πΒ A ranked list of awesome machine learning python libraries. Updated weekly.
This curated list contains 780 awesome open-source projects with a total of 2.8M stars grouped into 32 categories. All projects are ranked by a project-quality score, which is calculated based on various metrics automatically collected from Github and different package managers. If you like to add or update projects, feel free to open an issue, submit a pull request, or directly edit the projects.yaml. Contributions are very welcome!
- Machine Learning Frameworks 47 projects
- Data Visualization 38 projects
- Text Data & NLP 77 projects
- Image Data 43 projects
- Graph Data 26 projects
- Audio Data 18 projects
- Geospatial Data 20 projects
- Financial Data 19 projects
- Time Series Data 14 projects
- Medical Data 19 projects
- Optical Character Recognition 9 projects
- Data Containers & Structures 27 projects
- Data Loading & Extraction 17 projects
- Web Scraping & Crawling 24 projects
- Data Pipelines & Streaming 26 projects
- Distributed Machine Learning 23 projects
- Hyperparameter Optimization & AutoML 40 projects
- Reinforcement Learning 18 projects
- Recommender Systems 12 projects
- Privacy Machine Learning 6 projects
- Workflow & Experiment Tracking 29 projects
- Model Serialization & Conversion 9 projects
- Model Interpretability 30 projects
- Vector Similarity Search (ANN) 11 projects
- Probabilistic Methods 14 projects
- Adversarial Robustness 7 projects
- GPU Utilities 15 projects
- Tensorflow Utilities 11 projects
- Pytorch Utilities 26 projects
- Database Clients 41 projects
- System Monitoring & Profiling 12 projects
- Others 47 projects
- π₯π₯π₯Β Combined project-quality score
- βοΈΒ Star count from Github
- π£Β New project (less than 6 month old)
- π€Β Inactive project (6 month no activity)
- πΒ Dead project (12 month no activity)
- ππΒ Project is trending up or down
- βΒ Project was recently added
- βοΈΒ Warning (e.g. missing/risky license)
- π¨βπ»Β Contributors count from Github
- πΒ Fork count from Github
- πΒ Issue count from Github
- β±οΈΒ Last update timestamp on package manager
- π₯Β Download count from package manager
- π¦Β Number of dependent projects
General-purpose machine learning and deep learning frameworks.
Tensorflow (π₯44 Β· β 150K) - An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 3.5K Β· π 84K Β· π¦ 110K Β· π 30K - 14% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow
PyPi (π₯ 7.3M / month Β· π¦ 23K Β· β±οΈ 14.12.2020):
pip install tensorflow
Conda (π₯ 2.2M Β· β±οΈ 15.07.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
scikit-learn (π₯41 Β· β 44K) - scikit-learn: machine learning in Python. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 2.1K Β· π 21K Β· π₯ 620 Β· π¦ 180K Β· π 8.9K - 25% open Β· β±οΈ 22.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn
PyPi (π₯ 10M / month Β· π¦ 38K Β· β±οΈ 22.12.2020):
pip install scikit-learn
Conda (π₯ 6.1M Β· β±οΈ 22.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-learn
StatsModels (π₯36 Β· β 5.8K) - Statsmodels: statistical modeling and econometrics in Python. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 300 Β· π 2.1K Β· π₯ 25 Β· π¦ 35K Β· π 4.3K - 47% open Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/statsmodels/statsmodels
PyPi (π₯ 2.3M / month Β· π¦ 6.7K Β· β±οΈ 29.10.2020):
pip install statsmodels
Conda (π₯ 3M Β· β±οΈ 21.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge statsmodels
XGBoost (π₯35 Β· β 20K) - Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 500 Β· π 7.8K Β· π₯ 1.8K Β· π¦ 12K Β· π 3.9K - 6% open Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost
PyPi (π₯ 2.8M / month Β· π¦ 1.6K Β· β±οΈ 09.12.2020):
pip install xgboost
Conda (π₯ 1.3M Β· β±οΈ 10.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge xgboost
LightGBM (π₯35 Β· β 12K) - A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT,.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 190 Β· π 3.1K Β· π₯ 82K Β· π¦ 5.1K Β· π 2K - 4% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/LightGBM
PyPi (π₯ 1.5M / month Β· π¦ 560 Β· β±οΈ 08.12.2020):
pip install lightgbm
Conda (π₯ 450K Β· β±οΈ 08.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge lightgbm
Theano (π₯35 Β· β 9.3K) - Theano is a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and.. BSD-3
MXNet (π₯34 Β· β 19K) - Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 950 Β· π 6.8K Β· π₯ 23K Β· π¦ 1.7K Β· π 9.3K - 19% open Β· β±οΈ 24.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet
PyPi (π₯ 130K / month Β· π¦ 440 Β· β±οΈ 28.08.2020):
pip install mxnet
Conda (π₯ 5.6K Β· β±οΈ 29.02.2020):
conda install -c anaconda mxnet
pytorch-lightning (π₯33 Β· β 11K) - The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 350 Β· π 1.3K Β· π₯ 14 Β· π¦ 1.5K Β· π 2.7K - 13% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning
PyPi (π₯ 110K / month Β· π¦ 14 Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
pip install pytorch-lightning
Conda (π₯ 12K Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge pytorch-lightning
jax (π₯32 Β· β 11K) - Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate,.. Apache-2
Thinc (π₯32 Β· β 2.1K) - A refreshing functional take on deep learning, compatible with your.. MIT
Catboost (π₯31 Β· β 5.6K) - A fast, scalable, high performance Gradient Boosting on Decision.. Apache-2
PaddlePaddle (π₯30 Β· β 14K) - PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning.. Apache-2
TFlearn (π₯30 Β· β 9.5K) - Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow. MIT
Vowpal Wabbit (π₯30 Β· β 7.4K) - Vowpal Wabbit is a machine learning system which pushes the.. BSD-3
Turi Create (π₯29 Β· β 10K) - Turi Create simplifies the development of custom machine learning.. BSD-3
tensorpack (π₯28 Β· β 5.9K) - A Neural Net Training Interface on TensorFlow, with focus.. Apache-2
Flax (π₯28 Β· β 1.3K) - Flax is a neural network ecosystem for JAX that is designed for.. Apache-2
CNTK (π₯27 Β· β 17K Β· π€) - Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit. MIT
Ignite (π₯27 Β· β 3.2K) - High-level library to help with training and evaluating neural.. BSD-3
Neural Network Libraries (π₯25 Β· β 2.4K) - Neural Network Libraries. Apache-2
xLearn (π₯24 Β· β 2.8K Β· π€) - High performance, easy-to-use, and scalable machine learning.. Apache-2
ktrain (π₯24 Β· β 700) - ktrain is a Python library that makes deep learning and AI more.. Apache-2
einops (π₯23 Β· β 2K) - Deep learning operations reinvented (for pytorch, tensorflow, chainer,.. MIT
mace (π₯21 Β· β 4.2K) - MACE is a deep learning inference framework optimized for mobile.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 54 Β· π 740 Β· π₯ 1.3K Β· π 620 - 5% open Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/XiaoMi/mace
Neural Tangents (π₯21 Β· β 1.2K) - Fast and Easy Infinite Neural Networks in Python. Apache-2
ThunderSVM (π₯20 Β· β 1.2K) - ThunderSVM: A Fast SVM Library on GPUs and CPUs. Apache-2
Haiku (π₯20 Β· β 870) - JAX-based neural network library. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 32 Β· π 58 Β· π¦ 53 Β· π 65 - 27% open Β· β±οΈ 22.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/deepmind/dm-haiku
Torchbearer (π₯18 Β· β 580 Β· π€) - torchbearer: A model fitting library for PyTorch. MIT
ThunderGBM (π₯17 Β· β 570) - ThunderGBM: Fast GBDTs and Random Forests on GPUs. Apache-2
StarSpace (π₯13 Β· β 3.5K Β· π€) - Learning embeddings for classification, retrieval and ranking. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 17 Β· π 480 Β· π 190 - 23% open Β· β±οΈ 13.12.2019):
git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/StarSpace
Show 6 hidden projects...
- dlib (π₯33 Β· β 9.7K Β· β) - A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data..
- NuPIC (π₯25 Β· β 6.2K Β· π) - Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing is an..
- MindsDB (π₯20 Β· β 3.1K) - Predictive AI layer for existing databases.
- NeuPy (π₯20 Β· β 660 Β· π) - NeuPy is a Tensorflow based python library for prototyping and..
- elegy (π₯16 Β· β 140 Β· π£) - Elegy is a Neural Networks framework based on Jax and..
- NeoML (π₯11 Β· β 550 Β· π£) - Machine learning framework for both deep learning and..
General-purpose and task-specific data visualization libraries.
