PowerShell scripts for Windows 10:
- Disable telemetry settings and stop sending data to Microsoft
- Disable various scheduled tasks
- Script checks the required execution level
- Complete rollback is possible
- More Information: http://blog.doenselmann.com/windows-10-datenschutz-mit-powershell-erhoehen/
- Cleanup Microsoft Temp Data
- Options are configurable within the script
- Script checks the required execution level
- More Information: http://blog.doenselmann.com/windows-10-mit-powershell-aufraeumen/
Enable privacy protection:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass "& '.\Windows10_Privacy.ps1 ' -enable:$true"
Disable privacy protection:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass "& '.\Windows10_Privacy.ps1 ' -enable:$false"
Alternatively execute the batch File "Windows10_Privacy.cmd" by doubleclick
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass "& '.\WindowsCleanup.ps1'"
Alternatively execute the batch File "Windows10_Cleanup.cmd" by doubleclick