A node.js application for a photobox (photo booth). This node app is the controller for the connected DSLR camera and the printer device. It also provides an angular inteface fot the touchscreen.
- You have to provide the following list of prerequires:
- Node.js ~0.10.0
- NPM ~1.2.15
- libgphoto2 ~2.5.x - via brew install libgphoto2, apt-get install libgphoto2-2-dev or download and build * from http://www.gphoto.org/proj/libgphoto2/
- pkg-config | dpkg (used for dependency checking)
- clang compiler
For more information take a look at lwille/node-gphoto2.
The main problem is that in most cases the camera is stil busy and locked. So as a workaround, you have to do the following steps:
- running npm test
- kill the process of the mocha process with ps aux | grep node
- then run the server and estabish the connection
The fix for the issue will follow in another version soon.
- Many UI improvements (logo handling, print actions ...)