Matplotlib (π₯40 Β· β 13K) - matplotlib: plotting with Python. βοΈPython-2.0
GitHub (π¨βπ» 1.2K Β· π 5.5K Β· π¦ 300K Β· π 7.5K - 21% open Β· β±οΈ 25.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib
PyPi (π₯ 9.2M / month Β· π¦ 79K Β· β±οΈ 12.11.2020):
pip install matplotlib
Conda (π₯ 7.6M Β· β±οΈ 18.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
Plotly (π₯35 Β· β 8.5K) - The interactive graphing library for Python (includes Plotly Express). MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 160 Β· π 1.7K Β· π¦ 5 Β· π 1.8K - 42% open Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/plotly/plotly.py
PyPi (π₯ 2.8M / month Β· π¦ 5K Β· β±οΈ 09.12.2020):
pip install plotly
NPM (π₯ 36K / month Β· π¦ 4 Β· β±οΈ 09.12.2020):
npm install plotlywidget
Conda (π₯ 1.1M Β· β±οΈ 09.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge plotly
Seaborn (π₯35 Β· β 7.9K) - Statistical data visualization using matplotlib. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 140 Β· π 1.4K Β· π₯ 110 Β· π¦ 75K Β· π 1.7K - 4% open Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/mwaskom/seaborn
PyPi (π₯ 2.1M / month Β· π¦ 13K Β· β±οΈ 20.12.2020):
pip install seaborn
Conda (π₯ 1.8M Β· β±οΈ 21.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge seaborn
dash (π₯34 Β· β 14K Β· β) - Analytical Web Apps for Python, R, Julia, and Jupyter. No JavaScript.. MIT
wordcloud (π₯31 Β· β 7.7K) - A little word cloud generator in Python. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 58 Β· π 2K Β· π¦ 8.1K Β· π 430 - 20% open Β· β±οΈ 11.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/amueller/word_cloud
PyPi (π₯ 250K / month Β· π¦ 1.1K Β· β±οΈ 11.11.2020):
pip install wordcloud
Conda (π₯ 180K Β· β±οΈ 16.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge wordcloud
bqplot (π₯30 Β· β 3K) - Plotting library for IPython/Jupyter notebooks. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 51 Β· π 400 Β· π¦ 1.1K Β· π 500 - 37% open Β· β±οΈ 18.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/bqplot/bqplot
PyPi (π₯ 15K / month Β· π¦ 110 Β· β±οΈ 05.11.2020):
pip install bqplot
NPM (π₯ 140K / month Β· π¦ 10 Β· β±οΈ 12.10.2020):
npm install bqplot
Conda (π₯ 440K Β· β±οΈ 12.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge bqplot
pandas-profiling (π₯29 Β· β 6.5K) - Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 61 Β· π 970 Β· π¦ 2.7K Β· π 400 - 12% open Β· β±οΈ 30.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/pandas-profiling/pandas-profiling
PyPi (π₯ 240K / month Β· π¦ 160 Β· β±οΈ 03.09.2020):
pip install pandas-profiling
Conda (π₯ 94K Β· β±οΈ 03.09.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge pandas-profiling
PyQtGraph (π₯29 Β· β 2.2K) - Fast data visualization and GUI tools for scientific / engineering.. MIT
HoloViews (π₯29 Β· β 1.8K) - With Holoviews, your data visualizes itself. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 99 Β· π 290 Β· π 2.5K - 26% open Β· β±οΈ 22.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/holoviz/holoviews
PyPi (π₯ 110K / month Β· π¦ 170 Β· β±οΈ 03.12.2020):
pip install holoviews
NPM (π₯ 6.8K / month Β· β±οΈ 24.05.2020):
npm install @pyviz/jupyterlab_pyviz
Conda (π₯ 390K Β· β±οΈ 03.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge holoviews
VisPy (π₯28 Β· β 2.5K) - High-performance interactive 2D/3D data visualization library. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 140 Β· π 540 Β· π¦ 440 Β· π 1.1K - 31% open Β· β±οΈ 28.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/vispy/vispy
PyPi (π₯ 14K / month Β· π¦ 120 Β· β±οΈ 28.11.2020):
pip install vispy
NPM (π₯ 67 / month Β· β±οΈ 15.03.2020):
npm install vispy
Conda (π₯ 120K Β· β±οΈ 28.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge vispy
datashader (π₯28 Β· β 2.4K) - Quickly and accurately render even the largest data. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 43 Β· π 310 Β· π¦ 540 Β· π 460 - 31% open Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/holoviz/datashader
PyPi (π₯ 15K / month Β· π¦ 70 Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
pip install datashader
Conda (π₯ 130K Β· β±οΈ 17.08.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge datashader
missingno (π₯27 Β· β 2.6K) - Missing data visualization module for Python. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 14 Β· π 330 Β· π¦ 2.5K Β· π 100 - 14% open Β· β±οΈ 23.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/ResidentMario/missingno
PyPi (π₯ 200K / month Β· π¦ 76 Β· β±οΈ 29.06.2018):
pip install missingno
Conda (π₯ 65K Β· β±οΈ 15.02.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge missingno
Perspective (π₯26 Β· β 3.1K) - Streaming pivot visualization via WebAssembly. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 59 Β· π 330 Β· π¦ 160 Β· π 350 - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 22.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/finos/perspective
PyPi (π₯ 560 / month Β· π¦ 4 Β· β±οΈ 15.10.2020):
pip install perspective-python
NPM (π₯ 1K / month Β· β±οΈ 15.10.2020):
npm install @finos/perspective-jupyterlab
PyVista (π₯26 Β· β 620) - 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 47 Β· π 130 Β· π₯ 30 Β· π¦ 220 Β· π 380 - 30% open Β· β±οΈ 22.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/pyvista/pyvista
PyPi (π₯ 8.9K / month Β· π¦ 26 Β· β±οΈ 10.12.2020):
pip install pyvista
Conda (π₯ 51K Β· β±οΈ 10.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge pyvista
hvPlot (π₯26 Β· β 330) - A high-level plotting API for pandas, dask, xarray, and networkx built.. BSD-3
Chartify (π₯25 Β· β 2.8K) - Python library that makes it easy for data scientists to create.. Apache-2
Facets Overview (π₯24 Β· β 6.4K) - Visualizations for machine learning datasets. Apache-2
HyperTools (π₯24 Β· β 1.6K) - A Python toolbox for gaining geometric insights into high-.. MIT
pythreejs (π₯24 Β· β 690) - A Jupyter - Three.js bridge. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 24 Β· π 160 Β· π¦ 15 Β· π 190 - 29% open Β· β±οΈ 09.10.2020):
git clone https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/pythreejs
PyPi (π₯ 6.7K / month Β· π¦ 13 Β· β±οΈ 09.10.2020):
pip install pythreejs
NPM (π₯ 4.5K / month Β· π¦ 8 Β· β±οΈ 19.03.2020):
npm install jupyter-threejs
Conda (π₯ 250K Β· β±οΈ 12.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge pythreejs
Pandas-Bokeh (π₯22 Β· β 590) - Bokeh Plotting Backend for Pandas and GeoPandas. MIT
AutoViz (π₯20 Β· β 270) - Automatically Visualize any dataset, any size with a single line of.. Apache-2
Sweetviz (π₯19 Β· β 1.2K) - Visualize and compare datasets, target values and associations, with.. MIT
Show 5 hidden projects...
- Altair (π₯25 Β· β 240 Β· π) - Declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- PDPbox (π₯22 Β· β 520 Β· π) - python partial dependence plot toolbox.
- pivottablejs (π₯20 Β· β 410 Β· π) - Dragndrop Pivot Tables and Charts for Jupyter/IPython..
- pdvega (π₯16 Β· β 340 Β· π) - Interactive plotting for Pandas using Vega-Lite.
- nptsne (π₯15 Β· β 24) - nptsne is a numpy compatible python binary package that offers a..
Libraries for processing, cleaning, manipulating, and analyzing text data as well as libraries for NLP tasks such as language detection, fuzzy matching, classification, seq2seq learning, conversational AI, keyword extraction, and translation.
spaCy (π₯37 Β· β 18K) - Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python and.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 540 Β· π 3.2K Β· π₯ 2.9K Β· π¦ 20K Β· π 4.2K - 2% open Β· β±οΈ 22.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/explosion/spaCy
PyPi (π₯ 910K / month Β· π¦ 3.1K Β· β±οΈ 11.12.2020):
pip install spacy
Conda (π₯ 1.4M Β· β±οΈ 18.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge spacy
transformers (π₯36 Β· β 39K) - Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 740 Β· π 9.4K Β· π₯ 1.2K Β· π¦ 6.4K Β· π 5.5K - 10% open Β· β±οΈ 25.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/huggingface/transformers
PyPi (π₯ 720K / month Β· π¦ 130 Β· β±οΈ 17.12.2020):
pip install transformers
Conda (π₯ 13K Β· β±οΈ 19.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge transformers
nltk (π₯34 Β· β 9.5K) - Suite of libraries and programs for symbolic and statistical natural.. Apache-2
Rasa (π₯32 Β· β 10K) - Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-.. Apache-2
ChatterBot (π₯31 Β· β 11K) - ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine for.. BSD-3
sentencepiece (π₯31 Β· β 4.7K) - Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 46 Β· π 600 Β· π₯ 9K Β· π¦ 5.1K Β· π 400 - 8% open Β· β±οΈ 12.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/google/sentencepiece
PyPi (π₯ 1.1M / month Β· π¦ 120 Β· β±οΈ 24.10.2020):
pip install sentencepiece
Conda (π₯ 20K Β· β±οΈ 10.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge sentencepiece
fastText (π₯30 Β· β 22K) - Library for fast text representation and classification. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 58 Β· π 4.2K Β· π¦ 1.4K Β· π 990 - 40% open Β· β±οΈ 18.07.2020):
git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText
PyPi (π₯ 120K / month Β· π¦ 190 Β· β±οΈ 28.04.2020):
pip install fasttext
Conda (π₯ 17K Β· β±οΈ 12.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge fasttext
fairseq (π₯30 Β· β 11K Β· π) - Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in.. MIT
AllenNLP (π₯29 Β· β 9.5K Β· π) - An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch. Apache-2
TextBlob (π₯29 Β· β 7.5K) - Simple, Pythonic, text processing--Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 33 Β· π 950 Β· π₯ 88 Β· π¦ 9.5K Β· π 220 - 31% open Β· β±οΈ 25.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/sloria/TextBlob
PyPi (π₯ 270K / month Β· π¦ 2.5K Β· β±οΈ 24.02.2019):
pip install textblob
Conda (π₯ 110K Β· β±οΈ 24.02.2019):
conda install -c conda-forge textblob
Tokenizers (π₯28 Β· β 4.1K) - Fast State-of-the-Art Tokenizers optimized for Research and.. Apache-2
Dedupe (π₯28 Β· β 2.8K) - A python library for accurate and scalable fuzzy matching, record.. MIT
phonenumbers (π₯28 Β· β 2.6K) - Python port of Google's libphonenumber. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 22 Β· π 320 Β· π 110 - 2% open Β· β±οΈ 22.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/daviddrysdale/python-phonenumbers
PyPi (π₯ 790K / month Β· π¦ 2.3K Β· β±οΈ 16.12.2020):
pip install phonenumbers
Conda (π₯ 370K Β· β±οΈ 04.08.2019):
conda install -c conda-forge phonenumbers
inflect (π₯28 Β· β 460) - Correctly generate plurals, ordinals, indefinite articles; convert.. MIT
DeepPavlov (π₯26 Β· β 4.9K) - An open source library for deep learning end-to-end dialog.. Apache-2
TensorFlow Text (π₯26 Β· β 670) - Making text a first-class citizen in TensorFlow. Apache-2
fastNLP (π₯25 Β· β 1.9K Β· π) - fastNLP: A Modularized and Extensible NLP Framework. Currently.. Apache-2
TextDistance (π₯25 Β· β 1.8K Β· π€) - Compute distance between sequences. 30+ algorithms, pure.. MIT
jellyfish (π₯25 Β· β 1.4K) - a python library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of.. BSD-2
haystack (π₯25 Β· β 1.2K Β· β) - Transformers at scale for question answering & neural search... Apache-2
ParlAI (π₯24 Β· β 6.9K) - A framework for training and evaluating AI models on a variety of.. MIT
T5 (π₯24 Β· β 3.1K) - Code for the paper Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a.. Apache-2
Sumy (π₯24 Β· β 2.4K) - Module for automatic summarization of text documents and HTML pages. Apache-2
PyTextRank (π₯24 Β· β 1.4K) - Python implementation of TextRank for phrase extraction and.. MIT
SciSpacy (π₯24 Β· β 760) - A full spaCy pipeline and models for scientific/biomedical.. Apache-2
pyahocorasick (π₯24 Β· β 560) - Python module (C extension and plain python) implementing Aho-.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 20 Β· π 85 Β· π¦ 460 Β· π 93 - 32% open Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/WojciechMula/pyahocorasick
PyPi (π₯ 120K / month Β· π¦ 64 Β· β±οΈ 14.01.2019):
pip install pyahocorasick
Conda (π₯ 110K Β· β±οΈ 13.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge pyahocorasick
Ciphey (π₯23 Β· β 5.9K) - Automatically decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher,.. MIT
flashtext (π₯23 Β· β 4.6K Β· π€) - Extract Keywords from sentence or Replace keywords in sentences. MIT
textgenrnn (π₯23 Β· β 4.2K Β· β) - Easily train your own text-generating neural network of any.. MIT
Snips NLU (π₯23 Β· β 3.4K Β· π€) - Snips Python library to extract meaning from text. Apache-2
pytorch-nlp (π₯23 Β· β 1.8K) - Basic Utilities for PyTorch Natural Language Processing (NLP). BSD-3
sense2vec (π₯23 Β· β 1.1K Β· π€) - Contextually-keyed word vectors. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 14 Β· π 200 Β· π₯ 12K Β· π¦ 47 Β· π 93 - 16% open Β· β±οΈ 29.05.2020):
git clone https://github.com/explosion/sense2vec
PyPi (π₯ 2.3K / month Β· π¦ 6 Β· β±οΈ 22.11.2019):
pip install sense2vec
Conda (π₯ 14K Β· β±οΈ 16.03.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge sense2vec
pySBD (π₯23 Β· β 240) - pySBD (Python Sentence Boundary Disambiguation) is a rule-based sentence.. MIT
neuralcoref (π₯22 Β· β 2.2K Β· β) - Fast Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 19 Β· π 370 Β· π₯ 160 Β· π¦ 270 Β· π 250 - 15% open Β· β±οΈ 07.09.2020):
git clone https://github.com/huggingface/neuralcoref
PyPi (π₯ 3.7K / month Β· π¦ 9 Β· β±οΈ 08.04.2019):
pip install neuralcoref
Conda (π₯ 5.5K Β· β±οΈ 21.02.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge neuralcoref
scattertext (π₯22 Β· β 1.5K) - Beautiful visualizations of how language differs among.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 10 Β· π 200 Β· π¦ 140 Β· π 67 - 25% open Β· β±οΈ 18.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/JasonKessler/scattertext
PyPi (π₯ 3.4K / month Β· π¦ 8 Β· β±οΈ 14.12.2020):
pip install scattertext
Conda (π₯ 42K Β· β±οΈ 18.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge scattertext
spacy-transformers (π₯22 Β· β 860) - Use pretrained transformers like BERT, XLNet and GPT-2 in.. MIT
NLP Architect (π₯21 Β· β 2.6K) - A model library for exploring state-of-the-art deep learning.. Apache-2
Texar (π₯21 Β· β 2.1K) - Toolkit for Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and.. Apache-2
Texthero (π₯21 Β· β 2K) - Text preprocessing, representation and visualization from zero to hero. MIT
DeepMatcher (π₯20 Β· β 3.3K Β· π€) - Python package for performing Entity and Text Matching using.. BSD-3
Kashgari (π₯20 Β· β 2K) - Kashgari is a production-level NLP Transfer learning framework.. Apache-2
FARM (π₯20 Β· β 1.1K) - Fast & easy transfer learning for NLP. Harvesting language models.. Apache-2
Sockeye (π₯20 Β· β 980) - Sequence-to-sequence framework with a focus on Neural Machine.. Apache-2
YouTokenToMe (π₯20 Β· β 700 Β· π€) - Unsupervised text tokenizer focused on computational efficiency. MIT
VizSeq (π₯16 Β· β 300) - An Analysis Toolkit for Natural Language Generation (Translation,.. MIT
NeuralQA (π₯15 Β· β 180) - NeuralQA: A Usable Library for Question Answering on Large Datasets.. MIT
OpenNRE (π₯14 Β· β 2.9K Β· β) - An Open-Source Package for Neural Relation Extraction (NRE). MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 9 Β· π 830 Β· π 300 - 4% open Β· β±οΈ 15.09.2020):
git clone https://github.com/thunlp/OpenNRE
TransferNLP (π₯14 Β· β 280 Β· π€) - NLP library designed for reproducible experimentation.. MIT
Show 10 hidden projects...
- gensim (π₯35 Β· β 12K) - Topic Modelling for Humans.
- fuzzywuzzy (π₯29 Β· β 7.7K Β· π€) - Fuzzy String Matching in Python.
- langid (π₯26 Β· β 1.7K Β· π) - Stand-alone language identification system.
- polyglot (π₯25 Β· β 1.7K) - Multilingual text (NLP) processing toolkit.
- anaGo (π₯22 Β· β 1.4K Β· π) - Bidirectional LSTM-CRF and ELMo for Named-Entity Recognition,..
- MatchZoo (π₯21 Β· β 3.3K Β· π) - Facilitating the design, comparison and sharing of deep..
- stop-words (π₯20 Β· β 120 Β· π) - Get list of common stop words in various languages in Python.
- pyfasttext (π₯19 Β· β 230 Β· π) - Yet another Python binding for fastText.
- NeuroNER (π₯18 Β· β 1.5K Β· π) - Named-entity recognition using neural networks. Easy-to-use and..
- ONNX-T5 (π₯11 Β· β 130 Β· π£) - Summarization, translation, sentiment-analysis, text-generation..
Libraries for image & video processing, manipulation, and augmentation as well as libraries for computer vision tasks such as facial recognition, object detection, and classification.
scikit-image (π₯36 Β· β 4.1K) - Image processing in Python. BSD-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 470 Β· π 1.7K Β· π¦ 57K Β· π 2.1K - 30% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image
PyPi (π₯ 1.8M / month Β· π¦ 15K Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
pip install scikit-image
Conda (π₯ 2M Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-image
torchvision (π₯35 Β· β 8K) - Datasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 350 Β· π 4.1K Β· π¦ 38K Β· π 1.5K - 30% open Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/pytorch/vision
PyPi (π₯ 720K / month Β· π¦ 4.6K Β· β±οΈ 10.12.2020):
pip install torchvision
Conda (π₯ 34K Β· β±οΈ 14.10.2018):
conda install -c conda-forge torchvision
opencv-python (π₯30 Β· β 1.6K) - Automated CI toolchain to produce precompiled opencv-python,.. MIT
Face Recognition (π₯29 Β· β 38K) - The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and.. MIT
Albumentations (π₯29 Β· β 6.9K) - Fast image augmentation library and easy to use wrapper.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 71 Β· π 880 Β· π¦ 2.4K Β· π 380 - 39% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/albumentations-team/albumentations
PyPi (π₯ 61K / month Β· π¦ 64 Β· β±οΈ 29.11.2020):
pip install albumentations
Conda (π₯ 13K Β· β±οΈ 29.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge albumentations
Kornia (π₯28 Β· β 3.4K) - Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library for PyTorch. Apache-2
ImageHash (π₯28 Β· β 1.8K) - A Python Perceptual Image Hashing Module. BSD-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 17 Β· π 240 Β· π¦ 1.8K Β· π 86 - 19% open Β· β±οΈ 27.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/JohannesBuchner/imagehash
PyPi (π₯ 370K / month Β· π¦ 530 Β· β±οΈ 19.11.2020):
pip install ImageHash
Conda (π₯ 95K Β· β±οΈ 19.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge imagehash
detectron2 (π₯26 Β· β 14K) - Detectron2 is FAIR's next-generation platform for object.. Apache-2
InsightFace (π₯26 Β· β 8.3K) - Face Analysis Project on MXNet. MIT
imageai (π₯26 Β· β 5.6K Β· π€) - A python library built to empower developers to build applications.. MIT
MMDetection (π₯25 Β· β 13K) - OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 180 Β· π 4.4K Β· π¦ 18 Β· π 3.2K - 11% open Β· β±οΈ 24.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection
PyTorch Image Models (π₯25 Β· β 6.1K) - PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights --.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 25 Β· π 860 Β· π₯ 150K Β· π¦ 220 Β· π 220 - 9% open Β· β±οΈ 19.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models
Augmentor (π₯25 Β· β 4.3K Β· π€) - Image augmentation library in Python for machine learning. MIT
chainercv (π₯25 Β· β 1.4K Β· π€) - ChainerCV: a Library for Deep Learning in Computer Vision. MIT
mtcnn (π₯24 Β· β 1.3K Β· β) - MTCNN face detection implementation for TensorFlow, as a PIP.. MIT
segmentation_models (π₯23 Β· β 2.8K Β· π€) - Segmentation models with pretrained backbones. Keras and.. MIT
Face Alignment (π₯22 Β· β 4.6K) - 2D and 3D Face alignment library build using pytorch. BSD-3
Image Deduplicator (π₯22 Β· β 3.3K) - Finding duplicate images made easy!. Apache-2
Image Super-Resolution (π₯21 Β· β 2.4K) - Super-scale your images and run experiments with Residual.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 9 Β· π 450 Β· π¦ 35 Β· π 140 - 32% open Β· β±οΈ 11.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/idealo/image-super-resolution
PyPi (π₯ 2.7K / month Β· π¦ 4 Β· β±οΈ 08.01.2020):
pip install ISR
Dockerhub (π₯ 110 Β· β±οΈ 01.04.2019):
docker pull idealo/image-super-resolution-gpu
tensorflow-graphics (π₯21 Β· β 2.4K) - TensorFlow Graphics: Differentiable Graphics Layers for.. Apache-2
caer (π₯21 Β· β 280 Β· π£) - A lightweight, scalable, GPU-accelerated Computer Vision library for.. MIT
Classy Vision (π₯20 Β· β 1K) - An end-to-end PyTorch framework for image and video.. MIT
PaddleDetection (π₯17 Β· β 2.1K) - Object detection and instance segmentation toolkit based.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 43 Β· π 590 Β· π 1.1K - 25% open Β· β±οΈ 21.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection
Norfair (π₯17 Β· β 580 Β· π£) - Lightweight Python library for adding real-time 2D object tracking.. BSD-3
DEβ«ΆTR (π₯14 Β· β 5.7K) - End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 19 Β· π 800 Β· π 250 - 22% open Β· β±οΈ 15.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/detr
PySlowFast (π₯14 Β· β 3.2K) - PySlowFast: video understanding codebase from FAIR for.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 18 Β· π 580 Β· π¦ 2 Β· π 330 - 45% open Β· β±οΈ 17.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/SlowFast
pycls (π₯13 Β· β 1.4K) - Codebase for Image Classification Research, written in PyTorch. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 7 Β· π 140 Β· π¦ 1 Β· π 54 - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 20.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/pycls
Show 5 hidden projects...
- Pillow (π₯38 Β· β 8K) - The friendly PIL fork (Python Imaging Library).
- glfw (π₯29 Β· β 7.1K Β· β) - A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and..
- imutils (π₯27 Β· β 3.4K Β· π) - A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing..
- Pillow-SIMD (π₯23 Β· β 1.5K) - The friendly PIL fork.
- Torch Points 3D (π₯17 Β· β 940) - Pytorch framework for doing deep learning on point clouds.
Libraries for graph processing, clustering, embedding, and machine learning tasks.
networkx (π₯37 Β· β 8.4K) - Network Analysis in Python. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 480 Β· π 2.2K Β· π₯ 51 Β· π¦ 63K Β· π 2.5K - 9% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/networkx/networkx
PyPi (π₯ 5.5M / month Β· π¦ 21K Β· β±οΈ 22.08.2020):
pip install networkx
Conda (π₯ 2.8M Β· β±οΈ 23.08.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge networkx
PyTorch Geometric (π₯28 Β· β 9.8K) - Geometric Deep Learning Extension Library for PyTorch. MIT
dgl (π₯27 Β· β 6.4K) - Python package built to ease deep learning on graph, on top of existing.. Apache-2
StellarGraph (π₯25 Β· β 1.7K) - StellarGraph - Machine Learning on Graphs. Apache-2
ogb (π₯21 Β· β 670 Β· β) - Benchmark datasets, data loaders, and evaluators for graph machine.. MIT
torch-cluster (π₯21 Β· β 310) - PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Graph Cluster Algorithms. MIT
AmpliGraph (π₯20 Β· β 1.4K) - Python library for Representation Learning on Knowledge.. Apache-2
graph-nets (π₯19 Β· β 4.7K) - Build Graph Nets in Tensorflow. Apache-2
PyTorch-BigGraph (π₯19 Β· β 2.6K) - Generate embeddings from large-scale graph-structured data. BSD-3
Paddle Graph Learning (π₯19 Β· β 850) - Paddle Graph Learning (PGL) is an efficient and flexible.. Apache-2
PyKEEN (π₯19 Β· β 270) - A Python library for learning and evaluating knowledge graph embeddings. MIT
GraphEmbedding (π₯15 Β· β 1.7K) - Implementation and experiments of graph embedding algorithms. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 6 Β· π 530 Β· π¦ 7 Β· π 39 - 66% open Β· β±οΈ 18.10.2020):
git clone https://github.com/shenweichen/GraphEmbedding
OpenKE (π₯13 Β· β 2.3K Β· π€) - An Open-Source Package for Knowledge Embedding (KE). MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 10 Β· π 710 Β· π 270 - 17% open Β· β±οΈ 08.04.2020):
git clone https://github.com/thunlp/OpenKE
GraphVite (π₯12 Β· β 820 Β· π€) - GraphVite: A General and High-performance Graph Embedding.. Apache-2
Show 7 hidden projects...
- pygal (π₯27 Β· β 2.3K Β· β) - PYthon svg GrAph plotting Library.
- igraph (π₯27 Β· β 750) - Python interface for igraph.
- Karate Club (π₯20 Β· β 1.1K) - Karate Club: An API Oriented Open-source Python Framework for..
- DeepWalk (π₯19 Β· β 2.1K Β· π€) - DeepWalk - Deep Learning for Graphs.
- Sematch (π₯17 Β· β 340 Β· π) - semantic similarity framework for knowledge graph.
- GraphSAGE (π₯14 Β· β 2K Β· π) - Representation learning on large graphs using stochastic graph..
- OpenNE (π₯14 Β· β 1.4K Β· π) - An Open-Source Package for Network Embedding (NE).
Libraries for audio analysis, manipulation, transformation, and extraction, as well as speech recognition and music generation tasks.
DeepSpeech (π₯31 Β· β 16K Β· π) - DeepSpeech is an open source embedded (offline, on-device).. MPL-2.0
torchaudio (π₯29 Β· β 1.2K) - Data manipulation and transformation for audio signal.. BSD-2
pyAudioAnalysis (π₯25 Β· β 3.6K) - Python Audio Analysis Library: Feature Extraction,.. Apache-2
python-soundfile (π₯25 Β· β 350 Β· β) - SoundFile is an audio library based on libsndfile, CFFI,.. BSD-3
Show 3 hidden projects...
- SpeechRecognition (π₯30 Β· β 5.3K Β· π) - Speech recognition module for Python, supporting several..
- aubio (π₯26 Β· β 2K) - a library for audio and music analysis.
- Essentia (π₯23 Β· β 1.7K) - C++ library for audio and music analysis, description and..
