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- Will there be .NET 9 editions of your other books? What about future versions of .NET?
- Is there a roadmap that shows what order to learn .NET technologies?
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Some readers think that because my name is on the front cover, that means the books are "mine". Inside the book cover you will see who owns the book: Copyright © 2023 Packt Publishing, as shown in the figure below:
Authors with publishers just write the content. Authors are not involved in pricing and distribution, and they certainly cannot give the books away for free, or give you permission to read the books without paying for them.
If you have purchased a Packt book then you have two options to get it in PDF format:
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My .NET 9 books on Packt's website:
- C# 13 and .NET 9 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals
- Real-World Web Development with .NET 9
My .NET 8 books on Packt's website:
- C# 12 and .NET 8 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals
- Apps and Services with .NET 8
- Tools and Skills for .NET 8
Although I have updated my C# and .NET fundamentals book and created a new book for web development that both cover .NET 9, I will not be updating my Apps and Services or Tools and Skills books until .NET 10.
Until the end of 2025, the most up-to-date editions of my .NET books are shown in the following figure:
Starting in November 2025, my plan* is that all four .NET books will be updated for .NET 10, shown in the following figure:
*Plan not guaranteed!
Some decent .NET road maps include: