomic data from RefSeq.


To add your own genomic data (input as sequences in FastA/
multi-FastA format) to PhymmBL's local database, run
"" from the installation directory.  This
script has two modes: single-organism mode and batch mode.

 Single-organism mode:

   As the label implies, you can only add one organism at a
   time using this mode.  Note that you *can* add multiple
   sequences at once, as long as they're all from the same
   organism.  To use this mode, just run ""
   with no arguments.

 Batch mode:

   This mode allows you to add multiple organisms at once.

   First, create a configuration file that will tell the
   script the locations of FastA-formatted sequence files
   to be used as input, as well as taxonomic metadata for
   the organisms to be added.  The configuration file
   format requires one line per file location*, with nine
   fields per line, separated by tab characters.

   *"File location" can refer either to a single source file OR
   to a directory containing multiple FastA files all belonging
   to the same organism.  If you specify a directory, all files
   in that directory will be incorporated into the models built
   for the current organism.

   An example configuration file is provided at .

   The nine fields on each line are:

   1. File location.  This can be either an absolute path
   or a path relative to your PhymmBL installation directory.

   2. "Combine files" flag: the value of this field is either
   0 or 1.  If 0, a separate ICM will be built for each
   input file, leading (assuming you have multiple input files)
   to multiple models for your organism, each representing a
   different portion of your organism's genome.  If 1, one
   single ICM will be built from all of the specified sequence
   data for your organism.  Anecdotally, we can advise you that
   option 0 occasionally leads to slightly better accuracy,
   especially in the case of large organisms like eukaryotes.
   On the other hand, having more models increases processing time,
   which will slow down your analysis runs.  A synthetic
   classification experiment in which results from a set of
   about 250 models of different segments of the human genome
   were compared to results from a single model of the
   entire human genome produced an improvement in accuracy
   that was less than 2%.  Bottom line: we recommend using
   a value of 1 in this field unless you have a truly compelling
   reason to do otherwise.

   3-9. Phylum, class, order, family, genus, species and strain
   labels, respectively, for your organism.

      IMPORTANT: If there's no entry in the taxonomy for your
      organism at a certain clade level, enter NO_VALUE in the
      field corresponding to that level.  DO NOT LEAVE ANY FIELDS
      BLANK.  Cf. the example config file (linked above), in which
      a few field entries have been (artificially) replaced with
      NO_VALUE entries.

      ALSO IMPORTANT: The "species" field is meant to contain ONLY
      the species-level label for your organism, e.g. "coli" for E.
      coli or "sapiens" for Homo sapiens.  If you enter the entire
      (genus+species) binomial name for your organism in this
      field, then classification will be performed in exactly the
      same way as it otherwise would be, but your result files will
      look strangely redundant, because the software automatically
      reconstructs binomial names from the values listed in the
      individual fields, and you (presumably) don't want to be
      modeling "Salmonella Salmonella typhimurium" or
      "Escherichia Escherichia coli."


Re-run "" and follow the prompts; if you so choose,
you'll be able to update your local genomic database with only
those RefSeq sequences that have been added or changed since
your last update.  You can also completely overwrite your
local database with the current copy of the RefSeq collection,
if you like.  Note that this WILL NOT affect any custom user-added


Run "" from your PhymmBL directory.  This
might be useful if, for example, you've added multiple organisms
with multiple runs of "", declining each
time to automatically regenerate the local BLAST database,
in favor of doing it just once when you've finished adding
the entire batch of new organisms.


With your set of query reads saved into a multi-FastA
file (make sure each read has a *unique* identifier
immediately following the '>' on its comment line),
run " <query-read file>".  Result files
will be generated for Phymm, BLAST (using the local
database constructed during installation), and PhymmBL
(the final score, a weighted combination of the two
sub-components designed to maximize accuracy).


Providing more sequence information to Phymm will generally
result in more accurate classification; if you have mate-pair
data, we recommend concatenating each pair, with a string
of 5 or 10 'N's linking the two (regardless of actual expected
insert length).


The Phymm portion of the PhymmBL package is currently
a single-processor program.

If you have multiple processors available and wish
to parallelize your classification runs,
is designed to allow multiple copies to run in parallel;
you can split your input data (FastA sequences) into
as many files as your system can comfortably handle,
then run separately, in parallel, on each
one.  This will substantially improve processing time.

Example scenario: Your sequence data is in a file called
"queryReads.fasta".  You have six processors available on
your system, and you want to use, say, four of them for

Break up "queryReads.fasta" into four roughly equally-sized
multi-FastA files, say "queryReads_1.fasta", "queryReads_2.fasta",
etc., one for each processor to be used.  Then run separately on each of the four input chunks, e.g.:

   nohup queryReads_1.fasta &
   nohup queryReads_2.fasta &
   nohup queryReads_3.fasta &
   nohup queryReads_4.fasta &

The 'nohup' keyword at the beginning of each line
directs the system not to kill PhymmBL if you log out
or you lose your terminal connection before the process is
finished; this is recommended, wherever possible, when
launching long-running processes like PhymmBL, since you
*really* don't want to have to start over if something ends
up going wrong with your connection that wouldn't otherwise
have affected the outcome.