Libraries to load, process, analyze, and write geographic data as well as libraries for spatial analysis, map visualization, and geocoding.
folium (π₯31 Β· β 5.1K) - Python Data. Leaflet.js Maps. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 120 Β· π 1.9K Β· π¦ 7.8K Β· π 820 - 17% open Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/python-visualization/folium
PyPi (π₯ 250K / month Β· π¦ 970 Β· β±οΈ 07.05.2020):
pip install folium
Conda (π₯ 310K Β· β±οΈ 07.05.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge folium
GeoPandas (π₯31 Β· β 2.4K Β· π) - Python tools for geographic data. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 130 Β· π 530 Β· π₯ 830 Β· π¦ 6.7K Β· π 940 - 31% open Β· β±οΈ 20.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas
PyPi (π₯ 420K / month Β· π¦ 1.2K Β· β±οΈ 24.06.2020):
pip install geopandas
Conda (π₯ 790K Β· β±οΈ 16.07.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge geopandas
Rasterio (π₯30 Β· β 1.4K) - Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 110 Β· π 390 Β· π₯ 700 Β· π¦ 2.5K Β· π 1.3K - 10% open Β· β±οΈ 15.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/mapbox/rasterio
PyPi (π₯ 160K / month Β· π¦ 850 Β· β±οΈ 13.12.2020):
pip install rasterio
Conda (π₯ 820K Β· β±οΈ 30.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge rasterio
pyproj (π₯28 Β· β 560 Β· π) - Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate.. MIT
ipyleaflet (π₯27 Β· β 1.1K) - A Jupyter - Leaflet.js bridge. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 63 Β· π 260 Β· π¦ 640 Β· π 370 - 33% open Β· β±οΈ 30.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipyleaflet
PyPi (π₯ 16K / month Β· π¦ 98 Β· β±οΈ 24.07.2020):
pip install ipyleaflet
NPM (π₯ 150K / month Β· π¦ 2 Β· β±οΈ 24.07.2020):
npm install jupyter-leaflet
Conda (π₯ 570K Β· β±οΈ 29.07.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge ipyleaflet
ArcGIS API (π₯25 Β· β 930) - Documentation and samples for ArcGIS API for Python. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 60 Β· π 680 Β· π 310 - 40% open Β· β±οΈ 18.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-python-api
PyPi (π₯ 14K / month Β· π¦ 10 Β· β±οΈ 30.11.2020):
pip install arcgis
Dockerhub (π₯ 3.6K Β· β 29 Β· β±οΈ 06.03.2020):
docker pull esridocker/arcgis-api-python-notebook
EarthPy (π₯22 Β· β 210) - A package built to support working with spatial data using open source.. BSD-3
pymap3d (π₯21 Β· β 170) - pure-Python (Numpy optional) 3D coordinate conversions for geospace.. BSD-2
Mapbox GL (π₯20 Β· β 550 Β· π€) - Use Mapbox GL JS to visualize data in a Python Jupyter notebook. MIT
Show 6 hidden projects...
- Geocoder (π₯29 Β· β 1.3K Β· π) - Python Geocoder.
- Cartopy (π₯27 Β· β 1.4K) - Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets.
- Satpy (π₯25 Β· β 660) - Python package for earth-observing satellite data processing.
- gmaps (π₯22 Β· β 690 Β· π) - Google maps for Jupyter notebooks.
- Sentinelsat (π₯22 Β· β 530) - Search and download Copernicus Sentinel satellite images.
- geoplotlib (π₯20 Β· β 880 Β· π) - python toolbox for visualizing geographical data and making maps.
Libraries for algorithmic stock/crypto trading, risk analytics, backtesting, technical analysis, and other tasks on financial data.
yfinance (π₯29 Β· β 3.7K) - Yahoo! Finance market data downloader (+faster Pandas Datareader). Apache-2
Alpha Vantage (π₯27 Β· β 2.9K) - A python wrapper for Alpha Vantage API for financial data. MIT
empyrical (π₯26 Β· β 670) - Common financial risk and performance metrics. Used by zipline.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 22 Β· π 210 Β· π¦ 480 Β· π 53 - 50% open Β· β±οΈ 14.10.2020):
git clone https://github.com/quantopian/empyrical
PyPi (π₯ 17K / month Β· π¦ 220 Β· β±οΈ 13.10.2020):
pip install empyrical
Conda (π₯ 8.8K Β· β±οΈ 14.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge empyrical
Alphalens (π₯24 Β· β 1.7K Β· π€) - Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 25 Β· π 600 Β· π¦ 340 Β· π 180 - 20% open Β· β±οΈ 27.04.2020):
git clone https://github.com/quantopian/alphalens
PyPi (π₯ 1.6K / month Β· π¦ 14 Β· β±οΈ 27.04.2020):
pip install alphalens
Conda (π₯ 10K Β· β±οΈ 16.05.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge alphalens
TensorTrade (π₯21 Β· β 2K) - An open source reinforcement learning framework for training,.. Apache-2
finmarketpy (π₯20 Β· β 2.4K) - Python library for backtesting trading strategies & analyzing.. Apache-2
Qlib (π₯19 Β· β 3.3K Β· π£) - Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims.. MIT
Crypto Signals (π₯18 Β· β 2.4K) - Github.com/CryptoSignal - #1 Quant Trading & Technical Analysis.. MIT
Show 6 hidden projects...
- backtrader (π₯26 Β· β 5.2K) - Python Backtesting library for trading strategies.
- arch (π₯24 Β· β 630) - ARCH models in Python.
- PyAlgoTrade (π₯23 Β· β 3.1K Β· π) - Python Algorithmic Trading Library.
- Enigma Catalyst (π₯22 Β· β 1.9K Β· π) - An Algorithmic Trading Library for Crypto-Assets in Python.
- FinTA (π₯22 Β· β 750) - Common financial technical indicators implemented in Pandas.
- Backtesting.py (π₯17 Β· β 860) - Backtest trading strategies in Python.
Libraries for forecasting, anomaly detection, feature extraction, and machine learning on time-series and sequential data.
Prophet (π₯30 Β· β 12K) - Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has.. MIT
STUMPY (π₯22 Β· β 1.6K) - STUMPY is a powerful and scalable Python library for computing a.. BSD-3
Darts (π₯21 Β· β 680) - A python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series. Apache-2
pytorch-forecasting (π₯18 Β· β 460 Β· π£) - Time series forecasting with PyTorch. MIT
ADTK (π₯17 Β· β 580 Β· π€) - A Python toolkit for rule-based/unsupervised anomaly detection in.. MPL-2.0
tick (π₯17 Β· β 320) - Module for statistical learning, with a particular emphasis on time-.. BSD-3
Show 2 hidden projects...
Libraries for processing and analyzing medical data such as MRIs, EEGs, genomic data, and other medical imaging formats.
MNE (π₯31 Β· β 1.5K) - MNE: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) in.. BSD-3
Lifelines (π₯29 Β· β 1.5K) - Survival analysis in Python. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 88 Β· π 400 Β· π¦ 470 Β· π 770 - 23% open Β· β±οΈ 09.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/CamDavidsonPilon/lifelines
PyPi (π₯ 110K / month Β· π¦ 130 Β· β±οΈ 09.12.2020):
pip install lifelines
Conda (π₯ 120K Β· β±οΈ 10.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge lifelines
NiBabel (π₯29 Β· β 380) - Python package to access a cacophony of neuro-imaging file formats. MIT
DIPY (π₯28 Β· β 370) - DIPY is the paragon 3D/4D+ imaging library in Python. Contains generic.. BSD-3
NiftyNet (π₯22 Β· β 1.3K Β· π€) - [unmaintained] An open-source convolutional neural.. Apache-2
DeepVariant (π₯21 Β· β 2.1K) - DeepVariant is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural.. BSD-3
Medical Detection Toolkit (π₯13 Β· β 880 Β· π€) - The Medical Detection Toolkit contains 2D + 3D.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 3 Β· π 230 Β· π 110 - 24% open Β· β±οΈ 18.04.2020):
git clone https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/medicaldetectiontoolkit
MedicalNet (π₯11 Β· β 1K) - Many studies have shown that the performance on deep learning is.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 1 Β· π 270 Β· π 54 - 74% open Β· β±οΈ 27.08.2020):
git clone https://github.com/Tencent/MedicalNet
Show 6 hidden projects...
- NIPY (π₯21 Β· β 290) - Neuroimaging in Python FMRI analysis package.
- MedPy (π₯20 Β· β 310 Β· π€) - Medical image processing in Python.
- DLTK (π₯19 Β· β 1.2K Β· π) - Deep Learning Toolkit for Medical Image Analysis.
- Glow (π₯18 Β· β 150) - An open-source toolkit for large-scale genomic analysis.
- MedicalTorch (π₯14 Β· β 700 Β· π) - A medical imaging framework for Pytorch.
- DeepNeuro (π₯14 Β· β 96) - A deep learning python package for neuroimaging data. Made by:.
Libraries for optical character recognition (OCR) and text extraction from images or videos.
Tesseract (π₯29 Β· β 3.3K Β· π) - Python-tesseract is an optical character recognition (OCR).. Apache-2
OCRmyPDF (π₯27 Β· β 3.6K) - OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing.. MPL-2.0
EasyOCR (π₯26 Β· β 9.6K) - Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages and all popular.. Apache-2
attention-ocr (π₯21 Β· β 820) - A Tensorflow model for text recognition (CNN + seq2seq with.. MIT
keras-ocr (π₯20 Β· β 730) - A packaged and flexible version of the CRAFT text detector and Keras.. MIT
doc2text (π₯19 Β· β 1.2K) - Detect text blocks and OCR poorly scanned PDFs in bulk. Python module.. MIT
General-purpose data containers & structures as well as utilities & extensions for pandas.
pandas (π₯43 Β· β 28K) - Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 2.5K Β· π 12K Β· π₯ 57K Β· π¦ 360K Β· π 20K - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas
PyPi (π₯ 25M / month Β· π¦ 77K Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
pip install pandas
Conda (π₯ 13M Β· β±οΈ 10.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge pandas
numpy (π₯42 Β· β 16K) - The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 1.2K Β· π 5.1K Β· π₯ 290K Β· π¦ 580K Β· π 9.4K - 23% open Β· β±οΈ 27.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/numpy/numpy
PyPi (π₯ 39M / month Β· π¦ 170K Β· β±οΈ 25.12.2020):
pip install numpy
Conda (π₯ 15M Β· β±οΈ 14.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge numpy
h5py (π₯36 Β· β 1.5K) - HDF5 for Python -- The h5py package is a Pythonic interface to the HDF5.. BSD-3
Arrow (π₯35 Β· β 6.8K) - Apache Arrow is a cross-language development platform for in-memory.. Apache-2
numexpr (π₯30 Β· β 1.5K) - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python, NumPy, PyTables,.. MIT
TinyDB (π₯29 Β· β 3.9K) - TinyDB is a lightweight document oriented database optimized for your.. MIT
Koalas (π₯29 Β· β 2.5K) - Koalas: pandas API on Apache Spark. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 47 Β· π 290 Β· π₯ 1K Β· π¦ 67 Β· π 500 - 16% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/databricks/koalas
PyPi (π₯ 880K / month Β· π¦ 1 Β· β±οΈ 11.12.2020):
pip install koalas
Conda (π₯ 73K Β· β±οΈ 11.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge koalas
Modin (π₯28 Β· β 5.5K) - Modin: Speed up your Pandas workflows by changing a single line.. Apache-2
Bottleneck (π₯28 Β· β 570) - Fast NumPy array functions written in C. BSD-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 20 Β· π 61 Β· π¦ 18K Β· π 200 - 11% open Β· β±οΈ 25.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/pydata/bottleneck
PyPi (π₯ 190K / month Β· π¦ 2.9K Β· β±οΈ 21.02.2020):
pip install Bottleneck
Conda (π₯ 1.4M Β· β±οΈ 12.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge bottleneck
datasketch (π₯27 Β· β 1.4K) - MinHash, LSH, LSH Forest, Weighted MinHash, HyperLogLog,.. MIT
zarr (π₯26 Β· β 610) - An implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python. MIT
PandaralΒ·lel (π₯23 Β· β 1.3K) - A simple and efficient tool to parallelize Pandas.. BSD-3
Vaex (π₯22 Β· β 5.5K) - Out-of-Core DataFrames for Python, ML, visualize and explore big tabular.. MIT
datatable (π₯20 Β· β 1.1K) - A Python package for manipulating 2-dimensional tabular data.. MPL-2.0
StaticFrame (π₯20 Β· β 210) - The StaticFrame library defines the Series and Frame, immutable data.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 14 Β· π 20 Β· π¦ 5 Β· π 260 - 12% open Β· β±οΈ 24.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/InvestmentSystems/static-frame
PyPi (π₯ 1.9K / month Β· β±οΈ 01.12.2020):
pip install static-frame
Conda (π₯ 58K Β· β±οΈ 14.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge static-frame
Bounter (π₯18 Β· β 890) - Efficient Counter that uses a limited (bounded) amount of memory.. MIT
PandaPy (π₯15 Β· β 460) - PandaPy has the speed of NumPy and the usability of Pandas 10x to.. MIT
Show 6 hidden projects...
