CelloType is an end-to-end Transformer-based method for automated cell/nucleus segmentation and cell type classification
- Improved Precision: For both segmentation and classification
- Wide Applicability: Various types of images (fluorescent, brighfield, natural)
- Multi-scale: Capable of classifying diverse cell types and microanatomical structures
Our code is based on open-source projects Detectron2, Mask DINO.
First, install dependencies
- Linux with Python = 3.8
- Detectron2: follow Detectron2 installation instructions.
# create conda environment
conda create --name cellotype python=3.8
conda activate cellotype
# install pytorch and detectron2
conda install pytorch==1.9.0 torchvision==0.10.0 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
python -m pip install 'git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2.git'
# (add --user if you don't have permission)
# clone and install the project
git clone https://github.com/maxpmx/CelloType.git
cd CelloType
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Compile Deformable-DETR CUDA operators
git clone https://github.com/fundamentalvision/Deformable-DETR.git
cd Deformable-DETR
cd ./models/ops
sh ./make.sh
Pretrained models can be downloaded from the Drive folder.
from skimage import io
from cellotype.predict import CelloTypePredictor
img = io.imread('data/example/example_tissuenet.png') # [H, W, 3]
model = CelloTypePredictor(model_path='./models/tissuenet_model_0019999.pth',
mask = model.predict(img) # [H, W]
Example Notebook:
1. CelloType Segmentation Example
2. CelloType Classification Example
- Prepare data to the format Detectron2 required
- Train the model
- Test the model and visualize results
IMPORTANT: Note that the raw data is from TissueNet, this processed data is for demo purpose ONLY!
Download data/example_tissuenet.zip
from the Drive and put it in the data
folder. Then unzip it.
cd data
unzip example_tissuenet.zip
cd ..
Download models/maskdino_swinl_50ep_300q_hid2048_3sd1_instance_maskenhanced_mask52.3ap_box59.0ap.pth
from the Drive and put it in the cellotype/models
python train_tissuenet.py --num-gpus 4
The parameters are optimized for 4*A100 (40GB) environment, if your machine does not have enough GPU memory, you can reduce the batch size by changing the IMS_PER_BATCH
in configs/Base-COCO-InstanceSegmentation.yaml
For reference, our trained weights models/tissuenet_model_0019999.pth
can be downloaded from the Drive folder.
python test_tissuenet.py --num-gpus 1
The example prediction saved in the output/tissuenet
IMPORTANT: Note that the raw data is from Xenium Human Lung Dataset. This processed data is for demo purpose ONLY!
Download data/example_xenium.zip
from the Drive and put it in the data
folder. Then unzip it.
cd data
unzip example_xenium.zip
cd ..
Download models/maskdino_swinl_50ep_300q_hid2048_3sd1_instance_maskenhanced_mask52.3ap_box59.0ap.pth
from the Drive and put it in the cellotype/models
python train_xenium.py --num-gpus 4
The parameters are optimized for 4*A100 (40GB) environment, if your machine does not have enough GPU memory, you can reduce the batch size by changing the IMS_PER_BATCH
in configs/Base-COCO-InstanceSegmentation.yaml
. For reference, the training take ~10 hours on 4*A100 (40GB) environment.
For reference, our trained weights models/xenium_model_0001499.pth
can be downloaded from the Drive folder.
python test_xenium.py --num-gpus 1
The example prediction saved in the output/xenium
IMPORTANT: Note that the raw data is from Garry P. Nolan Lab, this processed data is for demo purpose ONLY!
Download data/example_codex_crc.zip
from the Drive and put it in the data
folder. Then unzip it.
cd data
unzip example_codex_crc.zip
cd ..
Download models/maskdino_swinl_50ep_300q_hid2048_3sd1_instance_maskenhanced_mask52.3ap_box59.0ap.pth
from the Drive and put it in the cellotype/models
python train_crc.py --num-gpus 4
The parameters are optimized for 4*A100 (40GB) environment, if your machine does not have enough GPU memory, you can reduce the batch size by changing the IMS_PER_BATCH
in configs/Base-COCO-InstanceSegmentation.yaml
. For reference, the training take ~12 hours on 4*A100 (40GB) environment.
For reference, our trained weights models/crc_model_0005999.pth
can be downloaded from the Drive folder.
python test_crc.py --num-gpus 1
The example prediction saved in the output/codex
title={Your Title},
author={Your team},
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