This is a micro benchmark to measure the performance of TensorFlow.js kernel ops.
Benchmarks will run nightly on browserstack automatically via yarn test-travis
When running benchmarks locally, use:
yarn benchmark
This will not write to firebase, it will simply log what would have been written to firebase.
If you want to push to firebase locally, add --travis to the test script. Be careful, as this will overwrite other runs of the day.
On travis, during crons, we run:
yarn benchmark-travis
This will run the benchmarks with the --travis
flag flipped and write to
firebase. Note, this only happens on a cron.
While inside the ui
directory, install all dependencies.
$ yarn
Launch the server to host benchmark application.
$ yarn server
http://localhost:8080 shows the benchmark tool for various kind of kernel ops.
- Batch Normalization 3D
- Matrix multiplication
- Convolutional Ops
- Pooling Ops
- Unary Ops
- Reduction Ops
Each benchmark suite runs kernel ops with specific size of input in target backend implementation. This benchmark tools support following backends for now.
- WebGL