- Blaze (π₯28 Β· β 2.9K Β· π) - NumPy and Pandas interface to Big Data.
- sklearn-pandas (π₯28 Β· β 2.3K) - Pandas integration with sklearn.
- Arctic (π₯24 Β· β 2.1K) - Arctic is a high performance datastore for numeric data.
- pandasql (π₯22 Β· β 930 Β· π) - sqldf for pandas.
- pickleDB (π₯21 Β· β 530 Β· π) - pickleDB is an open source key-value store using Python's json..
- Pandas Summary (π₯21 Β· β 360 Β· π) - An extension to pandas dataframes describe function.
Libraries for loading, collecting, and extracting data from a variety of data sources and formats.
xmltodict (π₯32 Β· β 4.2K Β· π€) - Python module that makes working with XML feel like you are.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 41 Β· π 390 Β· π¦ 20K Β· π 200 - 31% open Β· β±οΈ 26.04.2020):
git clone https://github.com/martinblech/xmltodict
PyPi (π₯ 4.1M / month Β· π¦ 8.2K Β· β±οΈ 11.02.2019):
pip install xmltodict
Conda (π₯ 570K Β· β±οΈ 11.02.2019):
conda install -c conda-forge xmltodict
TensorFlow Datasets (π₯32 Β· β 2.6K Β· π) - TFDS is a collection of datasets ready to use with.. Apache-2
smart-open (π₯30 Β· β 1.9K) - Utils for streaming large files (S3, HDFS, gzip, bz2...). MIT
python-magic (π₯30 Β· β 1.8K) - A python wrapper for libmagic. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 47 Β· π 210 Β· π¦ 11K Β· π 150 - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 11.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/ahupp/python-magic
PyPi (π₯ 1.4M / month Β· π¦ 5.1K Β· β±οΈ 06.05.2020):
pip install python-magic
Conda (π₯ 73K Β· β±οΈ 24.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge python-magic
pandas-datareader (π₯30 Β· β 1.8K) - Extract data from a wide range of Internet sources into a.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 76 Β· π 490 Β· π¦ 7.2K Β· π 440 - 15% open Β· β±οΈ 02.09.2020):
git clone https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader
PyPi (π₯ 110K / month Β· π¦ 1.4K Β· β±οΈ 10.07.2020):
pip install pandas-datareader
Conda (π₯ 83K Β· β±οΈ 20.11.2019):
conda install -c conda-forge pandas-datareader
csvkit (π₯28 Β· β 4.4K) - A suite of utilities for converting to and working with CSV, the king of.. MIT
snorkel (π₯28 Β· β 4.4K) - A system for quickly generating training data with weak supervision. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 62 Β· π 700 Β· π₯ 480 Β· π¦ 61 Β· π 940 - 3% open Β· β±οΈ 05.09.2020):
git clone https://github.com/snorkel-team/snorkel
PyPi (π₯ 74K / month Β· π¦ 4 Β· β±οΈ 07.04.2020):
pip install snorkel
Conda (π₯ 15K Β· β±οΈ 10.04.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge snorkel
PDFMiner (π₯26 Β· β 4.5K Β· π€) - Python PDF Parser (Not actively maintained). Check out pdfminer.six. MIT
Intake (π₯24 Β· β 510) - Intake is a lightweight package for finding, investigating, loading and.. BSD-2
SDV (π₯22 Β· β 290) - Synthetic Data Generation for tabular, relational and time series data. MIT
Show 4 hidden projects...
- textract (π₯26 Β· β 2.9K Β· π) - extract text from any document. no muss. no fuss.
- Camelot (π₯24 Β· β 3K Β· π) - Camelot: PDF Table Extraction for Humans.
- Singer (π₯24 Β· β 650) - Standard for moving data between databases, web APIs, files,..
- pyexcel-xlsx (π₯23 Β· β 83) - A wrapper library to read, manipulate and write data in xlsx and..
Libraries for web scraping, crawling, downloading, and mining as well as libraries.
Scrapy (π₯38 Β· β 39K) - Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python. BSD-3
youtube-dl (π₯37 Β· β 86K) - Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and.. Unlicense
GitHub (π¨βπ» 910 Β· π 3.2K Β· π₯ 46M Β· π 23K - 17% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl
PyPi (π₯ 1.9M / month Β· π¦ 2.9K Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
pip install youtube_dl
Conda (π₯ 530K Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge youtube-dl
feedparser (π₯31 Β· β 1.2K Β· β) - Parse feeds in Python. BSD-2
Requests-HTML (π₯29 Β· β 11K Β· π€) - Pythonic HTML Parsing for Humans. MIT
newspaper3k (π₯29 Β· β 11K) - News, full-text, and article metadata extraction in Python 3... MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 100 Β· π 1.7K Β· π¦ 2.1K Β· π 660 - 63% open Β· β±οΈ 02.09.2020):
git clone https://github.com/codelucas/newspaper
PyPi (π₯ 27K / month Β· π¦ 440 Β· β±οΈ 28.09.2018):
pip install newspaper3k
Conda (π₯ 35K Β· β±οΈ 14.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge newspaper3k
Pattern (π₯29 Β· β 7.7K Β· π€) - Web mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural.. BSD-3
Datasets (π₯29 Β· β 5.9K) - The largest hub of ready-to-use NLP datasets for ML models with.. Apache-2
MechanicalSoup (π₯26 Β· β 3.6K) - A Python library for automating interaction with websites. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 41 Β· π 310 Β· π₯ 39 Β· π 140 - 15% open Β· β±οΈ 11.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/MechanicalSoup/MechanicalSoup
PyPi (π₯ 32K / month Β· π¦ 390 Β· β±οΈ 27.08.2019):
pip install MechanicalSoup
Conda (π₯ 73K Β· β±οΈ 29.08.2019):
conda install -c conda-forge mechanicalsoup
beautifulsoup4 (π₯22) - Screen-scraping library. MIT
AutoScraper (π₯20 Β· β 3.1K Β· π£) - A Smart, Automatic, Fast and Lightweight Web Scraper for Python. MIT
Transistor (π₯16 Β· β 210) - Transistor, a Python web scraping framework for intelligent use cases. MIT
Show 6 hidden projects...
- soupsieve (π₯29 Β· β 84) - A modern CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup.
- Google Images Download (π₯27 Β· β 7.3K Β· π) - Python Script to download hundreds of images from 'Google..
- gallery-dl (π₯23 Β· β 2.8K) - Command-line program to download image galleries and..
- WikiExtractor (π₯23 Β· β 2.5K) - A tool for extracting plain text from Wikipedia dumps.
- Photon (π₯20 Β· β 7.4K Β· π€) - Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT.
- lazynlp (π₯14 Β· β 1.9K Β· π) - Library to scrape and clean web pages to create massive datasets.
Libraries for data batch- and stream-processing, workflow automation, job scheduling, and other data pipeline tasks.
Celery (π₯37 Β· β 16K) - Asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. BSD-3
Airflow (π₯35 Β· β 20K) - Platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 1.7K Β· π 7.6K Β· π₯ 68K Β· π 2.7K - 34% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/apache/airflow
PyPi (π₯ 580K / month Β· π¦ 290 Β· β±οΈ 14.12.2020):
pip install apache-airflow
Conda (π₯ 250K Β· β±οΈ 26.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge airflow
Dockerhub (π₯ 3.3M Β· β 190 Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
docker pull apache/airflow
luigi (π₯33 Β· β 14K) - Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of.. Apache-2
Beam (π₯32 Β· β 4.5K) - Unified programming model to define and execute data processing.. Apache-2
dbt (π₯28 Β· β 2.3K) - dbt (data build tool) enables data analysts and engineers to transform.. Apache-2
Kedro (π₯27 Β· β 3.3K Β· π) - A Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and.. Apache-2
Dagster (π₯26 Β· β 2.4K) - A data orchestrator for machine learning, analytics, and ETL. Apache-2
PyFunctional (π₯26 Β· β 1.8K) - Python library for creating data pipelines with chain functional.. MIT
streamparse (π₯25 Β· β 1.4K) - Run Python in Apache Storm topologies. Pythonic API, CLI.. Apache-2
TFX (π₯25 Β· β 1.3K) - TFX is an end-to-end platform for deploying production ML pipelines. Apache-2
Great Expectations (π₯23 Β· β 3.3K) - Always know what to expect from your data. Apache-2
pysparkling (π₯22 Β· β 230) - A pure Python implementation of Apache Spark's RDD and DStream.. MIT
Databolt Flow (π₯19 Β· β 890) - Python library for building highly effective data science workflows. MIT
Mara Pipelines (π₯18 Β· β 1.6K) - A lightweight opinionated ETL framework, halfway between plain.. MIT
BatchFlow (π₯18 Β· β 150) - BatchFlow helps you conveniently work with random or sequential.. Apache-2
Show 2 hidden projects...
Libraries that provide capabilities to distribute and parallelize machine learning tasks across large-scale compute infrastructure.
Ray (π₯33 Β· β 14K) - An open source framework that provides a simple, universal API for.. Apache-2
horovod (π₯30 Β· β 11K) - Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and.. Apache-2
ipyparallel (π₯29 Β· β 1.8K) - Interactive Parallel Computing in Python. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 94 Β· π 720 Β· π¦ 1.3K Β· π 250 - 56% open Β· β±οΈ 24.08.2020):
git clone https://github.com/ipython/ipyparallel
PyPi (π₯ 61K / month Β· π¦ 490 Β· β±οΈ 05.05.2020):
pip install ipyparallel
Conda (π₯ 360K Β· β±οΈ 14.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge ipyparallel
BigDL (π₯25 Β· β 3.7K) - BigDL: Distributed Deep Learning Framework for Apache Spark. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 71 Β· π 900 Β· π¦ 19 Β· π 910 - 19% open Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/intel-analytics/BigDL
PyPi (π₯ 1.2K / month Β· π¦ 3 Β· β±οΈ 06.12.2020):
pip install bigdl
Maven (β±οΈ 05.12.2020):
<dependency> <groupId>com.intel.analytics.bigdl</groupId> <artifactId>bigdl-SPARK_2.4</artifactId> <version>[VERSION]</version> </dependency>
TensorFlowOnSpark (π₯24 Β· β 3.6K) - TensorFlowOnSpark brings TensorFlow programs to Apache.. Apache-2
analytics-zoo (π₯22 Β· β 2.2K Β· β) - Distributed Tensorflow, Keras and PyTorch on Apache.. Apache-2
BytePS (π₯20 Β· β 2.6K) - A high performance and generic framework for distributed DNN.. Apache-2
Apache Singa (π₯19 Β· β 2.2K) - a distributed deep learning platform. Apache-2
Hivemind (π₯17 Β· β 630) - Decentralized deep learning in PyTorch. Built to train models on.. MIT
FairScale (π₯17 Β· β 590 Β· π£) - PyTorch extensions for high performance and large scale.. BSD-3
Show 3 hidden projects...
- DEAP (π₯28 Β· β 4K) - Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python.
- TensorFrames (π₯19 Β· β 770 Β· π) - [DEPRECATED] Tensorflow wrapper for DataFrames on Apache..
- LazyCluster (π₯12 Β· β 31) - Distributed machine learning made simple.
Libraries for hyperparameter optimization, automl and neural architecture search.
