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IMB-MPI benchmarks

The following PBS scripts are available to run the IMB-MPI1 benchmarks:


Before running these script you will need to insure that numactl is installed on all of the compute nodes. This can be done by running the following on the node in which you setup the cluster by running the following command

azhpc-run -u hpcuser -n compute2 sudo yum install -y numactl

The ringpingpong will report the ping pong times between adjacent nodes in the hostlist. A separate file is output for each run but the 1024 byte results will be displayed in a table sorted from best to worst. Here is an example of how to run:

qsub -l select=8:ncpus=1:mpiprocs=1,place=scatter:excl -- ~/apps/imb-mpi/ <select mpi> (options: impi2016,impi2018,impi2019,ompi)

The allreduce will perform the 8 and 16 byte all reduce with all the cores for the job. Run as follows:

qsub -l select=8:ncpus=60:mpiprocs=60,place=scatter:excl -- ~/apps/imb-mpi/ <select mpi> (options: impi2016,impi2018,impi2019,ompi)