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Starred repositories
RedBrainLabs / useful
Forked from clj-commons/usefulSome Clojure functions we use all the time, and so can you.
ngrunwald / store
Forked from jclouds/storeData storage in clojure
jeroenvandijk / lein-repack
Forked from zcaudate-me/lein-repackRepack your project for deployment and distribution
aphyr / clj-librato
Forked from gorsuch/clj-libratoA clojure library for Librato Metrics
couchbaselabs / ago
Forked from steveyen/agosnapshots and rewinding on top of ClojureScript core.async
couchbaselabs / gateload
Forked from pavel-paulau/gateloadSync Gateway workload generator
esl / jobs
Forked from uwiger/jobsJob scheduler for load regulation
grosser / diplomat
Forked from WeAreFarmGeek/diplomatA HTTP Ruby API for Consul
alexeyxo / protobuf-objc
Forked from redbooth/protobuf-objcGoogle Protocol Buffers for Objective-C
vhbit / ObjCrust
Forked from shilgapira/ObjCrustUsing Rust to create an iOS static library
jaynel / elysium
Forked from duomark/elysiumThe blessed and happy erlang afterlife for Cassandra
tupshin / cql-rust
Forked from iterion/cql-rustRust Cassandra CQL Client
markpundsack / p2met
Forked from eric/p2metPapertrail l2met-style webhook
Run NGINX in front of your app server on Heroku
Run NGINX in front of your app server on Heroku
rails / web-console
Forked from gsamokovarov/web-consoleRails Console on the Browser.
nextmat / twke
Forked from josephruscio/twkeA campfire bot written in Ruby, inspired by Hubot.
Wordpress on Heroku. Runs on top of Nginx, PHP, and MySQL. Pretty magical
benprew / pony
Forked from adamwiggins/ponyThe express way to send mail from Ruby.
halorgium / celluloid-pmap
Forked from jwo/celluloid-pmapParallel map using Celluloid Futures
fabiokung / ferret
Forked from nzoschke/ferretFerret out service availability
markpundsack / vanity
Forked from assaf/vanityExperiment Driven Development for Ruby
Beautifully done UIAlertView and UIActionSheet replacements inspired by TweetBot
github feed reader written in RubyMotion
haileys / opal
Forked from opal/opalRuby runtime and library on top of Javascript
roidrage / tasseo
Forked from obfuscurity/tasseoReal-time dashboard for Graphite
DACircularProgress is a UIView subclass with circular UIProgressView properties.
mathieuravaux / mongoid
Forked from mongodb/mongoidRuby ODM framework for MongoDB
mathieuravaux / moped
Forked from mongoid/mopedA MongoDB driver for Ruby