Hyperopt (π₯31 Β· β 5.3K) - Distributed Asynchronous Hyperparameter Optimization in Python. BSD-3
scikit-optimize (π₯31 Β· β 2K) - Sequential model-based optimization with a `scipy.optimize`.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 67 Β· π 370 Β· π¦ 1.3K Β· π 510 - 31% open Β· β±οΈ 29.09.2020):
git clone https://github.com/scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize
PyPi (π₯ 500K / month Β· π¦ 160 Β· β±οΈ 04.09.2020):
pip install scikit-optimize
Conda (π₯ 180K Β· β±οΈ 04.09.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-optimize
Keras Tuner (π₯29 Β· β 2.2K) - Hyperparameter tuning for humans. Apache-2
featuretools (π₯28 Β· β 5.3K) - An open source python library for automated feature engineering. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 49 Β· π 680 Β· π¦ 630 Β· π 490 - 21% open Β· β±οΈ 21.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/alteryx/featuretools
PyPi (π₯ 66K / month Β· π¦ 70 Β· β±οΈ 30.11.2020):
pip install featuretools
Conda (π₯ 42K Β· β±οΈ 30.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge featuretools
NNI (π₯26 Β· β 8.6K) - An open source AutoML toolkit for automate machine learning lifecycle,.. MIT
Bayesian Optimization (π₯26 Β· β 4.7K) - A Python implementation of global optimization with.. MIT
auto-sklearn (π₯25 Β· β 5.1K) - Automated Machine Learning with scikit-learn. BSD-3
nevergrad (π₯25 Β· β 2.8K) - A Python toolbox for performing gradient-free optimization. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 40 Β· π 260 Β· π¦ 110 Β· π 180 - 37% open Β· β±οΈ 25.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/nevergrad
PyPi (π₯ 7.1K / month Β· π¦ 14 Β· β±οΈ 10.12.2020):
pip install nevergrad
Conda (π₯ 5.4K Β· β±οΈ 14.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge nevergrad
Neuraxle (π₯21 Β· β 340 Β· β) - A Sklearn-like Framework for Hyperparameter Tuning and AutoML.. Apache-2
mljar-supervised (π₯20 Β· β 600 Β· β) - Automates Machine Learning Pipeline with Feature.. MIT
Test Tube (π₯18 Β· β 640 Β· π€) - Python library to easily log experiments and parallelize.. MIT
Dragonfly (π₯18 Β· β 550) - An open source python library for scalable Bayesian optimisation. MIT
HyperparameterHunter (π₯16 Β· β 630) - Easy hyperparameter optimization and automatic result.. MIT
AlphaPy (π₯16 Β· β 530) - Automated Machine Learning [AutoML] with Python, scikit-learn,.. Apache-2
Auto Tune Models (π₯16 Β· β 500 Β· π€) - Auto Tune Models - A multi-tenant, multi-data system for.. MIT
Parfit (π₯15 Β· β 200 Β· π€) - A package for parallelizing the fit and flexibly scoring of.. MIT
ENAS (π₯14 Β· β 2.4K) - PyTorch implementation of Efficient Neural Architecture Search via.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 6 Β· π 440 Β· π 44 - 84% open Β· β±οΈ 16.06.2020):
git clone https://github.com/carpedm20/ENAS-pytorch
Devol (π₯11 Β· β 920) - Genetic neural architecture search with Keras. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 18 Β· π 110 Β· π 27 - 25% open Β· β±οΈ 05.07.2020):
git clone https://github.com/joeddav/devol
Show 11 hidden projects...
- TPOT (π₯28 Β· β 7.7K) - A Python Automated Machine Learning tool that optimizes machine..
- MLBox (π₯23 Β· β 1.2K) - MLBox is a powerful Automated Machine Learning python library.
- auto_ml (π₯20 Β· β 1.5K Β· π) - [UNMAINTAINED] Automated machine learning for analytics & production.
- HpBandSter (π₯19 Β· β 430 Β· π) - a distributed Hyperband implementation on Steroids.
- Sherpa (π₯19 Β· β 280) - Hyperparameter optimization that enables researchers to experiment,..
- Advisor (π₯17 Β· β 1.3K Β· π) - Open-source implementation of Google Vizier for hyper..
- automl-gs (π₯16 Β· β 1.7K Β· π) - Provide an input CSV and a target field to predict, generate a..
- Xcessiv (π₯16 Β· β 1.3K Β· π) - A web-based application for quick, scalable, and automated..
- Hypermax (π₯14 Β· β 94) - Better, faster hyper-parameter optimization.
- Auptimizer (π₯13 Β· β 150) - An automatic ML model optimization tool.
- Hypertunity (π₯11 Β· β 120 Β· π€) - A toolset for black-box hyperparameter optimisation.
Libraries for building and evaluating reinforcement learning & agent-based systems.
OpenAI Gym (π₯35 Β· β 23K) - A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning.. MIT
TensorLayer (π₯26 Β· β 6.4K) - Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Library for.. Apache-2
Stable Baselines (π₯25 Β· β 2.7K) - A fork of OpenAI Baselines, implementations of reinforcement.. MIT
ViZDoom (π₯25 Β· β 1.1K) - Doom-based AI Research Platform for Reinforcement Learning from Raw.. MIT
TensorForce (π₯24 Β· β 2.8K) - Tensorforce: a TensorFlow library for applied.. Apache-2
ChainerRL (π₯23 Β· β 920) - ChainerRL is a deep reinforcement learning library built on top of.. MIT
ReAgent (π₯16 Β· β 2.7K) - A platform for Reasoning systems (Reinforcement Learning,.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 82 Β· π 370 Β· π 93 - 21% open Β· β±οΈ 25.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/ReAgent
Show 2 hidden projects...
- keras-rl (π₯26 Β· β 4.9K Β· π) - Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras.
- DeepMind Lab (π₯17 Β· β 6.4K) - A customisable 3D platform for agent-based AI research.
Libraries for building and evaluating recommendation systems.
scikit-surprise (π₯28 Β· β 4.6K) - A Python scikit for building and analyzing recommender.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 38 Β· π 810 Β· π¦ 840 Β· π 320 - 10% open Β· β±οΈ 05.08.2020):
git clone https://github.com/NicolasHug/Surprise
PyPi (π₯ 41K / month Β· π¦ 24 Β· β±οΈ 19.07.2020):
pip install scikit-surprise
Conda (π₯ 150K Β· β±οΈ 13.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-surprise
implicit (π₯28 Β· β 2.2K) - Fast Python Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets. MIT
lightfm (π₯27 Β· β 3.4K) - A Python implementation of LightFM, a hybrid recommendation.. Apache-2
Recommenders (π₯21 Β· β 8.9K) - Best Practices on Recommendation Systems. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 86 Β· π 1.5K Β· π¦ 1 Β· π 530 - 19% open Β· β±οΈ 27.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/recommenders
TF Ranking (π₯21 Β· β 2K) - Learning to Rank in TensorFlow. Apache-2
tensorrec (π₯21 Β· β 1.1K Β· π€) - A TensorFlow recommendation algorithm and framework in.. Apache-2
RecBole (π₯20 Β· β 650 Β· π£) - A unified, comprehensive and efficient recommendation library. MIT
recmetrics (π₯20 Β· β 220) - A library of metrics for evaluating recommender systems. MIT
TF Recommenders (π₯19 Β· β 660 Β· π£) - TensorFlow Recommenders is a library for building.. Apache-2
Case Recommender (π₯17 Β· β 300 Β· π€) - Case Recommender: A Flexible and Extensible Python.. MIT
OpenRec (π₯16 Β· β 350 Β· π€) - OpenRec is an open-source and modular library for neural.. Apache-2
Libraries for encrypted and privacy-preserving machine learning using methods like federated learning & differential privacy.
TensorFlow Privacy (π₯21 Β· β 1.3K) - Library for training machine learning models with privacy.. Apache-2
TFEncrypted (π₯21 Β· β 800) - A Framework for Encrypted Machine Learning in TensorFlow. Apache-2
FATE (π₯20 Β· β 2.6K) - An Industrial Grade Federated Learning Framework. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 50 Β· π 760 Β· π 770 - 32% open Β· β±οΈ 22.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/FederatedAI/FATE
Libraries to organize, track, and visualize machine learning experiments.
Tensorboard (π₯36 Β· β 5.1K) - TensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 250 Β· π 1.3K Β· π¦ 49K Β· π 1.4K - 37% open Β· β±οΈ 24.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard
PyPi (π₯ 5.3M / month Β· π¦ 3.6K Β· β±οΈ 12.11.2020):
pip install tensorboard
Conda (π₯ 1.5M Β· β±οΈ 12.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge tensorboard
SageMaker SDK (π₯30 Β· β 1.3K) - A library for training and deploying machine learning.. Apache-2
tensorboardX (π₯29 Β· β 6.7K) - tensorboard for pytorch (and chainer, mxnet, numpy, ...). MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 64 Β· π 770 Β· π₯ 290 Β· π¦ 9.5K Β· π 410 - 17% open Β· β±οΈ 05.07.2020):
git clone https://github.com/lanpa/tensorboardX
PyPi (π₯ 280K / month Β· π¦ 1.3K Β· β±οΈ 31.12.2019):
pip install tensorboardX
Conda (π₯ 250K Β· β±οΈ 06.07.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge tensorboardx
sacred (π₯29 Β· β 3.2K) - Sacred is a tool to help you configure, organize, log and reproduce.. MIT
snakemake (π₯29 Β· β 780) - This is the development home of the workflow management system.. MIT
AzureML SDK (π₯28 Β· β 2K) - Python notebooks with ML and deep learning examples with Azure.. MIT
Metaflow (π₯26 Β· β 3.9K) - Build and manage real-life data science projects with ease. Apache-2
TRAINS (π₯25 Β· β 2K Β· π) - ClearML - Auto-Magical Suite of tools to streamline your ML.. Apache-2
ml-metadata (π₯25 Β· β 210 Β· β) - For recording and retrieving metadata associated with ML.. Apache-2
TNT (π₯24 Β· β 1.3K Β· π€) - Simple tools for logging and visualizing, loading and training. BSD-3
TensorWatch (π₯22 Β· β 3K) - Debugging, monitoring and visualization for Python Machine Learning.. MIT
knockknock (π₯21 Β· β 1.9K Β· π€) - Knock Knock: Get notified when your training ends with only two.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 18 Β· π 150 Β· π¦ 120 Β· π 33 - 36% open Β· β±οΈ 16.03.2020):
git clone https://github.com/huggingface/knockknock
PyPi (π₯ 1.2K / month Β· π¦ 3 Β· β±οΈ 16.03.2020):
pip install knockknock
Conda (π₯ 5.2K Β· β±οΈ 17.03.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge knockknock
Show 6 hidden projects...
- TensorBoard Logger (π₯21 Β· β 610 Β· π) - Log TensorBoard events without touching TensorFlow.
- SKLL (π₯17 Β· β 520) - SciKit-Learn Laboratory (SKLL) makes it easy to run machine..
- datmo (π₯17 Β· β 330 Β· π) - Open source production model management tool for data scientists.
- steppy (π₯15 Β· β 120 Β· π) - Lightweight, Python library for fast and reproducible experimentation.
- ModelChimp (π₯14 Β· β 120 Β· π€) - Experiment tracking for machine and deep learning projects.
- traintool (π₯10 Β· β 8 Β· π£) - Train off-the-shelf machine learning models in one line of..
Libraries to serialize models to files, convert between a variety of model formats, and optimize models for deployment.
Core ML Tools (π₯26 Β· β 2K) - Core ML tools contain supporting tools for Core ML model.. BSD-3
mmdnn (π₯24 Β· β 5.1K) - MMdnn is a set of tools to help users inter-operate among different deep.. MIT
TorchServe (π₯24 Β· β 1.5K) - Model Serving on PyTorch. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 61 Β· π 210 Β· π₯ 140 Β· π¦ 24 Β· π 520 - 25% open Β· β±οΈ 24.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/pytorch/serve
PyPi (π₯ 1.5K / month Β· β±οΈ 17.12.2020):
pip install torchserve
Conda (π₯ 5.5K Β· β±οΈ 17.12.2020):
conda install -c pytorch torchserve
Dockerhub (π₯ 14K Β· β 3 Β· β±οΈ 18.12.2020):
docker pull pytorch/torchserve
Hummingbird (π₯19 Β· β 1.9K) - Hummingbird compiles trained ML models into tensor computation for.. MIT
pytorch2keras (π₯18 Β· β 640 Β· π€) - PyTorch to Keras model convertor. MIT
sklearn-porter (π₯17 Β· β 940 Β· π€) - Transpile trained scikit-learn estimators to C, Java,.. MIT
Show 1 hidden projects...
