├── 3D models
│ ├── cover.ipt
│ ├── cover.stl
│ ├── main.ipt
│ ├── main.stl
│ ├── plasticchipPlasticPart_OnePiece_181012.0008.ipt
│ ├── plasticchipPlasticPart_OnePiece_181012.stl
│ ├── top.ipt
│ └── top.stl
├── Arduino Code
│ └── Controler.ino
├── Circuit_diagram
│ └── heater.pdf
├── Figure 3 data.xlsx
├── temperature_log.txt
└── README.md
The 3D models directory contains the 3D models of the mobile heater, the .ipt files are the source file and the .stl files are for 3D printing. These were generated using Autodesk Inventor software.
The Arduino Code directory includes the program for the micro-controller. You can edit it with Arduino IDE.
The Figure 3 data.xlsx includes the performance test results of the heater.
The temperature_log.txt provides an example of the temperature log stored on the phone during the field test.
The schematic of the heater circuit was placed in Circuit_diagram folder.