- Osnabrück
🏗 Build container images for your Java applications.
Zuul is a gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.
AWS Service registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.
Integration with Netflix OSS components
Ribbon is a Inter Process Communication (remote procedure calls) library with built in software load balancers. The primary usage model involves REST calls with various serialization scheme support.
Distributed lock for your scheduled tasks
INACTIVE: A maven plugin for Docker
Samples of custom Zuul 1 filters for use in Spring Cloud Netflix
'Server-Sent Events (SSE) in Spring 5 with Web MVC and Web Flux' article and source code.
Spring Cloud Gateway Extra Plugin
An app which escalates root privilege on device and installs SuperSU through newly vulnerability "angela root" without unlocking bootloader
A demo project to showcase netflix zuul proxy web socket support
SpringBoot RabbitMQ Actuator (Queue Metrics & Health-Checks)
Capture Image from Camera and Gallery and save into local database sqlite and display into listview.
Spring Cloud Zuul Proxy and Server Sent Events