Sample command-line programs for interacting with the Cloud Tasks API .
App Engine queues push tasks to an App Engine HTTP target. This directory contains both the App Engine app to deploy, as well as the snippets to run locally to push tasks to it, which could also be called on App Engine.
is a simple command-line program to create
tasks to be pushed to an URL endpoint.
is a simple command-line program to create
tasks to be pushed to an URL endpoint with authorization header.
is the main App Engine app. This app serves as an endpoint to receive
App Engine task attempts.
configures the App Engine app.
Please refer to Setting Up a Python Development Environment.
To set up authentication, please refer to our authentication getting started guide.
To create a queue using the Cloud SDK, use the following gcloud command:
gcloud beta tasks queues create-app-engine-queue my-appengine-queue
Note: A newly created queue will route to the default App Engine service and version unless configured to do otherwise.
Set environment variables:
First, your project ID:
export PROJECT_ID=my-project-id
Then the queue ID, as specified at queue creation time. Queue IDs already
created can be listed with gcloud beta tasks queues list
export QUEUE_ID=my-appengine-queue
And finally the location ID, which can be discovered with
gcloud beta tasks queues describe $QUEUE_ID
, with the location embedded in
the "name" value (for instance, if the name is
"projects/my-project/locations/us-central1/queues/my-appengine-queue", then the
location is "us-central1").
export LOCATION_ID=us-central1
Set an environment variable for the endpoint to your task handler. This is an example url to send requests to the App Engine task handler:
export URL=https://<project_id>
Running the sample will create a task and send the task to the specific URL endpoint, with a payload specified:
python --project=$PROJECT_ID --queue=$QUEUE_ID --location=$LOCATION_ID --url=$URL --payload=hello