Variable names should be letters, numbers, and underscores. Variables should always start with a letter. foo_port is a great variable. foo5 is fine too.
foo-port, foo port, foo.port and 12 are not valid variable names.
YAML also supports dictionaries which map keys to values. For instance:
field1: one
field2: two
You can reference a specific field in the dictionary using either bracket notation or dot notation:
We will be using dictionaries in our variable files.
- role defaults
- inventory INI or script group vars
- inventory group_vars/all
- playbook group_vars/all
- inventory group_vars/*
- playbook group_vars/*
- inventory INI or script host vars
- inventory host_vars/*
- playbook host_vars/*
- host facts
- play vars
- play vars_prompt
- play vars_files
- role vars (defined in role/vars/main.yml)
- block vars (only for tasks in block)
- task vars (only for the task)
- role (and include_role) params
- include params
- include_vars
- set_facts / registered vars
- extra vars (always win precedence)