This is an extension to Azure CLI to manage Hdinsightonaks resources.
Install this extension using the below CLI command
az extension add --name hdinsightonaks
az hdinsight-on-aks list-available-cluster-pool-version -l westus3
az hdinsight-on-aks list-available-cluster-version -l westus3
az hdinsight-on-aks check-name-availability -l westus3 \
--name cliclusterpool/clicluster \
--type Microsoft.HDInsight/clusterPools/clusters
$node-profile = az hdinsight-on-aks cluster node-profile create --count 5 --node-type Worker --vm-size Standard_D8d_v5
az hdinsight-on-aks cluster create -n clustername --cluster-pool-name \
clusterpoolname -g resourcesGroup -l westus3 --assigned-identity-object-id \
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 \
--assigned-identity-client-id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 \
--authorization-user-id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 \
--assigned-identity-id /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/PSGroup/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/yourmsi \
--cluster-type Trino --cluster-version 1.0.6 --oss-version 0.410.0 \
--nodes $node-profile
az hdinsight-on-aks cluster delete -n testcluster --cluster-pool-name testpool -g RG
az hdinsight-on-aks cluster list --cluster-pool-name testpool -g RG
az hdinsight-on-aks cluster list-service-config --cluster-name testcluster --cluster-pool-name testpool -g RG
az hdinsight-on-aks cluster resize --cluster-name testcluster --cluster-pool-name testpool -g RG -l westus3 --target-worker-node-count 6
az hdinsight-on-aks cluster show -n testcluster --cluster-pool-name testpool -g RG
az hdinsight-on-aks cluster show-instance-view --cluster-name testcluster --cluster-pool-name testpool -g RG
az hdinsight-on-aks cluster update -n testpsspark --cluster-pool-name ps-test-pool \
-g yuchenPSGroup --service-configs-profiles @config.json
az hdinsight-on-aks cluster job list --cluster-name testcluster --cluster-pool-name testpool -g RG
$jobProperty = az hdinsight-on-aks cluster flink-job create --action NEW --job-name job1 --entry-class --job-jar-directory abfs://[email protected]/jars --flink-configuration '{\"parallelism\":\"1\"}' --args test --jar-name jarname --job-name test1
az hdinsight-on-aks cluster job run --cluster-name testcluster --cluster-pool-name testpool -g RG--flink-job $jobProperty
az hdinsight-on-aks clusterpool create -g RG -n poolName -l westus3 --workernode-size Standard_E4s_v3
az hdinsight-on-aks clusterpool delete -g RG -n testcluster
az hdinsight-on-aks clusterpool list
az hdinsight-on-aks clusterpool show -g RG -n testpool
az hdinsight-on-aks clusterpool update -g RG -n testpool --enable-log-analytics \
--log-analytic-workspace-id "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/RG/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/yourworkspace"