- Larq Compute Engine (π₯16 Β· β 120) - Highly optimized inference engine for Binarized Neural..
Libraries to visualize, explain, debug, evaluate, and interpret machine learning models.
shap (π₯33 Β· β 11K Β· π) - A game theoretic approach to explain the output of any machine learning.. MIT
Lime (π₯29 Β· β 8.3K) - Lime: Explaining the predictions of any machine learning classifier. BSD-2
eli5 (π₯28 Β· β 2.2K Β· π€) - A library for debugging/inspecting machine learning classifiers and.. MIT
pyLDAvis (π₯28 Β· β 1.4K Β· π) - Python library for interactive topic model visualization... BSD-3
InterpretML (π₯27 Β· β 3.3K) - Fit interpretable models. Explain blackbox machine learning. MIT
Model Analysis (π₯27 Β· β 1K) - Model analysis tools for TensorFlow. Apache-2
yellowbrick (π₯26 Β· β 3K) - Visual analysis and diagnostic tools to facilitate machine.. Apache-2
Lucid (π₯24 Β· β 4K) - A collection of infrastructure and tools for research in neural.. Apache-2
DoWhy (π₯24 Β· β 2.5K) - DoWhy is a Python library for causal inference that supports explicit.. MIT
Fairness 360 (π₯24 Β· β 1.2K) - A comprehensive set of fairness metrics for datasets and.. Apache-2
Alibi (π₯22 Β· β 820) - Algorithms for monitoring and explaining machine learning models. Apache-2
Explainability 360 (π₯22 Β· β 740) - Interpretability and explainability of data and machine.. Apache-2
TreeInterpreter (π₯22 Β· β 630) - Package for interpreting scikit-learn's decision tree and.. BSD-3
tf-explain (π₯21 Β· β 740) - Interpretability Methods for tf.keras models with Tensorflow 2.x. MIT
iNNvestigate (π₯20 Β· β 740) - A toolbox to iNNvestigate neural networks' predictions!. BSD-2
sklearn-evaluation (π₯20 Β· β 280) - Machine learning model evaluation made easy: plots,.. MIT
What-If Tool (π₯18 Β· β 400) - Source code/webpage/demos for the What-If Tool. Apache-2
ExplainX.ai (π₯17 Β· β 150 Β· π£) - Explainable AI framework for data scientists. Explain & debug.. MIT
LIT (π₯16 Β· β 2.3K Β· π£) - The Language Interpretability Tool: Interactively analyze NLP.. Apache-2
FlashTorch (π₯16 Β· β 520 Β· π€) - Visualization toolkit for neural networks in PyTorch! Demo --. MIT
Show 4 hidden projects...
- scikit-plot (π₯23 Β· β 2K Β· π) - An intuitive library to add plotting functionality to scikit-..
- Skater (π₯21 Β· β 960) - Python Library for Model Interpretation/Explanations.
- XAI (π₯16 Β· β 540 Β· π) - XAI - An eXplainability toolbox for machine learning.
- Attribution Priors (π₯12 Β· β 71) - Tools for training explainable models using attribution..
Libraries for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search and Vector Indexing/Similarity Search. For an awesome comparison, refer to this benchmark.
Faiss (π₯29 Β· β 12K) - A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. MIT
Annoy (π₯29 Β· β 8K) - Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage.. Apache-2
NMSLIB (π₯27 Β· β 2.2K) - Non-Metric Space Library (NMSLIB): An efficient similarity search.. Apache-2
Milvus (π₯25 Β· β 4.8K Β· β) - An open source embedding vector similarity search engine.. Apache-2
hnswlib (π₯23 Β· β 1.3K) - Header-only C++/python library for fast approximate nearest.. Apache-2
PyNNDescent (π₯21 Β· β 350) - A Python nearest neighbor descent for approximate nearest neighbors. BSD-2
N2 (π₯20 Β· β 440) - TOROS N2 - lightweight approximate Nearest Neighbor library which runs.. Apache-2
NGT (π₯19 Β· β 600) - Nearest Neighbor Search with Neighborhood Graph and Tree for High-.. Apache-2
Show 2 hidden projects...
Libraries providing capabilities for probabilistic programming/reasoning, bayesian inference, and gaussian processes.
PyMC3 (π₯32 Β· β 5.4K) - Probabilistic Programming in Python: Bayesian Modeling and.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 300 Β· π 1.3K Β· π₯ 140 Β· π¦ 1.9K Β· π 2.1K - 7% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc3
PyPi (π₯ 120K / month Β· π¦ 290 Β· β±οΈ 07.12.2020):
pip install pymc3
Conda (π₯ 240K Β· β±οΈ 07.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge pymc3
tensorflow-probability (π₯31 Β· β 3.2K Β· π) - Probabilistic reasoning and statistical analysis in.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 400 Β· π 840 Β· π¦ 1 Β· π 930 - 45% open Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/probability
PyPi (π₯ 270K / month Β· π¦ 250 Β· β±οΈ 09.12.2020):
pip install tensorflow-probability
Conda (π₯ 28K Β· β±οΈ 13.03.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow-probability
Pyro (π₯28 Β· β 6.6K) - Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch. Apache-2
GPyTorch (π₯28 Β· β 2.2K Β· π) - A highly efficient and modular implementation of Gaussian.. MIT
pomegranate (π₯27 Β· β 2.5K) - Fast, flexible and easy to use probabilistic modelling in Python. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 60 Β· π 460 Β· π¦ 360 Β· π 560 - 6% open Β· β±οΈ 12.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/jmschrei/pomegranate
PyPi (π₯ 20K / month Β· π¦ 28 Β· β±οΈ 12.07.2020):
pip install pomegranate
Conda (π₯ 41K Β· β±οΈ 01.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge pomegranate
pgmpy (π₯24 Β· β 1.7K) - Python Library for learning (Structure and Parameter) and inference.. MIT
Baal (π₯18 Β· β 300) - Using approximate bayesian posteriors in deep nets for active learning. Apache-2
Orbit (π₯17 Β· β 290) - Bayesian forecasting with object-oriented design and probabilistic.. Apache-2
Show 3 hidden projects...
Libraries for testing the robustness of machine learning models against attacks with adversarial/malicious examples.
Foolbox (π₯26 Β· β 1.7K) - A Python toolbox to create adversarial examples that fool neural.. MIT
CleverHans (π₯25 Β· β 4.9K) - An adversarial example library for constructing attacks,.. MIT
TextAttack (π₯24 Β· β 1.1K) - TextAttack is a Python framework for adversarial attacks, data.. MIT
ART (π₯23 Β· β 1.9K) - Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) - Python Library for Machine Learning.. MIT
AdvBox (π₯17 Β· β 1K) - Advbox is a toolbox to generate adversarial examples that fool neural.. Apache-2
Show 2 hidden projects...
- advertorch (π₯18 Β· β 780) - A Toolbox for Adversarial Robustness Research.
- Adversary (π₯13 Β· β 340 Β· π) - Tool to generate adversarial text examples and test machine..
Libraries that require and make use of CUDA/GPU system capabilities to optimize data handling and machine learning tasks.
CuPy (π₯30 Β· β 4.7K) - A NumPy-compatible array library accelerated by CUDA. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 250 Β· π 430 Β· π₯ 3.7K Β· π¦ 630 Β· π 1.2K - 30% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/cupy/cupy
PyPi (π₯ 8.6K / month Β· π¦ 190 Β· β±οΈ 25.12.2020):
pip install cupy
Conda (π₯ 320K Β· β±οΈ 29.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge cupy
Dockerhub (π₯ 48K Β· β 6 Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
docker pull cupy/cupy
Apex (π₯23 Β· β 4.9K) - A PyTorch Extension: Tools for easy mixed precision and distributed.. BSD-3
py3nvml (π₯23 Β· β 160 Β· π€) - Python 3 Bindings for NVML library. Get NVIDIA GPU status inside.. BSD-3
scikit-cuda (π₯21 Β· β 790) - Python interface to GPU-powered libraries. BSD-3
DALI (π₯20 Β· β 3K) - A library containing both highly optimized building blocks and an.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 53 Β· π 360 Β· π 760 - 23% open Β· β±οΈ 18.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/DALI
BlazingSQL (π₯17 Β· β 1.4K) - BlazingSQL is a lightweight, GPU accelerated, SQL engine for.. Apache-2
SpeedTorch (π₯16 Β· β 590 Β· π€) - Library for faster pinned CPU - GPU transfer in Pytorch. MIT
cuSignal (π₯15 Β· β 430) - GPU accelerated signal processing. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 27 Β· π 56 Β· π 97 - 17% open Β· β±οΈ 15.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/rapidsai/cusignal
Show 2 hidden projects...
- ipyexperiments (π₯17 Β· β 120) - jupyter/ipython experiment containers for GPU and general..
- nvidia-ml-py3 (π₯17 Β· β 59 Β· π) - Python 3 Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library.
Libraries that extend TensorFlow with general-purpose capabilities.
tensor2tensor (π₯32 Β· β 11K) - Library of deep learning models and datasets designed to.. Apache-2
tensorflow-hub (π₯32 Β· β 2.7K) - A library for transfer learning by reusing parts of.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 65 Β· π 1.4K Β· π¦ 4.8K Β· π 530 - 8% open Β· β±οΈ 16.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/hub
PyPi (π₯ 1.1M / month Β· π¦ 310 Β· β±οΈ 29.10.2020):
pip install tensorflow-hub
Conda (π₯ 48K Β· β±οΈ 24.08.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow-hub
TF Addons (π₯30 Β· β 1.1K) - Useful extra functionality for TensorFlow 2.x maintained by.. Apache-2
TensorFlow Transform (π₯29 Β· β 840) - Input pipeline framework. Apache-2
TF Model Optimization (π₯26 Β· β 940) - A toolkit to optimize ML models for deployment for Keras.. Apache-2
TensorFlow I/O (π₯25 Β· β 400) - Dataset, streaming, and file system extensions maintained.. Apache-2
TensorFlow Cloud (π₯23 Β· β 210) - The TensorFlow Cloud repository provides APIs that will.. Apache-2
Neural Structured Learning (π₯22 Β· β 760) - Training neural models with structured signals. Apache-2
TensorNets (π₯20 Β· β 960) - High level network definitions with pre-trained weights in.. MIT
Saliency (π₯18 Β· β 610) - TensorFlow implementation for SmoothGrad, Grad-CAM, Guided.. Apache-2
TF Compression (π₯15 Β· β 400) - Data compression in TensorFlow. Apache-2
Libraries that extend Pytorch with general-purpose capabilities.
