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Stanford CoreNLP - Stanford's Suite of NLP Tools

Copyright © 2009-2020 The Board of Trustees of
The Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved.


Please look at the URL below for documentation for Stanford CoreNLP:


// StanfordCoreNLP -- a suite of NLP tools
// Copyright © 2009-2020 The Board of Trustees of
// The Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see .
// For more information, bug reports, fixes, contact:
//    Christopher Manning
//    Dept of Computer Science, Gates 2A
//    Stanford CA 94305-9020
//    USA


2020-04-19    4.0.0     Changed to UDv2 tokenization ("new" LDC Treebank,
                        for English); handles multi-word-tokens;
                        improved UDv2-based taggers and parsers for
                        English, French, German, Spanish; new French NER;
                        new Chinese segmenter; library updates, bug fixes

2018-10-05    3.9.2     improved NER pipeline and entity mention 
                        confidences; support for Java 11; new POS 
                        models for English; 4 methods for setting 
                        document dates; tokenizer improvements; 
                        CoreNLP runs as filter from stdin to stdout; 
                        bug fixes 

2018-02-27    3.9.1     Bug fixes, minor enhancements 

2018-01-31    3.9.0     Spanish KBP and new dependency parse model, 
                        wrapper API for data, quote attribution 
                        improvements, easier use of coref info, bug 

2017-06-09    3.8.0     Web service annotator, discussion forum
                        handling, new French and Spanish models

2016-10-31    3.7.0     KBP Annotator, improved coreference, Arabic

2015-12-09    3.6.0     Improved coreference, OpenIE integration,
                        Stanford CoreNLP server

2015-04-20    3.5.2     Switch to Universal dependencies, add Chinese
                        coreference system to CoreNLP

2015-01-29    3.5.1     NER, dependency parser, SPIED improvements;
                        general bugfixes

2014-10-26    3.5.0     Upgrade to Java 1.8; add annotators for
                        dependency parsing and relation extraction

2014-08-27    3.4.1     Add Spanish models

2014-06-16      3.4     Add shift reduce parser

2014-01-04    3.3.1     Bugfix release

2013-11-12    3.3.0     Add sentiment model, minor sutime improvements

2013-06-19    3.2.0     New RNN parser model, more efficient tagger

2013-04-04    1.3.5     Speed improvements, coref improvements,
                        Chinese version, -nthreads option

2012-11-12    1.3.4     Improved ner model and dependency code,
                        now possible to change annotator pool for
                        later StanfordCoreNLP objects

2012-07-09    1.3.3     Minor bug fixes

2012-05-22    1.3.2     Improvements to sutime

2012-03-09    1.3.1     Now supports caseless models (available as DLC)

2011-12-16    1.3.0     Threadsafe!
                        Bugs in time annotation fixed

2011-09-14    1.2.0     Time expression recognizer added to ner annotator
                        Output bugfixes
                        Parser can now substitute for tagger

2011-06-19    1.1.0     Improved coref release

2011-05-15    1.0.4     More efficient dcoref data structure
                        Supports already-tokenized input text

2011-04-17    1.0.3     Compatible with other releases
                        Support loading arbitrary annotators
                        Tagger bug fixes, such as "EOS" token

2010-11-11    1.0.2     Remove wn.jar

2010-11-11    1.0.1     Add xml removal

2010-10-07      1.0     Initial release