A Clojure library to generate examples which fulfil a supplied Prismatic Schema.
Leiningen dependency (Clojars): [kixi/schema_gen "0.1.3"]
This code is mostly based off of a Gist by Dave Golland (which can be found here) with a few additions for other schema elements and types, and a couple of methods to return a list of examples that match a schema.
Currently I would like to add functionality for s/pred
Please also note that generate-examples-with-details
may fail for a given input, but generate-examples
could work for the same input in some cases.
(ns gen-examples
(:require [schema.core :as s]
[schema_gen.core :as sg]))
(def simpleSchema
"A simple schema to generate from"
{:name s/Str
:number s/Int})
(sg/generate-examples simpleSchema)
;; ({:num 0, :name ""} {:num 0, :name "O"} {:num -2, :name ""} {:num 0, :name "x"} {:num 4, :name "ci"} {:num 0, :name "h"} {:num 3, :name "-1g^Js"} {:num -5, :name "6i$v!"} {:num -5, :name "}C"} {:num 7, :name ">XX(#|V"})
(sg/generate-examples-with-details (s/enum "Hello" "World" s/Bool))
;; === SCHEMA ===
;; (enum "World" java.lang.Boolean "Hello")
;; == Samples ==
;; ("Hello" "Hello" true false "Hello" "World" false true true false)
There is also support for ISO-Date-Time
generation from the schema-contrib library.
(ns gen-examples
(:require [schema.core :as s]
[schema_gen.core :as sg]
[schema-contrib.core :as sc])
(def dateSchema
{:name s/Str
:date sc/ISO-Date-Time})
(sg/generate-examples-with-details dateSchema)
;; === SCHEMA ===
;; {:name java.lang.String, :age Int, :date (pred ISO-Date-Time)}
;; == Samples ==
;; ({:date "1985-03-12T21:11:27.807Z", :age 0, :name ""}
;; {:date "1928-12-22T10:16:24.168Z", :age 0, :name "7"}
;; {:date "1945-10-23T05:40:27.775Z", :age 2, :name "W"}
;; {:date "2046-06-25T07:33:01.036Z", :age -3, :name ""}
;; {:date "1928-11-30T19:19:15.086Z", :age -4, :name "4&P"}
;; {:date "1968-05-14T02:47:39.049Z", :age -2, :name "r?i"}
;; {:date "1935-05-02T08:05:22.810Z", :age 1, :name "("}
;; {:date "2034-08-30T02:53:24.470Z", :age -2, :name ""}
;; {:date "2012-01-08T12:32:19.297Z", :age -2, :name "_g/"}
;; {:date "1960-03-13T05:10:00.723Z", :age 7, :name "\"23v"})
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