pretrainedmodels (π₯27 Β· β 7.6K Β· π€) - Pretrained ConvNets for pytorch: NASNet, ResNeXt, ResNet,.. BSD-3
EfficientNet-PyTorch (π₯24 Β· β 5.2K Β· β) - A PyTorch implementation of EfficientNet. Apache-2
torchdiffeq (π₯24 Β· β 3.3K) - Differentiable ODE solvers with full GPU support and.. MIT
pytorch-summary (π₯24 Β· β 2.8K) - Model summary in PyTorch similar to `model.summary()` in.. MIT
SRU (π₯24 Β· β 1.9K) - Training RNNs as Fast as CNNs (https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.02755). MIT
PML (π₯23 Β· β 2.5K) - The easiest way to use deep metric learning in your application... MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 12 Β· π 340 Β· π¦ 40 Β· π 200 - 15% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/KevinMusgrave/pytorch-metric-learning
PyPi (π₯ 4.3K / month Β· β±οΈ 27.12.2019):
pip install pytorch-metric-learning
Conda (π₯ 1K Β· β±οΈ 11.12.2020):
conda install -c metric-learning pytorch-metric-learning
EfficientNets (π₯22 Β· β 1.2K) - Pretrained EfficientNet, EfficientNet-Lite, MixNet,.. Apache-2
Torchmeta (π₯21 Β· β 1.2K) - A collection of extensions and data-loaders for few-shot learning.. MIT
PyTorch Sparse (π₯21 Β· β 330) - PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Autograd Sparse Matrix.. MIT
reformer-pytorch (π₯20 Β· β 1.3K Β· β) - Reformer, the efficient Transformer, in Pytorch. MIT
torch-scatter (π₯20 Β· β 560) - PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Scatter Operations. MIT
Higher (π₯19 Β· β 1K) - higher is a pytorch library allowing users to obtain higher order.. Apache-2
Pytorch Toolbelt (π₯19 Β· β 870) - PyTorch extensions for fast R&D prototyping and Kaggle.. MIT
Performer Pytorch (π₯17 Β· β 420 Β· π£) - An implementation of Performer, a linear attention-based.. MIT
Lambda Networks (π₯16 Β· β 1.2K Β· π£) - Implementation of LambdaNetworks, a new approach to image.. MIT
Pywick (π₯16 Β· β 310) - High-level batteries-included neural network training library for.. MIT
tinygrad (π₯15 Β· β 3.7K Β· π£) - You like pytorch? You like micrograd? You love tinygrad!. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 41 Β· π 400 Β· π 59 - 15% open Β· β±οΈ 22.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/geohot/tinygrad
Tensor Sensor (π₯15 Β· β 430 Β· π£) - The goal of this library is to generate more helpful.. MIT
micrograd (π₯14 Β· β 1.5K Β· π€) - A tiny scalar-valued autograd engine and a neural net library.. MIT
torchsde (π₯14 Β· β 620 Β· π£) - Differentiable SDE solvers with GPU support and efficient.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 4 Β· π 52 Β· π 31 - 16% open Β· β±οΈ 30.10.2020):
git clone https://github.com/google-research/torchsde
Tez (π₯14 Β· β 350 Β· π£) - Tez is a super-simple and lightweight Trainer for PyTorch. It.. Apache-2
Torch-Struct (π₯13 Β· β 860) - Fast, general, and tested differentiable structured prediction.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 10 Β· π 67 Β· π 34 - 41% open Β· β±οΈ 30.07.2020):
git clone https://github.com/harvardnlp/pytorch-struct
Show 3 hidden projects...
- AdaBound (π₯19 Β· β 2.8K Β· π) - An optimizer that trains as fast as Adam and as good as SGD.
- Poutyne (π₯19 Β· β 420) - A simplified framework and utilities for PyTorch.
- Antialiased CNNs (π₯18 Β· β 1.3K) - pip install antialiased-cnns to improve stability and..
βοΈCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Libraries for connecting to, operating, and querying databases.
SQLAlchemy (π₯37 Β· β 3.1K) - The Database Toolkit for Python. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 450 Β· π 490 Β· π₯ 1.2K Β· π¦ 220K Β· π 5.5K - 2% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy
PyPi (π₯ 13M / month Β· π¦ 84K Β· β±οΈ 18.12.2020):
pip install SQLAlchemy
Conda (π₯ 2.8M Β· β±οΈ 19.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge sqlalchemy
google-cloud-storage (π₯35 Β· β 3.4K) - Google Cloud Client Library for Python. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 310 Β· π 1.3K Β· π 3.3K - 0% open Β· β±οΈ 29.10.2020):
git clone https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-python
PyPi (π₯ 14M / month Β· π¦ 2.1K Β· β±οΈ 14.12.2020):
pip install google-cloud-storage
Conda (π₯ 560K Β· β±οΈ 16.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge google-cloud-storage
elasticsearch (π₯35 Β· β 3K) - Official Python low-level client for Elasticsearch. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 170 Β· π 960 Β· π₯ 54 Β· π¦ 19K Β· π 840 - 8% open Β· β±οΈ 22.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-py
PyPi (π₯ 3.7M / month Β· π¦ 11K Β· β±οΈ 09.12.2020):
pip install elasticsearch
Conda (π₯ 340K Β· β±οΈ 11.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge elasticsearch
kafka-python (π₯34 Β· β 4.1K) - Python client for Apache Kafka. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 200 Β· π 1.1K Β· π₯ 1.7K Β· π¦ 5.6K Β· π 1.3K - 10% open Β· β±οΈ 02.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/dpkp/kafka-python
PyPi (π₯ 2M / month Β· π¦ 2K Β· β±οΈ 30.09.2020):
pip install kafka-python
Conda (π₯ 230K Β· β±οΈ 30.09.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge kafka-python
python-bigquery (π₯33 Β· β 3.4K Β· β) - Google BigQuery API client library. Apache-2
Elasticsearch DSL (π₯31 Β· β 3.1K) - High level Python client for Elasticsearch. Apache-2
Prometheus Client (π₯31 Β· β 1.9K) - Prometheus instrumentation library for Python applications. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 95 Β· π 500 Β· π 310 - 8% open Β· β±οΈ 24.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/prometheus/client_python
PyPi (π₯ 12M / month Β· π¦ 3.7K Β· β±οΈ 20.06.2019):
pip install prometheus_client
Conda (π₯ 2.2M Β· β±οΈ 16.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge prometheus_client
influxdb (π₯31 Β· β 1.4K) - Python client for InfluxDB. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 130 Β· π 480 Β· π¦ 3.8K Β· π 500 - 26% open Β· β±οΈ 11.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-python
PyPi (π₯ 1.1M / month Β· π¦ 2.1K Β· β±οΈ 11.11.2020):
pip install influxdb
Conda (π₯ 8K Β· β±οΈ 12.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge influxdb
Cassandra Driver (π₯31 Β· β 1.2K) - DataStax Python Driver for Apache Cassandra. Apache-2
confluent-kafka-python (π₯30 Β· β 2.1K) - Confluent's Kafka Python Client. Apache-2
Motor (π₯30 Β· β 1.6K) - Motor - the async Python driver for MongoDB and Tornado or asyncio. Apache-2
py2neo (π₯29 Β· β 950) - Py2neo is a comprehensive toolkit for working with Neo4j from within.. Apache-2
pandas-gbq (π₯29 Β· β 230) - Pandas Google BigQuery. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 29 Β· π 83 Β· π₯ 190 Β· π¦ 1.7K Β· π 190 - 17% open Β· β±οΈ 17.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/pydata/pandas-gbq
PyPi (π₯ 6.2M / month Β· π¦ 430 Β· β±οΈ 10.11.2020):
pip install pandas-gbq
Conda (π₯ 620K Β· β±οΈ 11.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge pandas-gbq
dataset (π₯28 Β· β 4K) - Easy-to-use data handling for SQL data stores with support for implicit.. MIT
Ibis (π₯28 Β· β 1.5K) - A pandas-like deferred expression system, with first-class SQL support. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 70 Β· π 240 Β· π¦ 130 Β· π 1.5K - 35% open Β· β±οΈ 23.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/ibis-project/ibis
PyPi (π₯ 60K / month Β· π¦ 48 Β· β±οΈ 11.11.2020):
pip install ibis-framework
Conda (π₯ 160K Β· β±οΈ 13.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge ibis-framework
libcloud (π₯27 Β· β 1.7K) - Apache Libcloud is a Python library which hides differences.. Apache-2
AWS Data Wrangler (π₯26 Β· β 1.3K) - Pandas on AWS. Apache-2
cx-Oracle (π₯26 Β· β 690) - Python interface to Oracle Database conforming to the Python DB API.. BSD-3
cloudant (π₯26 Β· β 160) - A Python library for Cloudant and CouchDB. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 27 Β· π 45 Β· π¦ 1.2K Β· π 280 - 13% open Β· β±οΈ 25.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/cloudant/python-cloudant
PyPi (π₯ 42K / month Β· π¦ 530 Β· β±οΈ 18.08.2020):
pip install cloudant
Conda (π₯ 71K Β· β±οΈ 18.05.2019):
conda install -c conda-forge cloudant
neo4j-driver (π₯24 Β· β 580) - Neo4j Bolt driver for Python. Apache-2
HappyBase (π₯24 Β· β 550 Β· π€) - A developer-friendly Python library to interact with Apache HBase. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 19 Β· π 150 Β· π¦ 450 Β· π 210 - 13% open Β· β±οΈ 09.04.2020):
git clone https://github.com/python-happybase/happybase
PyPi (π₯ 40K / month Β· π¦ 420 Β· β±οΈ 03.04.2017):
pip install happybase
Conda (π₯ 47K Β· β±οΈ 01.07.2019):
conda install -c conda-forge happybase
Show 8 hidden projects...
- psycopg2 (π₯35 Β· β 2K) - PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming..
- mysqlclient (π₯30 Β· β 1.8K) - MySQL database connector for Python (with Python 3 support).
- mongo-connector (π₯24 Β· β 1.8K Β· π) - MongoDB data stream pipeline tools by YouGov (adopted from..
- pyhdb (π₯23 Β· β 290 Β· π) - SAP HANA Connector in pure Python.
- filedepot (π₯21 Β· β 120) - Toolkit for storing files and attachments in web applications.
- db.py (π₯20 Β· β 1.2K Β· π) - db.py is an easier way to interact with your databases.
- lazydata (π₯16 Β· β 620 Β· π) - Lazydata: Scalable data dependencies for Python projects.
- SuperSQLite (π₯15 Β· β 660 Β· π) - A supercharged SQLite library for Python.
Libraries to monitor, collect, and visualize system metrics (e.g., memory, CPU, GPU).
memory-profiler (π₯27 Β· β 2.7K) - Monitor Memory usage of Python code. BSD-3
Yappi (π₯27 Β· β 540) - Yet Another Python Profiler, but this time thread&coroutine&greenlet aware. MIT
pyinstrument (π₯26 Β· β 2.4K) - Call stack profiler for Python. Shows you why your code is slow!. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 21 Β· π 90 Β· π¦ 200 Β· π 69 - 26% open Β· β±οΈ 17.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/joerick/pyinstrument
PyPi (π₯ 57K / month Β· π¦ 140 Β· β±οΈ 09.09.2020):
pip install pyinstrument
Conda (π₯ 60K Β· β±οΈ 17.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge pyinstrument
gpustat (π₯26 Β· β 2.2K Β· π€) - A simple command-line utility for querying and monitoring GPU status. MIT
Scalene (π₯22 Β· β 3K) - Scalene: a high-performance, high-precision CPU and memory profiler.. Apache-2
Show 4 hidden projects...
- Glances (π₯29 Β· β 17K) - Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative for..
- Diamond (π₯26 Β· β 1.6K Β· π) - Diamond is a python daemon that collects system metrics and..
- line_profiler (π₯25 Β· β 3.5K Β· π) - (OLD REPO) Line-by-line profiling for Python - Current repo..
- GPUtil (π₯23 Β· β 660 Β· π) - A Python module for getting the GPU status from NVIDA GPUs using..
SymPy (π₯36 Β· β 7.7K) - A computer algebra system written in pure Python. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 1K Β· π 3.2K Β· π₯ 410K Β· π¦ 27K Β· π 11K - 35% open Β· β±οΈ 26.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/sympy/sympy
PyPi (π₯ 600K / month Β· π¦ 6.4K Β· β±οΈ 12.12.2020):
pip install sympy
Conda (π₯ 1.2M Β· β±οΈ 13.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge sympy
imbalanced-learn (π₯30 Β· β 4.9K) - A Python Package to Tackle the Curse of Imbalanced.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 51 Β· π 1K Β· π¦ 3.6K Β· π 450 - 10% open Β· β±οΈ 03.11.2020):
git clone https://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/imbalanced-learn
PyPi (π₯ 780K / month Β· π¦ 280 Β· β±οΈ 09.06.2020):
pip install imbalanced-learn
Conda (π₯ 100K Β· β±οΈ 14.06.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge imbalanced-learn
PyOD (π₯28 Β· β 3.9K) - A Python Toolbox for Scalable Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection). BSD-2
Cython BLIS (π₯28 Β· β 160) - Fast matrix-multiplication as a self-contained Python library no.. BSD-3
hdbscan (π₯27 Β· β 1.8K Β· β) - A high performance implementation of HDBSCAN clustering. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 63 Β· π 330 Β· π¦ 690 Β· π 350 - 60% open Β· β±οΈ 17.12.2020):
git clone https://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/hdbscan
PyPi (π₯ 140K / month Β· π¦ 120 Β· β±οΈ 19.03.2020):
pip install hdbscan
Conda (π₯ 500K Β· β±οΈ 02.11.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge hdbscan