Example of how to create a go image for Nano Server and Windows Server Core.
Creates an image containing golang 1.6
This dockerfile is for demonstration purposes and may require modification for production use.
Nano Server Base OS Image
Docker Build
docker build --isolation=hyperv -t golang:latest .
Docker Run
This will start a container, display the Go version, and then exit. Modify the Dockerfile appropriately for application use.
docker run -it golang
# This dockerfile utilizes components licensed by their respective owners/authors.
# Prior to utilizing this file or resulting images please review the respective licenses at: https://golang.org/LICENSE
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver:2009
ENV GOLANG_DOWNLOAD_URL "https://golang.org/dl/go$GOLANG_VERSION.windows-amd64.zip"
RUN powershell.exe -Command ; \
$handler = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler ; \
$client = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClient($handler) ; \
$client.Timeout = New-Object System.TimeSpan(0, 30, 0) ; \
$cancelTokenSource = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new() ; \
$responseMsg = $client.GetAsync([System.Uri]::new('%GOLANG_DOWNLOAD_URL%'), $cancelTokenSource.Token) ; \
$responseMsg.Wait() ; \
$downloadedFileStream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new('c:\go.zip', [System.IO.FileMode]::Create, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Write) ; \
$response = $responseMsg.Result ; \
$copyStreamOp = $response.Content.CopyToAsync($downloadedFileStream) ; \
$copyStreamOp.Wait() ; \
$downloadedFileStream.Close() ; \
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('c:\go.zip','c:\') ; \
Remove-Item c:\go.zip -Force
RUN powershell.exe -Command $env:path = $env:path + ';c:\go\bin'
Creates an image containing golang 1.5.1.
This dockerfile is for demonstration purposes and may require modification for production use.
Windows Server Core Base OS Image
Docker Build
docker build -t golang:latest .
Docker Run
This will start a container, display the Go version, and then exit. Modify the Dockerfile appropriately for application use.
docker run -it golang
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:2009
ENV GOLANG_DOWNLOAD_URL "https://golang.org/dl/go$GOLANG_VERSION.windows-amd64.zip"
RUN powershell -Command \
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; \
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%GOLANG_DOWNLOAD_URL%', 'go.zip') ; \
Expand-Archive go.zip -DestinationPath c:\\ ; \
Remove-Item go.zip -Force
RUN setx PATH %PATH%;c:\go\bin