First copy the apps directory to the cluster. The azhpc-scp
can be used to do this:
azhpc-scp -r $azhpc_dir/apps hpcuser@headnode:.
Alternatively you can checkout the azurehpc repository but you will need to update the paths according to where you put it.
For this the headnode needs to be a HC node with CentOS-HPC-7.6 upwards
azhpc-run -u hpcuser $azhpc_dir/apps/openfoam_org/
azhpc-run -u hpcuser $azhpc_dir/apps/openfoam_org/
OpenFOAM is run on the headnode. First, Log-in to headnode as hpcuser (using "azhpc-connect -u hpcuser headnode"). Then git clone the azhpc repo
Run motorbike_2m model
qsub -l select=1:ncpus=30:mpiprocs=30,place=scatter:excl $azhpc_dir/apps/openfoam_org/
Run OpenFoam tutorial (Not working yet. Does not recognize changing core counts)
qsub -l select=1:ncpus=30:mpiprocs=30,place=scatter:excl -- $azhpc_dir/apps/openfoam_org/ incompressible simpleFoam rotorDisk
You can run a different tutorial by changing the first (Tutorial name e.g incompressible), second (Solver, e.g simpleFoam) and third (case name, e.g SimpleFoam) arguments.