Obsidian language development
- Install IntelliJ and the Scala plugin (https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/).
- Install protoc (https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf). On macOS:
brew install protobuf
. - Install sbt (https://www.scala-sbt.org/release/docs/Setup.html).
- Install gradle. On macOS:
brew install gradle
- In a terminal, go to the root of the Obsidian project folder.
- Run:
. This will build the compiler, generating a Jar file in target/scala-2.12/.
- Install nodejs (https://nodejs.org/en/).
- Install typescript (
npm install -g typescript
). - Install VSCode (https://code.visualstudio.com).
- Copy the obs-vscode-extension directory into ~/.vscode/extensions.
cd ~/.vscode/extensions/obs-vscode-extension
and runtsc
to build the extension.- Use VSCode to edit Obsidian files.
- Make sure the bin directory of the Obsidian codebase is in your $PATH.
- Open a .obs file (Obsidian source code; you can start with a demo project in
). - Use the Obsidian: Compile File command. On the Mac, you can find this by typing ⌘-Shift-P and typing "Obsidian".
- To run the compiler, run
bin/obsidianc foo.obs
, where foo.obs is the path to the Obsidian file you want to compile. The file should include a main contract but can reference other files viaimport
. - A folder named after the input class will be generated at the root of the directory containing the structure needed for Fabric deployment
To generate the Fabric structure elsewhere, pass --output-path
with the path to the directory.
To use the chaincode on Fabric, some pre-requisites have to be met. First of all, you should have Docker installed on your machine. Then:
- In a terminal, go to the root of the Obsidian project folder.
- Run the following command:
curl -sSL http://bit.ly/2ysbOFE | bash -s 1.4.1 -s
This installs all the platform-specific binaries you need to run a Fabric network and places them in the bin
sub-directory of the Obsidian project.
It also downloads all the required Docker images and places them in your local Docker registry, tagged as latest
For detailed instructions, go to https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.4/install.html
To deploy and invoke the generated chaincode in a real Fabric environment, follow these steps:
- Generate the chaincode following the compiler usage instructions above.
- Go into the
folder and run the command./up.sh -s PATH_TO_CHAINCODE
, where the path is from the root of the repository, i.e if the folder was generated with default settings, you simply specify the name of the folder (ex: StringContainer) - Run
./invoke.sh FUNCTION_NAME ARG1 ARG2 ...
, for instance:./invoke.sh setS randomstring
- After you are done, run
to kill and cleanup all Docker containers.
If you wish to upgrade the chaincode on the network without destroying and recreating the entire network, you can run ./upgrade.sh
This command uses the same path to the chaincode that you originally uploaded, so there is no need to pass any arguments.
- Open the Obsidian project in IntellJ.
- Run > Edit Configurations…
- New Application Configuration.
- Set the main class as
- Edit the configurations to run the program with the following arguments:
- Run the program
- A folder named after the input class will be generated at the root of the directory containing the structure needed for Fabric deployment.
If changes are made to the Obsidian_Runtime code, a new .jar has to be generated and published since the Fabric chaincode relies on it.
To do so, go to the Obsidian_Runtime folder and run gradle publish
Then, push the modified .jar to the Git master branch, and it will be available online at http://obsidian-lang.com/repository
Environment Variables:
: The root directory of the compiler repository. Needed to be able to locate some compiler resources.