The '&' character at the end will send each process to the
background, so you can regain control of your terminal before
the process is finished, which is necessary if you don't want
to open four separate terminals.  The only drawback to this,
if you log out after starting the process, is that you'll
have to manually check to see whether or not
has finished; it's done when the PhymmBL output has appeared,
which is contained in files named


(If you do remain logged in after launching PhymmBL, your terminal
will send you a message when each chunk has been completed.)


PhymmBL output ("results.03.*") now contains confidence scores
along with taxonomic predictions.  One score, a real number
between 0 and 1, is given for each clade level prediction (genus
and above), under the headers "GENUS_CONF," "FAMILY_CONF," etc.

CRITICAL NOTE: the scores are NOT p-values, and should not be
directly interpreted as such.

What they *do* provide is a bounded, linearly-scaled confidence
estimate: a prediction with a confidence score of 0.4 is roughly
half as confident as one with a confidence score of 0.8.

The scores are the values of polynomial functions which have
been fitted to experimental accuracy results, with one fitted
function for each clade level.

If we label the following statements concerning a single
query read as shown:

   A: The query read length is between 100 bp and 1000 bp, inclusive.
   B: The exact /species/ from which the read has been sampled is
      *not* in the PhymmBL database.
   C: Some other member of the /genus/ of the organism from which
      the read has been sampled *is* in the PhymmBL database.
   D: The taxonomic label assigned to the read by PhymmBL is correct.

Then the confidence score associated with each clade-level
prediction for the query read represents a *rough* fitted
estimate of:

   P(D given A, B and C).

The observed standard deviation of the error between the fitted
estimates and actual observed experimental accuracy results ranged
between 12-15% (for 100-bp reads) and 1-6% (for 1000-bp reads).
Standard deviation of error is fairly consistent across clade
levels, and depends mostly on read length.

Because the estimates were computed for the precise situation
described by statements B and C above, please note that
actual p-values may differ from the estimates by more than
the listed standard deviations, depending on what's in the
database.  For example, if the source species for a read *is*
in the PhymmBL database, confidence values may be overestimating
actual p-values; likewise, if the entire genus of the source
species is missing from the PhymmBL database (a far more common
case in metagenomics analysis), confidence values may be
/underestimating/ actual p-values.  Conclusion: if you use
confidence scores as a predictive cutoff, don't set your
cutoff too high, because more often than not, the confidence
values will be conservatively lowballing actual p-values.

A more organic way to set cutoffs is as follows:

1. Run your read set through PhymmBL.
2. Pick a mid-range clade level like family.
3. Sort the predicted taxonomic labels at your chosen
   level by abundance.
4. Pick a small percentage cutoff (say 0.75%), and treat
   all predictions whose abundance is higher than your 
   chosen cutoff as confident, and the rest as suspect.

If you want to be really careful about cutoffs, you might
try first performing the abundance cutoff described above,
followed by comparing the confidence scores associated
with the "confident set" and the "suspect set."  If the
confidence scores separate well into two ranges, with those
of the "confident set" higher than those of the "suspect set,"
then you now have a numeric confidence-score threshold
which can then be used, for example, to pull in high-confidence
predictions even from clades with very low predicted abundance,
ultimately enhancing your final "confident set" results.


Please note that the ICM-construction portion of
installation is particularly computationally intensive;
full installation (including ICM construction) took
about 24 hours on an Altus 3400 server with a 4x Opteron
850 processor, 32GB of memory, and no significant
competing processes running during that time.

Breakdown of our test installation, on the server
described above, measured in wall-clock time:

   BEGIN			       00h 00m 00s
   RefSeq download complete	       00h 15m 43s
   .genomeData/ directory populated
   with downloaded data, organism
   directory-names standardized,
   taxonomic metadata files for
   Phymm generated, and included
   GLIMMER code compiled	       00h 41m 10s

   ICM construction complete	       22h 56m 14s

   local BLAST database construction
   complete (END)		       23h 00m 34s

Note that after the installer has assessed whether it
should use a new copy of the RefSeq data or work from
an existing one, the interactive portion of the installation
is complete, and you won't need to actively monitor the

For classification, in the worst case, Phymm runs in
time comparable to BLAST; 5,730 100-bp query reads took
36.3 minutes to classify with Phymm, and the same set took
26.9 minutes to search for matches in the local database
using BLAST.  For longer reads, BLAST's running time will
usually be several times that of Phymm.